Creare prompt MedLM

I modelli MedLM disponibili, MedLM-medium e Le dimensioni MedLM sono modelli di base per le domande mediche risposta e riassunto. Puoi accedere ai modelli utilizzando Vertex AI API MedLM. Questa pagina offre una panoramica dei modelli MedLM disponibili, le API che utilizzi per interagiscono con i modelli e come personalizzarne il comportamento.

Prima di iniziare

  • Vedi la panoramica dei modelli MedLM informazioni sulle responsabilità del cliente, sulle normative, e sulle best practice per l'IA responsabile.
  • Consulta la scheda del modello MedLM per conoscere i dettagli del modello, come Uso previsto di MedLM, panoramica dei dati e informazioni sulla sicurezza. Clic il seguente link per scaricare una versione PDF della scheda del modello MedLM:

    Scarica la scheda del modello MedLM

Progettazione dei prompt

Per interagire con i modelli MedLM, devi inviare istruzioni in linguaggio naturale, chiamate anche prompt, che indicano al modello che vuoi venga generato. Tuttavia, gli LLM a volte possono comportarsi in modi imprevedibili. La progettazione dei prompt è un processo iterativo di tentativi ed errori che richiede tempo pratica per padroneggiare le cose. Scopri di più sulla progettazione di prompt generici. di Google, consulta Introduzione alla progettazione dei prompt. Per indicazioni sulla progettazione di prompt specifici per le attività per il testo, consulta Progettare prompt di testo.

Casi d'uso

  • Riassunto: crea una versione più breve di un documento che incorpora pertinenti dal testo originale. Ad esempio, potresti volere riassumere una nota medica che descrive una visita ambulatoriale ed estrarre informazioni pertinenti per punti dati specifici.
  • Risposta alle domande: fornisce le risposte alle domande sotto forma di testo. Ad esempio: potresti porre una domanda medica generica per generare risposte la knowledge base.

Modelli supportati

  • medlm-medium
  • medlm-large


Gli esempi seguenti mostrano come iniziare a utilizzare l'API MedLM utilizzando le seguenti interfacce:

  • L'API REST di Vertex AI
  • SDK Vertex AI per Python
  • Vertex AI Studio


Prima di utilizzare i dati della richiesta, effettua le seguenti sostituzioni:

  • PROJECT_ID: il tuo ID progetto.
  • MEDLM_MODEL: modello MedLM, medlm-medium o medlm-large.

Metodo HTTP e URL:


Corpo JSON della richiesta:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95

Per inviare la richiesta, scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Python (Colaboratory)

Esegui il seguente codice Python Colaboratory.

!pip install google-cloud-aiplatform

# The following restarts the runtime.
import IPython

app = IPython.Application.instance()
# Note that this will result in a pop-up telling you that the session has
# crashed for an unknown reason. This can be safely ignored and you can continue
# with the following cells after getting this message.

Esegui il seguente codice nel tuo blocco note Colaboratory. Inserisci il tuo nome Google Cloud ove indicato. Per trovare l'ID progetto, consulta Individua l'ID progetto.

from google.colab import auth as google_auth
import vertexai
from vertexai.preview.language_models import TextGenerationModel


# TODO: Replace with project ID from Cloud Console
# (
PROJECT_ID = 'my-project'

# MedLM models are only available in us-central1.
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location='us-central1')

parameters = {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "max_output_tokens": 256,
    "temperature": 0.0,
    "top_k": 40,
    "top_p": 0.80,

model_instance = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("medlm-medium")
response = model_instance.predict(
    "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?",

print(f"Response from Model: {response.text}")

Generative AI Studio

Utilizza Vertex AI Studio per progettare, testare e personalizzare i prompt inviati a l'API MedLM. Prima di utilizzare Vertex AI Studio per MedLM, consulta Provare Vertex AI Studio per i prerequisiti.

Per testare un prompt MedLM utilizzando Vertex AI Studio nella Console Google Cloud, segui questi passaggi:

  1. Nella sezione Vertex AI della console Google Cloud, vai alla pagina di Vertex AI Studio.

    Vai a Vertex AI Studio

  2. Fai clic su Inizia.
  3. Fai clic su Crea prompt.
  4. Nel menu Modello, seleziona MedLM-Medium o MedLM-Large.
  5. Inserisci il tuo prompt nel campo Prompt.
  6. (Facoltativo) Puoi modificare i valori di Temperatura e Limite di token per sperimentare come questi incidono sulla risposta. Ti consigliamo di utilizzare i valori predefiniti. Se hai dubbi su quali valori utilizzare, utilizza i valori predefiniti.
  7. Fai clic su Invia per generare una risposta.
  8. (Facoltativo) Per salvare un prompt, fai clic su Salva.
  9. (Facoltativo) Per visualizzare il codice Python o un comando curl per il tuo prompt, fai clic su Ottieni codice.

