REST Resource: projects.locations.pipelineJobs

Resource: PipelineJob

An instance of a machine learning PipelineJob.

name string

Output only. The resource name of the PipelineJob.

displayName string

The display name of the Pipeline. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can consist of any UTF-8 characters.

createTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Pipeline creation time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

startTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Pipeline start time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

endTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Pipeline end time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

updateTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. timestamp when this PipelineJob was most recently updated.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

pipelineSpec object (Struct format)

The spec of the pipeline.

state enum (PipelineState)

Output only. The detailed state of the job.

jobDetail object (PipelineJobDetail)

Output only. The details of pipeline run. Not available in the list view.

error object (Status)

Output only. The error that occurred during pipeline execution. Only populated when the pipeline's state is FAILED or CANCELLED.

labels map (key: string, value: string)

The labels with user-defined metadata to organize PipelineJob.

label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed.

See for more information and examples of labels.

Note there is some reserved label key for Vertex AI Pipelines. - vertex-ai-pipelines-run-billing-id, user set value will get overrided.

runtimeConfig object (RuntimeConfig)

Runtime config of the pipeline.

encryptionSpec object (EncryptionSpec)

Customer-managed encryption key spec for a pipelineJob. If set, this PipelineJob and all of its sub-resources will be secured by this key.

serviceAccount string

The service account that the pipeline workload runs as. If not specified, the Compute Engine default service account in the project will be used. See

Users starting the pipeline must have the iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission on this service account.

network string

The full name of the Compute Engine network to which the Pipeline Job's workload should be peered. For example, projects/12345/global/networks/myVPC. Format is of the form projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}. Where {project} is a project number, as in 12345, and {network} is a network name.

Private services access must already be configured for the network. Pipeline job will apply the network configuration to the Google Cloud resources being launched, if applied, such as Vertex AI Training or Dataflow job. If left unspecified, the workload is not peered with any network.

reservedIpRanges[] string

A list of names for the reserved ip ranges under the VPC network that can be used for this Pipeline Job's workload.

If set, we will deploy the Pipeline Job's workload within the provided ip ranges. Otherwise, the job will be deployed to any ip ranges under the provided VPC network.

Example: ['vertex-ai-ip-range'].

pscInterfaceConfig object (PscInterfaceConfig)

Optional. Configuration for PSC-I for PipelineJob.

templateUri string

A template uri from where the PipelineJob.pipeline_spec, if empty, will be downloaded. Currently, only uri from Vertex Template Registry & Gallery is supported. Reference to

templateMetadata object (PipelineTemplateMetadata)

Output only. Pipeline template metadata. Will fill up fields if PipelineJob.template_uri is from supported template registry.

scheduleName string

Output only. The schedule resource name. Only returned if the Pipeline is created by Schedule API.

preflightValidations boolean

Optional. Whether to do component level validations before job creation.

satisfiesPzs boolean

Output only. reserved for future use.

satisfiesPzi boolean

Output only. reserved for future use.

originalPipelineJobId string (int64 format)

Optional. The original pipeline job id if this pipeline job is a rerun of a previous pipeline job.

pipelineTaskRerunConfigs[] object (PipelineTaskRerunConfig)

Optional. The rerun configs for each task in the pipeline job. By default, the rerun will: 1. Use the same input artifacts as the original run. 2. Use the same input parameters as the original run. 3. Skip all the tasks that are already succeeded in the original run. 4. Rerun all the tasks that are not succeeded in the original run. By providing this field, users can override the default behavior and specify the rerun config for each task.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "displayName": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "startTime": string,
  "endTime": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "pipelineSpec": {
  "state": enum (PipelineState),
  "jobDetail": {
    object (PipelineJobDetail)
  "error": {
    object (Status)
  "labels": {
    string: string,
  "runtimeConfig": {
    object (RuntimeConfig)
  "encryptionSpec": {
    object (EncryptionSpec)
  "serviceAccount": string,
  "network": string,
  "reservedIpRanges": [
  "pscInterfaceConfig": {
    object (PscInterfaceConfig)
  "templateUri": string,
  "templateMetadata": {
    object (PipelineTemplateMetadata)
  "scheduleName": string,
  "preflightValidations": boolean,
  "satisfiesPzs": boolean,
  "satisfiesPzi": boolean,
  "originalPipelineJobId": string,
  "pipelineTaskRerunConfigs": [
      object (PipelineTaskRerunConfig)


The runtime detail of PipelineJob.

pipelineContext object (Context)

Output only. The context of the pipeline.

pipelineRunContext object (Context)

Output only. The context of the current pipeline run.

taskDetails[] object (PipelineTaskDetail)

Output only. The runtime details of the tasks under the pipeline.

