Meme ideas

Come up with funny ideas for memes.

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Give me some dog meme ideas:


Dog Meme Ideas:

Trending Formats:

  • "Girl Explaining" but with a dog barking intensely at something mundane like a squirrel or mailman. Caption could be something like, "Him: breathes // My dog:"
  • AI generated dog images: Use an AI image generator with a funny prompt like "a pug wearing a cowboy hat riding a horse" and caption it with something like "AI is getting out of hand."
  • "Little Miss" memes but with dog breeds. For example, "Little Miss Barks at Everything," "Little Miss Sleeps All Day," or "Little Miss Chases Squirrels."

Classic Concepts:

  • Dogs reacting to disliked foods like vegetables.
  • Dogs looking guilty after mischief.
  • Dogs begging for treats with puppy-dog eyes.
  • Dogs sleeping in awkward positions.
  • Dogs wearing clothes or costumes.
  • Dogs playing and having fun.

Specific Scenarios:

  • A dog's reaction to going to the vet.
  • A dog's disappointment when their owner leaves for work.
  • A dog's excitement when their owner comes home.
  • A dog's confusion when encountering a new object.
  • The difference between small and large dogs.


  • Combine dog memes with other popular meme formats for a unique twist.
  • Use puns or wordplay related to dogs and dog breeds.
  • Add text to images of your own dog for a personal touch.

I hope these ideas inspire you to create some hilarious dog memes!

Model: gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 1024
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95