Prompt di risposta alle domande

Le seguenti sezioni contengono esempi di prompt a risposta alle domande. Ciascuna del prompt di esempio include i valori consigliati del modello e dei parametri.

Question answering nel formato lungo

Gli esempi seguenti mostrano in che modo l'API MedLM risponde a un formato lungo domanda medica formulata come una query.


Prima di utilizzare i dati della richiesta, effettua le seguenti sostituzioni:

  • PROJECT_ID: il tuo ID progetto.
  • MEDLM_MODEL: modello MedLM, medlm-medium o medlm-large.

Metodo HTTP e URL:


Corpo JSON della richiesta:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95

Per inviare la richiesta, scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Question: What causes you to get ringworm?"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Risposte a domande a scelta multipla

Gli esempi seguenti mostrano in che modo l'API MedLM risponde a scelta multipla domanda medica. Il prompt è il seguente:

Instructions: This text contains multiple-choice questions about medical knowledge. Solve each question step-by-step, starting by summarizing the available information. Select a single option from the four choices provided as the final answer.

Question 1: Which medication causes the maximum increase in prolactin level?
(A) Risperidone
(B) Clozapine
(C) Olanzapine
(D) Aripiprazole

Explanation: To solve this question, let's refer to authoritative sources. Clozapine generally does not elevate prolactin levels. Atypicals like olanzapine and aripiprazole cause little to no elevation. Risperidone, on the other hand, is known to result in a sustained elevated prolactin level. Therefore, risperidone is likely to cause the maximum increase in prolactin level.

Answer: (A)

Question 2: What is the recommended age for routine screening mammography?
(A) 20 years
(B) 30 years
(C) 40 years
(D) 50 years

Explanation: The age of routine screening may vary depending on the country. In the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, it is recommended to start routine screening mammography at 40 years of age. In Europe, it is typically closer to 50 years. For a patient based in the US, the best answer is 40 years.

Answer: (C)

Question 3: A 65-year-old male experiences severe back pain and paralysis in his left lower limb. Imaging studies show compression of nerve elements at the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 and S1. Which structure is most likely causing this compression?
(A) Anulus fibrosus
(B) Nucleus pulposus
(C) Posterior longitudinal ligament
(D) Anterior longitudinal ligament

Explanation: This man's symptoms and imaging findings are consistent with a herniated intervertebral disk. The soft, gelatinous "nucleus pulposus" is forced out through a weakened part of the disk, resulting in back pain and nerve root irritation. In this case, the impingement is resulting in paralysis, which should be considered a medical emergency. Overall, the structure that is causing the compression and symptoms is the nucleus pulposus.

Answer: (B)

Question 4: Which cells in the lungs are also known as APUD cells?
(A) Dendritic cells
(B) Type I pneumocytes
(C) Type II pneumocytes
(D) Neuroendocrine cells

Explanation: Neuroendocrine cells, also known as Kultschitsky-type cells, Feyrter cells, and APUD cells, are found in the basal layer of the surface epithelium and in the bronchial glands.

Answer: (D)

Question 5: Which microorganism indicates remote contamination of water?
(A) Streptococci
(B) Staphylococci
(C) Clostridium perfringens
(D) Vibrio

Explanation: The presence of Clostridium perfringens in water indicates remote contamination because it is a spore-forming bacterium that can survive in the environment for extended periods of time.

Answer: (C)


Prima di utilizzare i dati della richiesta, effettua le seguenti sostituzioni:

  • PROJECT_ID: il tuo ID progetto.
  • MEDLM_MODEL: modello MedLM, medlm-medium o medlm-large.

