Cloud Storage でのマルチチャンネル ファイルの音声文字変換(ベータ版)

Cloud Storage に保存されている音声ファイルを文字に変換します(複数のチャンネルを含む)。



 * Transcribe a remote audio file with multi-channel recognition
 * @param gcsUri the path to the audio file
public static void transcribeMultiChannelGcs(String gcsUri) throws Exception {

  try (SpeechClient speechClient = SpeechClient.create()) {

    // Configure request to enable multiple channels
    RecognitionConfig config =

    // Set the remote path for the audio file
    RecognitionAudio audio = RecognitionAudio.newBuilder().setUri(gcsUri).build();

    // Use non-blocking call for getting file transcription
    OperationFuture<LongRunningRecognizeResponse, LongRunningRecognizeMetadata> response =
        speechClient.longRunningRecognizeAsync(config, audio);

    while (!response.isDone()) {
      System.out.println("Waiting for response...");
    // Just print the first result here.
    for (SpeechRecognitionResult result : response.get().getResultsList()) {

      // There can be several alternative transcripts for a given chunk of speech. Just use the
      // first (most likely) one here.
      SpeechRecognitionAlternative alternative = result.getAlternativesList().get(0);

      // Print out the result
      System.out.printf("Transcript : %s\n", alternative.getTranscript());
      System.out.printf("Channel Tag : %s\n\n", result.getChannelTag());


const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech').v1p1beta1;

// Creates a client
const client = new speech.SpeechClient();

const config = {
  encoding: 'LINEAR16',
  languageCode: 'en-US',
  audioChannelCount: 2,
  enableSeparateRecognitionPerChannel: true,

const audio = {
  uri: gcsUri,

const request = {
  config: config,
  audio: audio,

const [response] = await client.recognize(request);
const transcription = response.results
    result =>
      ` Channel Tag: ${result.channelTag} ${result.alternatives[0].transcript}`
console.log(`Transcription: \n${transcription}`);


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