
The Objects resource represents an object within Cloud Storage. Objects are pieces of data that you have uploaded to Cloud Storage. For more information, see Object Name Requirements.

Every object in Cloud Storage resides in a bucket. The object is owned by its original uploader, who will always retain OWNER permission on it.

In addition to the acl property, objects contain objectAccessControls, for use in fine-grained manipulation of an existing object's access controls.

To try out the methods for this resource, see Methods.

Resource representations

  "kind": "storage#object",
  "id": string,
  "selfLink": string,
  "mediaLink": string,
  "name": string,
  "bucket": string,
  "generation": "long",
  "metageneration": "long",
  "contentType": string,
  "storageClass": string,
  "size": "unsigned long",
  "softDeleteTime": "datetime",
  "restoreToken": string,
  "hardDeleteTime": "datetime",
  "md5Hash": string,
  "contentEncoding": string,
  "contentDisposition": string,
  "contentLanguage": string,
  "cacheControl": string,
  "crc32c": string,
  "componentCount": integer,
  "etag": string,
  "kmsKeyName": string,
  "temporaryHold": boolean,
  "eventBasedHold": boolean,
  "retentionExpirationTime": "datetime",
  "retention": {
    "retainUntilTime": "datetime",
    "mode": string
  "timeCreated": "datetime",
  "updated": "datetime",
  "timeDeleted": "datetime",
  "timeStorageClassUpdated": "datetime",
  "customTime": "datetime",
  "metadata": {
    (key): string
  "acl": [
    objectAccessControls Resource
  "owner": {
    "entity": string,
    "entityId": string
  "customerEncryption": {
    "encryptionAlgorithm": string,
    "keySha256": string
Property name Value Description Notes
acl[] list

Access controls on the object, containing one or more objectAccessControls Resources. Only requests that use the "projection=full" query parameter return this field in the response.

If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field does not apply, and requests that specify it fail.

bucket string The name of the bucket containing this object.
cacheControl string Cache-Control directive for the object data. If omitted, and the object is accessible to all anonymous users, the default will be "public, max-age=3600". writable
componentCount integer Returned for composite objects only. Number of non-composite objects in the composite object. componentCount includes non-composite objects that were part of any composite objects used to compose the current object.
contentDisposition string Content-Disposition of the object data. writable
contentEncoding string Content-Encoding of the object data. writable
contentLanguage string Content-Language of the object data. writable
contentType string Content-Type of the object data. If an object is stored without a Content-Type, it is served as application/octet-stream. writable
crc32c string CRC32c checksum, as described in RFC 4960, Appendix B; encoded using base64 in big-endian byte order. For more information about using the CRC32c checksum, see Data validation. writable
customerEncryption object Metadata of customer-supplied encryption key, if the object is encrypted by such a key.
customerEncryption.encryptionAlgorithm string The encryption algorithm.
customerEncryption.keySha256 string SHA256 hash value of the encryption key; encoded using base64.
customTime datetime1 A user-specified timestamp for the object in RFC 3339 format. Once set on an object, customTime cannot be removed and cannot be set to an earlier datetime. For more information, see custom time metadata. writable
etag string HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the object.
eventBasedHold boolean Whether or not the object is subject to an event-based hold. writable
generation long1 The content generation of this object. Used for object versioning and soft delete.
id string The ID of the object, including the bucket name, object name, and generation number.
kind string The kind of item this is. For objects, this is always "storage#object".
kmsKeyName string Cloud KMS key used to encrypt this object, if the object is encrypted by such a key.
md5Hash string MD5 hash of the data, encoded using base64. This field is not present for composite objects. For more information about using the MD5 hash, see Data validation. writable
metadata object User-provided metadata, in key/value pairs. writable
metadata.(key) string An individual metadata entry. writable
metageneration long1 The version of the metadata for this object at this generation. Used for preconditions and for detecting changes in metadata. A metageneration number is only meaningful in the context of a particular generation of a particular object.
name string The name of the object. Required if not specified by URL parameter. writable
owner object

The owner of the object. This is always the uploader of the object. Only requests that use the "projection=full" query parameter return this field in the response.

If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field does not apply.

owner.entity string The entity, in the form "user-emailAddress".
owner.entityId string The ID for the entity.
restoreToken string If you have enabled hierarchical namespace on your bucket and are working with soft-deleted objects, the restoreToken, a universally unique identifier (UUID), along with the object's name and generation value, uniquely identifies the object.
To learn how duplicate soft-deleted objects occur and how to uniquely identify them using restoreToken, see Restore and retrieve metadata of objects in buckets with hierarchical namespace enabled.
retention object The object's retention configuration, which defines the earliest datetime that the object can be deleted or replaced. writable
retention.mode string The mode of the retention configuration, which can be either Unlocked or Locked. If set to Locked, retention.mode cannot be changed, the retention configuration cannot be removed, and retention.retainUntilTime cannot be reduced. writable
retention.retainUntilTime datetime1 The earliest time that the object can be deleted or replaced, in RFC 3339 format. This property has a maximum value of 3,155,760,000 seconds (100 years) from the current date and time. writable
retentionExpirationTime datetime1 The earliest time that the object can be deleted, which depends on any retention configuration set for the object and any retention policy set for the bucket that contains the object. The value for retentionExpirationTime is given in RFC 3339 format.
size unsigned long1 Content-Length of the data in bytes.
softDeleteTime datetime The time at which the object was soft deleted. Only available for objects in buckets with a soft delete policy.
hardDeleteTime datetime The time at which a soft-deleted object will be permanently deleted and can no longer be restored. The value is the sum of the softDeleteTime value and the softDeletePolicy.retentionDurationSeconds value of the bucket. Only available for objects in buckets with a soft delete policy. Note that the hardDeleteTime value is permanent once set and does not change in response to softDeletePolicy.retentionDurationSeconds changes.
storageClass string Storage class of the object. To change an object's storage class, use objects rewrite. writable
temporaryHold boolean Whether or not the object is subject to a temporary hold. writable
timeCreated datetime1 The creation time of the object in RFC 3339 format.
timeDeleted datetime1 The deletion time of the object in RFC 3339 format. Returned if and only if this version of the object is no longer a live version, but remains in the bucket as a noncurrent version.
timeStorageClassUpdated datetime1 The time at which the object's storage class was last changed. When the object is initially created, it will be set to timeCreated.
updated datetime1 The modification time of the object metadata in RFC 3339 format. Set initially to object creation time and then updated whenever any metadata of the object changes. This includes changes made by a requester, such as modifying custom metadata, as well as changes made by Cloud Storage on behalf of a requester, such as changing the storage class based on an Object Lifecycle Configuration.
1 This property is a string formatted as the specified value type.


Available methods for Objects resources are as follows:

Asynchronously restores the soft-deleted objects in a bucket.
Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.
Copies a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.
Deletes an object and its metadata. Deletions are permanent if versioning is not enabled for the bucket, or if the generation parameter is used.
Retrieves an object or its metadata.
Stores a new object and metadata. For more information about writing data to Cloud Storage, see Uploads and downloads.
Retrieves a list of objects matching the criteria.
Updates a data blob's associated metadata. This method supports patch semantics.
Restores a soft-deleted object.
Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.
Updates an object's metadata.
Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.

For information about status and error codes returned by these APIs, see the reference page.