Resources and methods for Storage Insights inventory reports

This guide contains technical reference information for the Storage Insights inventory report feature. Like the Cloud Storage JSON API, it is RESTful, but it has slightly different URI endpoints.

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.

URIs are relative to, unless otherwise noted.

Resource types


For resource details, see the ReportConfig resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs/REPORT_CONFIG_ID Permanently deletes an inventory report configuration.
get GET /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs/REPORT_CONFIG_ID Returns an inventory report configuration by UUID.
insert POST /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs Creates an inventory report configuration in the specified project.
list GET /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs Returns a list of inventory report configurations for a given project and location.
patch PATCH /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs/REPORT_CONFIG_ID Updates an inventory report configuration. This method supports patch semantics.


For resource details, see the ReportDetail resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
get GET /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs/REPORT_CONFIG_ID/reportDetails/REPORT_DETAIL_ID Returns an inventory report by UUID.
list GET /projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/reportConfigs/REPORT_CONFIG_ID/reportDetails Returns a list of all inventory reports generated from a specified inventory report configuration.