Metodo HTTP e URL:


Corpo JSON della richiesta:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Instructions: The following are multiple choice questions about medical knowledge. Solve them in a step-by-step fashion, starting by summarizing the available information. Output a single option from the four options as the final answer. \n \nQuestion: Maximum increase in prolactin level is caused by: \n(A) Risperidone (B) Clozapine (C) Olanzapine (D) Aripiprazole \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Clozapine generally does not raise prolactin levels. Atypicals such as olanzapine and aripiprazole cause small if no elevation. Risperidone is known to result in a sustained elevated prolactin level. Therefore risperidone is likely to cause the maximum increase in prolactin level. \nAnswer: (A) \n \nQuestion: What is the age of routine screening mammography? \n(A) 20 years (B) 30 years (C) 40 years (D) 50 years \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. The age of routine screening depends on the country you are interested in and varies widely. For the US, it is 40 years of age according to the American Cancer Society. In Europe, it is typically closer to 50 years. For a patient based in the US, the best answer is 40 years. \nAnswer: (C) \n \nQuestion: A 65-year-old male complains of severe back pain and inability to move his left lower limb. Radiographic studies demonstrate the compression of nerve elements at the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 and S1. Which structure is most likely responsible for this space-occupying lesion? \n(A) Anulus fibrosus (B) Nucleus pulposus (C) Posterior longitudinal ligament (D) Anterior longitudinal ligament \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. This man describes a herniated invertebral disk through a tear in the surrounding annulus fibrosus. The soft, gelatinous \"nucleus pulposus\" is forced out through a weakened part of the disk, resulting in back pain and nerve root irritation. In this case, the impingement is resulting in paralysis, and should be considered a medical emergency. Overall, the structure that is causing the compression and symptoms is the nucleus pulposus. \nAnswer: (B) \n \nQuestion: Neuroendocrine cells in the lungs are: \n(A) Dendritic cells (B) Type I pneumocytes (C) Type II pneumocytes (D) APUD cells \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Neuroendocrine cells, which are also known as Kultschitsky-type cells, Feyrter cells and APUD cells, are found in the basal layer of the surface epithelium and in the bronchial glands. \nAnswer: (D) \n \nQuestion: Presence of it indicates remote contamination of water \n(A) Streptococci (B) Staphalococci (C) Clastridium pertringes (D) Nibrio \n"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0.2,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256

Per inviare la richiesta, scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "instances": [
      "content": "Instructions: The following are multiple choice questions about medical knowledge. Solve them in a step-by-step fashion, starting by summarizing the available information. Output a single option from the four options as the final answer. \n \nQuestion: Maximum increase in prolactin level is caused by: \n(A) Risperidone (B) Clozapine (C) Olanzapine (D) Aripiprazole \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Clozapine generally does not raise prolactin levels. Atypicals such as olanzapine and aripiprazole cause small if no elevation. Risperidone is known to result in a sustained elevated prolactin level. Therefore risperidone is likely to cause the maximum increase in prolactin level. \nAnswer: (A) \n \nQuestion: What is the age of routine screening mammography? \n(A) 20 years (B) 30 years (C) 40 years (D) 50 years \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. The age of routine screening depends on the country you are interested in and varies widely. For the US, it is 40 years of age according to the American Cancer Society. In Europe, it is typically closer to 50 years. For a patient based in the US, the best answer is 40 years. \nAnswer: (C) \n \nQuestion: A 65-year-old male complains of severe back pain and inability to move his left lower limb. Radiographic studies demonstrate the compression of nerve elements at the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 and S1. Which structure is most likely responsible for this space-occupying lesion? \n(A) Anulus fibrosus (B) Nucleus pulposus (C) Posterior longitudinal ligament (D) Anterior longitudinal ligament \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. This man describes a herniated invertebral disk through a tear in the surrounding annulus fibrosus. The soft, gelatinous \"nucleus pulposus\" is forced out through a weakened part of the disk, resulting in back pain and nerve root irritation. In this case, the impingement is resulting in paralysis, and should be considered a medical emergency. Overall, the structure that is causing the compression and symptoms is the nucleus pulposus. \nAnswer: (B) \n \nQuestion: Neuroendocrine cells in the lungs are: \n(A) Dendritic cells (B) Type I pneumocytes (C) Type II pneumocytes (D) APUD cells \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Neuroendocrine cells, which are also known as Kultschitsky-type cells, Feyrter cells and APUD cells, are found in the basal layer of the surface epithelium and in the bronchial glands. \nAnswer: (D) \n \nQuestion: Presence of it indicates remote contamination of water \n(A) Streptococci (B) Staphalococci (C) Clastridium pertringes (D) Nibrio \n"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0.2,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Instructions: The following are multiple choice questions about medical knowledge. Solve them in a step-by-step fashion, starting by summarizing the available information. Output a single option from the four options as the final answer. \n \nQuestion: Maximum increase in prolactin level is caused by: \n(A) Risperidone (B) Clozapine (C) Olanzapine (D) Aripiprazole \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Clozapine generally does not raise prolactin levels. Atypicals such as olanzapine and aripiprazole cause small if no elevation. Risperidone is known to result in a sustained elevated prolactin level. Therefore risperidone is likely to cause the maximum increase in prolactin level. \nAnswer: (A) \n \nQuestion: What is the age of routine screening mammography? \n(A) 20 years (B) 30 years (C) 40 years (D) 50 years \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. The age of routine screening depends on the country you are interested in and varies widely. For the US, it is 40 years of age according to the American Cancer Society. In Europe, it is typically closer to 50 years. For a patient based in the US, the best answer is 40 years. \nAnswer: (C) \n \nQuestion: A 65-year-old male complains of severe back pain and inability to move his left lower limb. Radiographic studies demonstrate the compression of nerve elements at the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 and S1. Which structure is most likely responsible for this space-occupying lesion? \n(A) Anulus fibrosus (B) Nucleus pulposus (C) Posterior longitudinal ligament (D) Anterior longitudinal ligament \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. This man describes a herniated invertebral disk through a tear in the surrounding annulus fibrosus. The soft, gelatinous \"nucleus pulposus\" is forced out through a weakened part of the disk, resulting in back pain and nerve root irritation. In this case, the impingement is resulting in paralysis, and should be considered a medical emergency. Overall, the structure that is causing the compression and symptoms is the nucleus pulposus. \nAnswer: (B) \n \nQuestion: Neuroendocrine cells in the lungs are: \n(A) Dendritic cells (B) Type I pneumocytes (C) Type II pneumocytes (D) APUD cells \nExplanation: Let's solve this step-by-step, referring to authoritative sources as needed. Neuroendocrine cells, which are also known as Kultschitsky-type cells, Feyrter cells and APUD cells, are found in the basal layer of the surface epithelium and in the bronchial glands. \nAnswer: (D) \n \nQuestion: Presence of it indicates remote contamination of water \n(A) Streptococci (B) Staphalococci (C) Clastridium pertringes (D) Nibrio \n"
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0.2,
    "maxOutputTokens": 256
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Prompt di riassunto