JSON representation
  "pipelineContext": {
    object (Context)
  "pipelineRunContext": {
    object (Context)
  "taskDetails": [
      object (PipelineTaskDetail)


The runtime detail of a task execution.

taskId string (int64 format)

Output only. The system generated id of the task.

parentTaskId string (int64 format)

Output only. The id of the parent task if the task is within a component scope. Empty if the task is at the root level.

taskName string

Output only. The user specified name of the task that is defined in pipelineSpec.

createTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Task create time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

startTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Task start time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

endTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Task end time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

executorDetail object (PipelineTaskExecutorDetail)

Output only. The detailed execution info.

state enum (State)

Output only. state of the task.

execution object (Execution)

Output only. The execution metadata of the task.

error object (Status)

Output only. The error that occurred during task execution. Only populated when the task's state is FAILED or CANCELLED.

pipelineTaskStatus[] object (PipelineTaskStatus)

Output only. A list of task status. This field keeps a record of task status evolving over time.

inputs map (key: string, value: object (ArtifactList))

Output only. The runtime input artifacts of the task.

outputs map (key: string, value: object (ArtifactList))

Output only. The runtime output artifacts of the task.

JSON representation
  "taskId": string,
  "parentTaskId": string,
  "taskName": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "startTime": string,
  "endTime": string,
  "executorDetail": {
    object (PipelineTaskExecutorDetail)
  "state": enum (State),
  "execution": {
    object (Execution)
  "error": {
    object (Status)
  "pipelineTaskStatus": [
      object (PipelineTaskStatus)
  "inputs": {
    string: {
      object (ArtifactList)
  "outputs": {
    string: {
      object (ArtifactList)


The runtime detail of a pipeline executor.


Union field details.

details can be only one of the following:

containerDetail object (ContainerDetail)

Output only. The detailed info for a container executor.

customJobDetail object (CustomJobDetail)

Output only. The detailed info for a custom job executor.

JSON representation

  // Union field details can be only one of the following:
  "containerDetail": {
    object (ContainerDetail)
  "customJobDetail": {
    object (CustomJobDetail)
  // End of list of possible types for union field details.


The detail of a container execution. It contains the job names of the lifecycle of a container execution.

mainJob string

Output only. The name of the CustomJob for the main container execution.

preCachingCheckJob string

Output only. The name of the CustomJob for the pre-caching-check container execution. This job will be available if the PipelineJob.pipeline_spec specifies the pre_caching_check hook in the lifecycle events.

failedMainJobs[] string

Output only. The names of the previously failed CustomJob for the main container executions. The list includes the all attempts in chronological order.

failedPreCachingCheckJobs[] string

Output only. The names of the previously failed CustomJob for the pre-caching-check container executions. This job will be available if the PipelineJob.pipeline_spec specifies the pre_caching_check hook in the lifecycle events. The list includes the all attempts in chronological order.

JSON representation
  "mainJob": string,
  "preCachingCheckJob": string,
  "failedMainJobs": [
  "failedPreCachingCheckJobs": [


The detailed info for a custom job executor.

job string

Output only. The name of the CustomJob.

failedJobs[] string

Output only. The names of the previously failed CustomJob. The list includes the all attempts in chronological order.

JSON representation
  "job": string,
  "failedJobs": [


Specifies state of TaskExecution

PENDING Specifies pending state for the task.
RUNNING Specifies task is being executed.
SUCCEEDED Specifies task completed successfully.
CANCEL_PENDING Specifies Task cancel is in pending state.
CANCELLING Specifies task is being cancelled.
CANCELLED Specifies task was cancelled.
FAILED Specifies task failed.
SKIPPED Specifies task was skipped due to cache hit.
NOT_TRIGGERED Specifies that the task was not triggered because the task's trigger policy is not satisfied. The trigger policy is specified in the condition field of PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.


A single record of the task status.

updateTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Update time of this status.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

state enum (State)

Output only. The state of the task.

error object (Status)

Output only. The error that occurred during the state. May be set when the state is any of the non-final state (PENDING/RUNNING/CANCELLING) or FAILED state. If the state is FAILED, the error here is final and not going to be retried. If the state is a non-final state, the error indicates a system-error being retried.

JSON representation
  "updateTime": string,
  "state": enum (State),
  "error": {
    object (Status)


A list of artifact metadata.

artifacts[] object (Artifact)

Output only. A list of artifact metadata.

JSON representation
  "artifacts": [
      object (Artifact)


The runtime config of a PipelineJob.

map (key: string, value: object (Value))

Deprecated. Use RuntimeConfig.parameter_values instead. The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.0.0 or lower, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.8 or lower.

gcsOutputDirectory string

Required. A path in a Cloud Storage bucket, which will be treated as the root output directory of the pipeline. It is used by the system to generate the paths of output artifacts. The artifact paths are generated with a sub-path pattern {job_id}/{taskId}/{outputKey} under the specified output directory. The service account specified in this pipeline must have the storage.objects.get and storage.objects.create permissions for this bucket.

parameterValues map (key: string, value: value (Value format))

The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.1.0, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.9 or higher and the v2 DSL.

failurePolicy enum (PipelineFailurePolicy)

Represents the failure policy of a pipeline. Currently, the default of a pipeline is that the pipeline will continue to run until no more tasks can be executed, also known as PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW. However, if a pipeline is set to PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST, it will stop scheduling any new tasks when a task has failed. Any scheduled tasks will continue to completion.

inputArtifacts map (key: string, value: object (InputArtifact))

The runtime artifacts of the PipelineJob. The key will be the input artifact name and the value would be one of the InputArtifact.

