ReportConfig: list

Lists the inventory report configurations in a given project for a given location.

For general information about inventory reports in Cloud Storage, see the Storage Insights inventory reports documentation.

Required permissions

The authenticated user must have the storageinsights.reportConfigs.list IAM permission to use this method.


HTTP request


In addition to standard query parameters, the following query parameters apply to this method.

To see an example of how to include query parameters in a request, see the JSON API Overview page.


Parameter name Value Description
Required path parameters
project string A valid API project identifier.
location string The location of the reportConfig.
Optional query parameters
filter string Follows EBNF grammar.
page_size integer The maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. Maximum is 500.
page_token string The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request, if any.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a list of ReportConfig resources.

Response bodies take the following structure:

   report_configs: [
     ReportConfig Resource
   next_page_token: string
Property name Value Description
report_configs list A list of inventory report configurations.
next_page_token string

The continuation token. Provide this value as the page_token of a subsequent request in order to return the next page of results. Note that the next page may be empty. If this is the last page of results, then no continuation token is returned. The presence of this parameter in the response should always be checked to ensure a complete listing of all the results.

The next_page_token is the name of the last bucket in the returned list. In a subsequent list request using the page_token, items that come after the token are shown (up to page_size).