Le sezioni seguenti contengono esempi di prompt di riepilogo. Ciascuna del prompt di esempio include i valori consigliati del modello e dei parametri.

Scrivere un riepilogo dopo la visita

I seguenti esempi mostrano come generare un riepilogo post-visita per un paziente sulla base di una nota di visita ambulatoriale. Il prompt contiene quanto segue:

  • Un preambolo contenente l'istruzione del modello.
  • Una descrizione di ogni campo da estrarre per il riepilogo.

Il formato del riepilogo dopo la visita si basa su Sieferd et al. (2019) e consigli della UK Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. Se vuoi, puoi aggiungere esempi di few-shot prima delle note e dei riepiloghi.

Il prompt è il seguente:

Please read through the provided medical note describing an outpatient visit and extract the relevant information for each of the following 12 fields:

- Patient name/age/gender: This should summarize the patient's name, age and gender. It should use the format: "[Patient name], [age] year old [gender]". If the name is not mentioned in the note, please answer "Not available".
- Today I was seen by: This field should provide the name of the provider. If the provider seen for the note being summarized is not mentioned, please answer "Not available".
- I came in today for: This field should indicate the chief complaint or complaints that caused the visit.
- New health issues identified today are: This field should indicate any new diagnoses or other issues identified as a result of the visit being summarized. If the issue is a pre-existing condition identified in the past, please answer "No new diagnosis".
- Other health issues I have are: This field should indicate any pre-existing health issues identified in notes.
- Today we accomplished: This field should summarize the main topics of discussion and results of any procedures performed during the current visit. The summary could be a short list of procedures, or could be a text description of the patient's experience. Please be as brief as possible when providing details, such as test results or medication names. Describing the experience from the patient's point of view, using phrases like "my visit", "my condition".
- My important numbers: This field should provide the results of any measurements relevant to the  visit, including vitals. Provide the results of any numeric measurements relevant to the visit, including vitals, laboratory studies, or pain scores. Please include the numbers that should be monitored. Do not fabricate numbers that are not presented in the note.

