Nicht beantwortbare Frage absichern

Stellen Sie dem Modell eine nicht beantwortbare Frage.

Sie können ein Modell direkt abfragen und die zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse testen, wenn Sie verschiedene Parameterwerte mit der Cloud Console oder durch direkten Aufruf der Vertex AI API verwenden.


User: I want to find a regular movie at 99 Century in Redwood City.
Agent: What is the date and movie?
User: The day after tomorrow and FakeMovie!
Agent: At 99 Century Redwood City Downtown #21, I have a 11 pm time slot.
User: I want a cab to go to 825 Dummy Road.
Agent: How many seats do you need.
User: It is for myself.
Agent: Do you want a shared cab?
User: I am ok with shared.
Agent: Confirm shared ride for 1 to 825 Dummy Road.
User: Yes I confirm that.
Agent: Your ride is on the way.
User: What is duration and cost?

According to the conversation, tell me what was the total cost of the ride?



The conversation does not mention the cost of the ride, so I cannot
answer this question from the provided context.

Modell: gemini-1.0-pro-001
Temperatur: 0,2
Max. Ausgabetokens: 2.048
TopK: 40
TopP: 0,95