JSON representation
  "parameters": {
    string: {
      object (Value)
  "gcsOutputDirectory": string,
  "parameterValues": {
    string: value,
  "failurePolicy": enum (PipelineFailurePolicy),
  "inputArtifacts": {
    string: {
      object (InputArtifact)


value is the value of the field.


Union field value.

value can be only one of the following:

intValue string (int64 format)

An integer value.

doubleValue number

A double value.

stringValue string

A string value.

JSON representation

  // Union field value can be only one of the following:
  "intValue": string,
  "doubleValue": number,
  "stringValue": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field value.


Represents the failure policy of a pipeline. Currently, the default of a pipeline is that the pipeline will continue to run until no more tasks can be executed, also known as PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW. However, if a pipeline is set to PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST, it will stop scheduling any new tasks when a task has failed. Any scheduled tasks will continue to completion.

PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED Default value, and follows fail slow behavior.
PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW Indicates that the pipeline should continue to run until all possible tasks have been scheduled and completed.
PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST Indicates that the pipeline should stop scheduling new tasks after a task has failed.


The type of an input artifact.


Union field kind.

kind can be only one of the following:

artifactId string

Artifact resource id from MLMD. Which is the last portion of an artifact resource name: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/metadataStores/default/artifacts/{artifactId}. The artifact must stay within the same project, location and default metadatastore as the pipeline.

JSON representation

  // Union field kind can be only one of the following:
  "artifactId": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field kind.


Configuration for PSC-I.

networkAttachment string

Optional. The name of the Compute Engine network attachment to attach to the resource within the region and user project. To specify this field, you must have already created a network attachment. This field is only used for resources using PSC-I.

JSON representation
  "networkAttachment": string


Pipeline template metadata if PipelineJob.template_uri is from supported template registry. Currently, the only supported registry is Artifact Registry.

version string

The versionName in artifact registry.

Will always be presented in output if the PipelineJob.template_uri is from supported template registry.

Format is "sha256:abcdef123456...".

JSON representation
  "version": string


user provided rerun config to submit a rerun pipelinejob. This includes 1. Which task to rerun 2. user override input parameters and artifacts.

taskId string (int64 format)

Optional. The system generated id of the task. Retrieved from original run.

taskName string

Optional. The name of the task.

inputs object (Inputs)

Optional. The runtime input of the task overridden by the user.

skipTask boolean

Optional. Whether to skip this task. Default value is False.

skipDownstreamTasks boolean

Optional. Whether to skip downstream tasks. Default value is False.

JSON representation
  "taskId": string,
  "taskName": string,
  "inputs": {
    object (Inputs)
  "skipTask": boolean,
  "skipDownstreamTasks": boolean


Runtime inputs data of the task.

artifacts map (key: string, value: object (ArtifactList))

Optional. Input artifacts.

parameterValues map (key: string, value: value (Value format))

Optional. Input parameters.

JSON representation
  "artifacts": {
    string: {
      object (ArtifactList)
  "parameterValues": {
    string: value,


A list of artifact metadata.

artifacts[] object (RuntimeArtifact)

Optional. A list of artifact metadata.

JSON representation
  "artifacts": [
      object (RuntimeArtifact)


The definition of a runtime artifact.

name string

The name of an artifact.

type object (ArtifactTypeSchema)

The type of the artifact.

uri string

The URI of the artifact.

map (key: string, value: object (Value))

The properties of the artifact. Deprecated. Use RuntimeArtifact.metadata instead.

map (key: string, value: object (Value))

The custom properties of the artifact. Deprecated. Use RuntimeArtifact.metadata instead.

metadata object (Struct format)

Properties of the Artifact.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "type": {
    object (ArtifactTypeSchema)
  "uri": string,
  "properties": {
    string: {
      object (Value)
  "customProperties": {
    string: {
      object (Value)
  "metadata": {


The definition of a artifact type in MLMD.

schemaVersion string

The schema version of the artifact. If the value is not set, it defaults to the latest version in the system.

Union field kind.

kind can be only one of the following:

schemaTitle string

The name of the type. The format of the title must be: <namespace>.<title>. Examples: - aiplatform.Model - acme.CustomModel When this field is set, the type must be pre-registered in the MLMD store.


Points to a YAML file stored on Cloud Storage describing the format. Deprecated. Use [PipelineArtifactTypeSchema.schema_title][] or [PipelineArtifactTypeSchema.instance_schema][] instead.

instanceSchema string

Contains a raw YAML string, describing the format of the properties of the type.

JSON representation
  "schemaVersion": string,

  // Union field kind can be only one of the following:
  "schemaTitle": string,
  "schemaUri": string,
  "instanceSchema": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field kind.



Batch cancel PipelineJobs.


Batch deletes PipelineJobs The Operation is atomic.


Cancels a PipelineJob.


Creates a PipelineJob.


Deletes a PipelineJob.


Gets a PipelineJob.


Lists PipelineJobs in a Location.