- Changes to my medications are: This field should specify any medications that were added, for which the doses were updated, or which are no longer needed after the visit. Please specify both newly added and stopped medications when possible. If no changes are apparent from the note, please answer "no changes".
- Other medications I have are: If the note indicates any existing medications for the patient that the patient should continue taking without changes, list them here. If no medications are indicated in the note, please  "Not specified".
- My next steps are: This field should document the patient's next steps, including any actions they should take, test results they should expect, and follow-up visits they should schedule, along with the appropriate time frames for each.
- I should seek immediate medical attention if: If the note specifies any conditions for which the patient should immediately seek care, specify it here. Be sure to only include conditions that are mentioned in the note. If no conditions are mentioned, write "Not specified".
- Other comments from my provider: This is an optional extra field that captures any additional relevant information the provider indicated in the notes that it would be useful for the patient to know. Do not include information that is already listed in the previous field.
For each field, write at a sixth-grade reading level and avoid using abbreviations or jargon.

Output the summary in the following format:
- Patient name/age/gender:
- Today I was seen by:
- I came in today for:
- New health issues identified today are:
- Other health issues I have are:
- Today we accomplished:
- My important numbers:
- Changes to my medications are:
- Other medications I have are:
- My next steps are:
- I should seek immediate medical attention if:
- Other comments from my provider:



After Visit Summary:


Prima di utilizzare i dati della richiesta, effettua le seguenti sostituzioni:

  • PROJECT_ID: il tuo ID progetto.
  • MEDLM_MODEL: modello MedLM, medlm-medium o medlm-large.
  • INPUT_NOTE: la nota di input da riassumere.

Metodo HTTP e URL:


Corpo JSON della richiesta:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Please read through the provided medical note describing an outpatient visit and extract the relevant information for each of the following 12 fields:\n\n- Patient name/age/gender: This should summarize the patient\u2019s name, age and gender. It should use the format: '[Patient name], [age] year old [gender]'. If the name is not mentioned in the note, please answer \"Not available\".\n- Today I was seen by: This field should provide the name of the provider. If the provider seen for the note being summarized is not mentioned, please answer 'Not available'.\n- I came in today for: This field should indicate the chief complaint or complaints that caused the visit.\n- New health issues identified today are: This field should indicate any new diagnoses or other issues identified as a result of the visit being summarized. If the issue is a pre-existing condition identified in the past, please answer 'No new diagnosis'.\n- Other health issues I have are: This field should indicate any pre-existing health issues identified in notes.\n- Today we accomplished: This field should summarize the main topics of discussion and results of any procedures performed during the current visit. The summary could be a short list of procedures, or could be a text description of the patient\u2019s experience. Please be as brief as possible when providing details, such as test results or medication names. Describing the experience from the patient\u2019s point of view, using phrases like 'my visit', 'my condition'.\n- My important numbers: This field should provide the results of any measurements relevant to the  visit, including vitals. Provide the results of any numeric measurements relevant to the visit, including vitals, laboratory studies, or pain scores. Please include the numbers that should be monitored. Do not fabricate numbers that are not presented in the note.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n- Changes to my medications are: This field should specify any medications that were added, for which the doses were updated, or which are no longer needed after the visit. Please specify both newly added and stopped medications when possible. If no changes are apparent from the note, please answer 'no changes'.\n- Other medications I have are: If the note indicates any existing medications for the patient that the patient should continue taking without changes, list them here. If no medications are indicated in the note, please  'Not specified'.\n- My next steps are: This field should document the patient\u2019s next steps, including any actions they should take, test results they should expect, and follow-up visits they should schedule, along with the appropriate time frames for each.\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if: If the note specifies any conditions for which the patient should immediately seek care, specify it here. Be sure to only include conditions that are mentioned in the note. If no conditions are mentioned, write 'Not specified'.\n- Other comments from my provider: This is an optional extra field that captures any additional relevant information the provider indicated in the notes that it would be useful for the patient to know. Do not include information that is already listed in the previous field.\nFor each field, write at a sixth-grade reading level and avoid using abbreviations or jargon.\n\nOutput the summary in the following format:\n- Patient name/age/gender:\n- Today I was seen by:\n- I came in today for:\n- New health issues identified today are:\n- Other health issues I have are:\n- Today we accomplished:\n- My important numbers:\n- Changes to my medications are:\n- Other medications I have are:\n- My next steps are:\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if:\n- Other comments from my provider:\n\n Note:\n\n INPUT_NOTE \n\nAfter Visit Summary:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80

