Backing up data to Cloud Storage

This page shows how to backup data from a local machine to Cloud Storage using Cloud Tools for PowerShell. Unlike most resources, Cloud Tools for PowerShell provides two ways to access Cloud Storage resources, the cmdlets and a PowerShell provider.

The provider allows you to access Storage buckets and objects like a file system, using the file system commands you are already familiar with. The provider has some limitations, however. Not all legal object names convert to legal provider paths. You can't use the provider to manage ACLs. For these advanced cases, you can use the cmdlets. See the Cloud Tools for PowerShell cmdlet reference to learn more about Cloud Storage cmdlets.

Uploading data

Data in Cloud Storage is organized into buckets. Create a new bucket as follows:

Use the New-GcsBucket cmdlet to create a new bucket:

$bucket = "my-gcs-bucket"
New-GcsBucket $bucket

Buckets are folders at the root of the gs:\ drive. Creating a new item at that level will create a new bucket.

cd gs:\
$bucket = "my-gcs-bucket"
mkdir $bucket

Upload files to a bucket

You can upload a single file or an entire directory to your bucket:

Use New-GcsObject. This requires a destination bucket and an object name as parameters. Where the new Storage object’s contents come from depends on which parameter set you use.

You can upload the contents of a local file to Cloud Storage by using the -File parameter and specifying a file path. Alternatively, you can pass the object’s contents as a string via the PowerShell pipeline, or you can use the -Value parameter.

You can upload an entire directory from the local disk to Cloud Storage by using the -Folder parameter and specifying the folder path. If you do not want the folder to be uploaded directly to the root of the Cloud Storage bucket, use -ObjectNamePrefix to specify a prefix that will be applied to every object uploaded.

# Upload the folder LogFiles and its content to the root of the widget bucket.
New-GcsObject -Bucket "widget" -Folder "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles"

# Upload the folder LogFiles and its content to directory Test in the widget bucket.
New-GcsObject -Bucket "widget" -Folder "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" -ObjectNamePrefix "Test"

Use New-Item. It requires a path to the item being created. This can be an absolute path or a relative path. The contents of the new Storage Object can be specified either as a string to the -Value parameter or by specifying a file path to the -File parameter.

New-Item gs:\my-gcs-bucket\new-object -File $file

The following snippet uploads an entire directory from the local disk to Cloud Storage.

cd $folder
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse
$data = @()
foreach ($file in $files) {
      $objectPath = $file | Resolve-Path -Relative
      $data += @{file = $file; objectPath = $objectPath}
cd gs:\my-gcs-bucket
foreach($element in $data) {
      Write-Host "`t${$element.objectPath}"
      New-Item $element.objectPath -File $element.file

Searching data

You can search data with cmdlets, or with the provider through the common file search cmdlets.

You can search through a bucket’s objects using Get-GcsObject. This can be useful when combined with the Out-GridView cmdlet to visualize your data:

Get-GcsObject $bucket | Select Name, Size | Out-GridView

You can use Get-ChildItem or one of its aliases: dir, ls, or gci. You can use the -Recurse parameter to look within all of the logical folders:

cd gs:\my-gcs-bucket
ls -Recurse

Reading data

To read data through the provider, use the standard Get-Content cmdlet. Alternatively, use the Read-GcsObject cmdlet.

To read the contents of a Cloud Storage object, use the Read-GcsObject cmdlet. By default it reads the object’s contents as a string and writes it to the PowerShell pipeline. You can specify the -OutFile parameter to download the object’s contents to the local disk instead:

Read-GcsObject $bucket "timestamp.txt" | Write-Host
Read-GcsObject $bucket "logo.png" `
    -OutFile "$Env:UserProfile\pictures\logo.png"

To read the contents of a Cloud Storage object, use the Get-Content cmdlet, or one of its aliases: cat, gc, or type.

cd gs:\my-gcs-bucket
cat my-object-name

Deleting data

To delete data through the provider, use the standard Remove-Item cmdlet. Alternatively, use the Remove-GcsObject cmdlet.

To remove any data in Cloud Storage, use the Remove-GcsObject cmdlet:

Get-GcsObject $bucket | Remove-GcsObject

To remove data in Cloud Storage, use the Remove-Item cmdlet, or one of its aliases del, rm, erase:

cd gs:\my-gcs-bucket
rm my-object-name