Monitor transfer jobs

Cloud Monitoring automatically collects and stores information for your Storage Transfer Service jobs. You can use Cloud Monitoring to chart and monitor a range of metrics:

  • The number of found objects and bytes
  • The number of copied objects and bytes
  • The number of deleted objects and bytes
  • The number of errors, and the associated error codes

Cloud Monitoring is automatically enabled for Storage Transfer Service. There's no charge for the collection of data or to view metrics in the Google Cloud console. API calls may incur charges; see Cloud Monitoring pricing for pricing details.

Required IAM role

You must have the Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer) role, or equivalent permissions, to view metrics in Cloud Monitoring.

Learn how to grant an IAM role.

View metrics

Cloud Monitoring metrics are available from two locations in the Google Cloud console:

  • The Storage Transfer Service job details page displays metrics for a specific transfer job. In addition to the metrics listed below, it computes the bandwidth of bytes copies and the rate of objects copied.

  • The Cloud Monitoring page can display metrics for a single transfer job, multiple jobs, or all jobs in a project. It provides multiple chart options and customizations.

View metrics on the job details page

To view a specific job's metrics:

  1. Go to the Transfer jobs page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Transfer jobs

  2. Click on the job for which to view metrics. The Job details page appears.

  3. Click the Monitoring tab. The default dashboard is displayed.

View metrics in Cloud Monitoring

To view Storage Transfer Service metrics in Cloud Monitoring, do the following:

  1. Go to the Metrics Explorer page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Monitoring: Metrics Explorer

  2. Follow the instructions in Create charts with Metrics Explorer to select and display your metrics.

Resource details

Monitored resource name: storage_transfer_job

Resource field / Target field REST resource and field used to populate this field Description
project_id TransferJob.project_id The identifier of the project associated with this resource
job_id The globally unique name of the transfer
location Will always be set to global since transfer jobs are not associated with a region or location The location of the transfer job

Metric details

All Storage Transfer Service metrics are delta metrics. They measure the change since the metric was last recorded. For example, metrics measuring request counts are delta metrics; each value records how many requests were received since the last data point was recorded.

Data is sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 180 seconds.

Metric names all begin with For example,

Metric name Labels Description
origin=[source | sink]

Number of bytes found that are scheduled to be transferred or deleted, excluding any that are filtered based on object conditions or because they already exist at the destination. See TransferOptions for information about overwriting data in the sink.

Corresponding TransferCounters: bytesFoundFromSource, bytesFoundOnlyFromSink

origin=[source | sink]

Number of objects found that are scheduled to be transferred or deleted, excluding any that are filtered based on object conditions or skipped due to sync.

Corresponding TransferCounters: objectsFoundFromSource, objectsFoundOnlyFromSink

status=[succeeded | skipped | failed]

Number of bytes copied.

Corresponding TransferCounters: bytesCopiedToSink, bytesFromSourceSkippedBySync, bytesFromSourceFailed

The value of copied_bytes_count with status succeeded does not always match the bytesCopiedToSink counter, as the metric also counts successfully copied bytes that are discarded in the case of a failure. For example, if Storage Transfer Service copies 100 bytes of an object that is deleted mid-way through transfer, the 100 bytes copied are recorded under copied_bytes_count with status succeeded. The full object's bytes are also recorded under copied_bytes_count with status failed.

status=[succeeded | skipped | failed]

Number of objects copied.

Corresponding TransferCounters: objectsCopiedToSink, objectsFromSourceSkippedBySync, objectsFromSourceFailed

origin=[source | sink]
status=[succeeded | failed]

Number of bytes deleted. Storage Transfer Service can be configured to delete data at the source and/or the destination. See TransferOptions for information about configuring delete behavior.

Corresponding TransferCounters: bytesDeletedFromSource, bytesDeletedFromSink, bytesFromSourceFailed, bytesFailedToDeleteFromSink

Note: this counter is the sum of deleted_bytes_count:status=failed,origin=source and copied_bytes_count:status=failed.

origin=[source | sink]
status=[succeeded | failed]

Number of objects deleted.

Corresponding TransferCounters: objectsDeletedFromSource, objectsDeletedFromSink, objectsFromSourceFailed, objectsFailedToDeleteFromSink

Note: this counter is the sum of deleted_objects_count:status=failed,origin=source and copied_objects_count:status=failed.

code=error code

The number of errors as reported in ErrorSummary.