Per inviare la richiesta, scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "instances": [
      "content": "Please read through the provided medical note describing an outpatient visit and extract the relevant information for each of the following 12 fields:\n\n- Patient name/age/gender: This should summarize the patient\u2019s name, age and gender. It should use the format: '[Patient name], [age] year old [gender]'. If the name is not mentioned in the note, please answer \"Not available\".\n- Today I was seen by: This field should provide the name of the provider. If the provider seen for the note being summarized is not mentioned, please answer 'Not available'.\n- I came in today for: This field should indicate the chief complaint or complaints that caused the visit.\n- New health issues identified today are: This field should indicate any new diagnoses or other issues identified as a result of the visit being summarized. If the issue is a pre-existing condition identified in the past, please answer 'No new diagnosis'.\n- Other health issues I have are: This field should indicate any pre-existing health issues identified in notes.\n- Today we accomplished: This field should summarize the main topics of discussion and results of any procedures performed during the current visit. The summary could be a short list of procedures, or could be a text description of the patient\u2019s experience. Please be as brief as possible when providing details, such as test results or medication names. Describing the experience from the patient\u2019s point of view, using phrases like 'my visit', 'my condition'.\n- My important numbers: This field should provide the results of any measurements relevant to the  visit, including vitals. Provide the results of any numeric measurements relevant to the visit, including vitals, laboratory studies, or pain scores. Please include the numbers that should be monitored. Do not fabricate numbers that are not presented in the note.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n- Changes to my medications are: This field should specify any medications that were added, for which the doses were updated, or which are no longer needed after the visit. Please specify both newly added and stopped medications when possible. If no changes are apparent from the note, please answer 'no changes'.\n- Other medications I have are: If the note indicates any existing medications for the patient that the patient should continue taking without changes, list them here. If no medications are indicated in the note, please  'Not specified'.\n- My next steps are: This field should document the patient\u2019s next steps, including any actions they should take, test results they should expect, and follow-up visits they should schedule, along with the appropriate time frames for each.\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if: If the note specifies any conditions for which the patient should immediately seek care, specify it here. Be sure to only include conditions that are mentioned in the note. If no conditions are mentioned, write 'Not specified'.\n- Other comments from my provider: This is an optional extra field that captures any additional relevant information the provider indicated in the notes that it would be useful for the patient to know. Do not include information that is already listed in the previous field.\nFor each field, write at a sixth-grade reading level and avoid using abbreviations or jargon.\n\nOutput the summary in the following format:\n- Patient name/age/gender:\n- Today I was seen by:\n- I came in today for:\n- New health issues identified today are:\n- Other health issues I have are:\n- Today we accomplished:\n- My important numbers:\n- Changes to my medications are:\n- Other medications I have are:\n- My next steps are:\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if:\n- Other comments from my provider:\n\n Note:\n\n INPUT_NOTE \n\nAfter Visit Summary:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

  "instances": [
      "content": "Please read through the provided medical note describing an outpatient visit and extract the relevant information for each of the following 12 fields:\n\n- Patient name/age/gender: This should summarize the patient\u2019s name, age and gender. It should use the format: '[Patient name], [age] year old [gender]'. If the name is not mentioned in the note, please answer \"Not available\".\n- Today I was seen by: This field should provide the name of the provider. If the provider seen for the note being summarized is not mentioned, please answer 'Not available'.\n- I came in today for: This field should indicate the chief complaint or complaints that caused the visit.\n- New health issues identified today are: This field should indicate any new diagnoses or other issues identified as a result of the visit being summarized. If the issue is a pre-existing condition identified in the past, please answer 'No new diagnosis'.\n- Other health issues I have are: This field should indicate any pre-existing health issues identified in notes.\n- Today we accomplished: This field should summarize the main topics of discussion and results of any procedures performed during the current visit. The summary could be a short list of procedures, or could be a text description of the patient\u2019s experience. Please be as brief as possible when providing details, such as test results or medication names. Describing the experience from the patient\u2019s point of view, using phrases like 'my visit', 'my condition'.\n- My important numbers: This field should provide the results of any measurements relevant to the  visit, including vitals. Provide the results of any numeric measurements relevant to the visit, including vitals, laboratory studies, or pain scores. Please include the numbers that should be monitored. Do not fabricate numbers that are not presented in the note.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n- Changes to my medications are: This field should specify any medications that were added, for which the doses were updated, or which are no longer needed after the visit. Please specify both newly added and stopped medications when possible. If no changes are apparent from the note, please answer 'no changes'.\n- Other medications I have are: If the note indicates any existing medications for the patient that the patient should continue taking without changes, list them here. If no medications are indicated in the note, please  'Not specified'.\n- My next steps are: This field should document the patient\u2019s next steps, including any actions they should take, test results they should expect, and follow-up visits they should schedule, along with the appropriate time frames for each.\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if: If the note specifies any conditions for which the patient should immediately seek care, specify it here. Be sure to only include conditions that are mentioned in the note. If no conditions are mentioned, write 'Not specified'.\n- Other comments from my provider: This is an optional extra field that captures any additional relevant information the provider indicated in the notes that it would be useful for the patient to know. Do not include information that is already listed in the previous field.\nFor each field, write at a sixth-grade reading level and avoid using abbreviations or jargon.\n\nOutput the summary in the following format:\n- Patient name/age/gender:\n- Today I was seen by:\n- I came in today for:\n- New health issues identified today are:\n- Other health issues I have are:\n- Today we accomplished:\n- My important numbers:\n- Changes to my medications are:\n- Other medications I have are:\n- My next steps are:\n- I should seek immediate medical attention if:\n- Other comments from my provider:\n\n Note:\n\n INPUT_NOTE \n\nAfter Visit Summary:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80
'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Scrivi una nota di storia e di esame fisico (H&P) da una trascrizione

I seguenti esempi mostrano come accelerare la documentazione clinica inviare una richiesta all'API MedLM per scrivere una bozza di cronologia nota di un esame fisico (H&P) dalla trascrizione di una conversazione medica tra il medico e il paziente.

La nota H&P è una nota clinica completa che documenta la storia clinica e visita medica svolta dal medico. MedLM può raccogliere molte delle informazioni cliniche necessarie per scrivere una nota di questo tipo nella conversazione tra il medico e il paziente durante la visita medica.

Supponiamo che tu abbia la trascrizione di una conversazione di carattere medico nei seguenti casi: formato. I relatori della conversazione sono noti:

PROVIDER: Welcome! How can we help you this morning?
PATIENT: I think I hurt my ankle while playing football last night. Now even walking hurts.
PROVIDER: I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me how it happened?
PATIENT: I was playing soccer last night and I think I trip and twisted my ankle.
PROVIDER: Did it start hurting right away? Did you try anything to alleviate the pain?
PATIENT: It got worse last night. I took some ibuprofen, but it really didn't help.


Prima di utilizzare i dati della richiesta, effettua le seguenti sostituzioni:

  • PROJECT_ID: il tuo ID progetto.
  • MEDLM_MODEL: modello MedLM, medlm-medium o medlm-large.

Metodo HTTP e URL:


Corpo JSON della richiesta:

  "instances": [
      "content": "You are charting a patient record. Read through the provided transcript of a conversation between a healthcare provider and a patient and write a history and physical examination note.\n\nTranscript: \n PROVIDER: Welcome! How can we help you this morning?\nPATIENT: I think I hurt my ankle while playing football last night. Now even walking hurts.\nPROVIDER: I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me how it happened?\nPATIENT: I was playing soccer last night and I think I trip and twisted my ankle.\nPROVIDER: Did it start hurting right away? Did you try anything to alleviate the pain?\nPATIENT: It got worse last night. I took some ibuprofen, but it really didn't help.\n\nHistory and Physical Note:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80

Per inviare la richiesta, scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

cat > request.json << 'EOF'
  "instances": [
      "content": "You are charting a patient record. Read through the provided transcript of a conversation between a healthcare provider and a patient and write a history and physical examination note.\n\nTranscript: \n PROVIDER: Welcome! How can we help you this morning?\nPATIENT: I think I hurt my ankle while playing football last night. Now even walking hurts.\nPROVIDER: I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me how it happened?\nPATIENT: I was playing soccer last night and I think I trip and twisted my ankle.\nPROVIDER: Did it start hurting right away? Did you try anything to alleviate the pain?\nPATIENT: It got worse last night. I took some ibuprofen, but it really didn't help.\n\nHistory and Physical Note:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80


Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Salva il corpo della richiesta in un file denominato request.json. Esegui questo comando nel terminale per creare o sovrascrivere questo file nella directory corrente:

  "instances": [
      "content": "You are charting a patient record. Read through the provided transcript of a conversation between a healthcare provider and a patient and write a history and physical examination note.\n\nTranscript: \n PROVIDER: Welcome! How can we help you this morning?\nPATIENT: I think I hurt my ankle while playing football last night. Now even walking hurts.\nPROVIDER: I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me how it happened?\nPATIENT: I was playing soccer last night and I think I trip and twisted my ankle.\nPROVIDER: Did it start hurting right away? Did you try anything to alleviate the pain?\nPATIENT: It got worse last night. I took some ibuprofen, but it really didn't help.\n\nHistory and Physical Note:"
  "parameters": {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "temperature": 0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.80

'@  | Out-File -FilePath request.json -Encoding utf8

Quindi, esegui questo comando per inviare la richiesta REST:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Python (Colaboratory)

Esegui il seguente codice Python Colaboratory.

!pip install google-cloud-aiplatform

# The following restarts the runtime.
import IPython

app = IPython.Application.instance()
# Note that this will result in a pop-up telling you that the session has
# crashed for an unknown reason. This can be safely ignored and you can continue
# with the following cells after getting this message.

Esegui il seguente codice nel tuo blocco note Colaboratory. Inserisci il tuo nome Google Cloud ove indicato. Per trovare l'ID progetto, consulta Individua l'ID progetto.

Inserisci il libretto medico dove indicato.

from google.colab import auth as google_auth
import vertexai
from vertexai.preview.language_models import TextGenerationModel


# TODO: Replace with project ID from Cloud Console
# (
PROJECT_ID = 'my-project'

# MedLM models are only available in us-central1.
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location='us-central1')

# TODO: Replace with transcript.
transcript = """
# TODO: Replace with transcript.

note_generation_prompt = f"""\
You are charting a patient record.
Read through the provided transcript of a conversation between a
healthcare provider and a patient and write a history and physical
examination note.


History and Physical note:

parameters = {
    "candidate_count": 1,
    "max_output_tokens": 1024,
    "temperature": 0.0,
    "top_p": 0.80,
    "top_k": 40

model_instance = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("medlm-medium")
response = model_instance.predict(
note = response.text

Tieni presente quanto segue:

  • La nota generata potrebbe contenere inesattezze e deve essere esaminata da un medico prima dell'approvazione.
  • La nota generata potrebbe non rispettare rigorosamente il formato o i requisiti modello del reparto clinico o della specializzazione. È inteso come un punto di partenza per la rappresentazione grafica del paziente.
  • La qualità della nota generata è limitata dall'accuratezza dei dati forniti della trascrizione.

Implementare valutazioni e mitigazioni incentrate sull'equità

MedLM potrebbe produrre risultati meno precisi per alcuni gruppi rispetto ad altri a seconda della domanda e della sua frase. Differenziazione il rendimento degli output del modello nei gruppi demografici ha il potenziale di esacerbare le disuguaglianze sanitarie e di perpetuare pregiudizi dannosi. Queste inesattezze nell'output non sono specifiche MedLM e spesso derivano da molteplici fattori, come la presenza disuguaglianze sociali e strutturali, equivoci in ambito medico, stereotipi negativi e mancanza di diversità nei dati di addestramento.

Valuta la possibilità di implementare valutazioni incentrate sull'equità e mitigazioni dell'impatto ambientale. Di seguito sono elencati alcuni esempi:

  • La valutazione delle prestazioni e del comportamento del modello per i casi d'uso previsti all'interno di popolazioni varie (come gruppo etnico, status socioeconomico, area geografica, identità di genere, orientamento sessuale, età, preferenza della lingua, casta e così via).
  • Ottenere feedback sul rendimento.
  • Coinvolgere esperti interdisciplinari e partner esterni che è specializzata nel definire e affrontare gli aspetti sociali e strutturali della l'integrità fisica.
  • Svolgere continui sforzi di monitoraggio per valutare e risolvere i problemi di bias.

A seconda del tuo caso d'uso, valuta la possibilità di potenziare la tua richiesta con un approccio incentrato sull'equità istruzioni, che possono migliorare la qualità degli output MedLM con in termini di pregiudizi ed equità.

Ad esempio, il seguente testo, quando messo all'inizio di un prompt, migliora la qualità dei risultati sulle domande di medicina basata sul gruppo etnico, come mostrato in Omiye et al. (2023)

You are a medical knowledge assistant who provides useful, complete, and
scientifically-grounded answers to queries. Your answers are unbiased and
up-to-date, and you follow the latest clinical guidelines. You are aware that
guidelines may have changed recently in order to address bias and inaccurate
information about disadvantaged groups. You are committed to providing the best
possible care to all patients, regardless of their race, gender, or
geographical location. You are always learning and growing, and you are open to
feedback. Only account for race, gender, or geographical location in your
answer if you are 100% sure it is correct and unbiased, with no possibility of
making a mistake or providing a response based on outdated guidelines.

La modifica dei prompt influenza gli output del modello, pertanto si consiglia di effettuare valutazioni simili per garantire che altre aree del rendimento non siano interessate.

Consulta la scheda del modello MedLM per ulteriori considerazioni sulle prestazioni del modello.