
本教程介绍了如何使用 Speech-to-Text 转录从电话录制的音频。


Speech-to-Text 可以从多种机器学习模型中选择一种来转录音频文件,以便完美匹配音频的原始来源。为了获得更好的语音转录结果,您可以指定原始音频的来源。这样,Speech-to-Text 就可以在处理您的音频文件时使用针对类似数据训练过的机器学习模型。


  • 向 Speech-to-Text 发送音频转录请求,要求转录从电话录制的音频(如语音邮件)。
  • 为音频转录请求指定增强型语音识别模型


本教程使用 Cloud Platform 的以下收费组件:

  • Speech-to-Text

请使用价格计算器根据您的预计使用情况来估算费用。Cloud Platform 新用户可能有资格免费试用




为了在转录电话上录制的音频(如通话或语音邮件)时获得最佳效果,您可以将 RecognitionConfig 载荷的 model 字段设置为 phone_callmodel 字段会告知 Speech-to-Text API 为转录请求使用哪种语音识别模型。

使用增强型模型可以改善电话音频转录的效果。如需使用增强型模型,您可以将 RecognitionConfig 载荷的 useEnhanced 字段设置为 true

以下代码示例演示了如何在调用 Speech-to-Text 时选择特定的转录模型。


如需了解完整的详细信息,请参阅 speech:recognize API 端点。

如需执行同步语音识别,请发出 POST 请求并提供相应的请求正文。以下示例展示了一个使用 curl 发出的 POST 请求。该示例使用 Google Cloud CLI 生成访问令牌。如需了解如何安装 gcloud CLI,请参阅快速入门

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
    https://speech.googleapis.com/v1/speech:recognize \
    --data '{
    "config": {
        "encoding": "LINEAR16",
        "languageCode": "en-US",
        "enableWordTimeOffsets": false,
        "enableAutomaticPunctuation": true,
        "model": "phone_call",
        "useEnhanced": true
    "audio": {
        "uri": "gs://cloud-samples-tests/speech/commercial_mono.wav"

如需详细了解如何配置请求正文,请参阅 RecognitionConfig 参考文档。

如果请求成功,服务器将返回一个 200 OK HTTP 状态代码以及 JSON 格式的响应:

  "results": [
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": "Hi, I'd like to buy a Chromecast. I was wondering whether you could help me with that.",
          "confidence": 0.8930228
      "resultEndTime": "5.640s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Certainly, which color would you like? We are blue black and red.",
          "confidence": 0.9101991
      "resultEndTime": "10.220s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Let's go with the black one.",
          "confidence": 0.8818244
      "resultEndTime": "13.870s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Would you like the new Chromecast Ultra model or the regular Chromecast?",
          "confidence": 0.94733626
      "resultEndTime": "18.460s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Regular Chromecast is fine. Thank you. Okay. Sure. Would you like to ship it regular or Express?",
          "confidence": 0.9519095
      "resultEndTime": "25.930s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Express, please.",
          "confidence": 0.9101229
      "resultEndTime": "28.260s"
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": " Terrific. It's on the way. Thank you. Thank you very much. Bye.",
          "confidence": 0.9321616
      "resultEndTime": "34.150s"


如需了解如何安装和使用 Speech-to-Text 客户端库,请参阅 Speech-to-Text 客户端库。如需了解详情,请参阅 Speech-to-Text Go API 参考文档

如需向 Speech-to-Text 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

func enhancedModel(w io.Writer, path string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := speech.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// path = "../testdata/commercial_mono.wav"
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ReadFile: %w", err)

	resp, err := client.Recognize(ctx, &speechpb.RecognizeRequest{
		Config: &speechpb.RecognitionConfig{
			Encoding:        speechpb.RecognitionConfig_LINEAR16,
			SampleRateHertz: 8000,
			LanguageCode:    "en-US",
			UseEnhanced:     true,
			// A model must be specified to use enhanced model.
			Model: "phone_call",
		Audio: &speechpb.RecognitionAudio{
			AudioSource: &speechpb.RecognitionAudio_Content{Content: data},
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Recognize: %w", err)

	for i, result := range resp.Results {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", strings.Repeat("-", 20))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Result %d\n", i+1)
		for j, alternative := range result.Alternatives {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "Alternative %d: %s\n", j+1, alternative.Transcript)
	return nil


如需了解如何安装和使用 Speech-to-Text 客户端库,请参阅 Speech-to-Text 客户端库。如需了解详情,请参阅 Speech-to-Text Java API 参考文档

如需向 Speech-to-Text 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

 * Transcribe the given audio file using an enhanced model.
 * @param fileName the path to an audio file.
public static void transcribeFileWithEnhancedModel(String fileName) throws Exception {
  Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
  byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(path);

  try (SpeechClient speechClient = SpeechClient.create()) {
    // Get the contents of the local audio file
    RecognitionAudio recognitionAudio =

    // Configure request to enable enhanced models
    RecognitionConfig config =
            // A model must be specified to use enhanced model.

    // Perform the transcription request
    RecognizeResponse recognizeResponse = speechClient.recognize(config, recognitionAudio);

    // Print out the results
    for (SpeechRecognitionResult result : recognizeResponse.getResultsList()) {
      // There can be several alternative transcripts for a given chunk of speech. Just use the
      // first (most likely) one here.
      SpeechRecognitionAlternative alternative = result.getAlternatives(0);
      System.out.format("Transcript: %s\n\n", alternative.getTranscript());


如需了解如何安装和使用 Speech-to-Text 客户端库,请参阅 Speech-to-Text 客户端库。如需了解详情,请参阅 Speech-to-Text Node.js API 参考文档

如需向 Speech-to-Text 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

// Imports the Google Cloud client library for Beta API
 * TODO(developer): Update client library import to use new
 * version of API when desired features become available
const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech').v1p1beta1;
const fs = require('fs');

// Creates a client
const client = new speech.SpeechClient();

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const filename = 'Local path to audio file, e.g. /path/to/audio.raw';
// const encoding = 'Encoding of the audio file, e.g. LINEAR16';
// const sampleRateHertz = 16000;
// const languageCode = 'BCP-47 language code, e.g. en-US';

const config = {
  encoding: encoding,
  languageCode: languageCode,
  useEnhanced: true,
  model: 'phone_call',
const audio = {
  content: fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('base64'),

const request = {
  config: config,
  audio: audio,

// Detects speech in the audio file
const [response] = await client.recognize(request);
response.results.forEach(result => {
  const alternative = result.alternatives[0];


如需了解如何安装和使用 Speech-to-Text 客户端库,请参阅 Speech-to-Text 客户端库。如需了解详情,请参阅 Speech-to-Text Python API 参考文档

如需向 Speech-to-Text 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

import argparse

from google.cloud import speech

def transcribe_file_with_enhanced_model(path: str) -> speech.RecognizeResponse:
    """Transcribe the given audio file using an enhanced model."""

    client = speech.SpeechClient()

    # path = 'resources/commercial_mono.wav'
    with open(path, "rb") as audio_file:
        content = audio_file.read()

    audio = speech.RecognitionAudio(content=content)
    config = speech.RecognitionConfig(
        # A model must be specified to use enhanced model.

    response = client.recognize(config=config, audio=audio)

    for i, result in enumerate(response.results):
        alternative = result.alternatives[0]
        print("-" * 20)
        print(f"First alternative of result {i}")
        print(f"Transcript: {alternative.transcript}")

    return response


C#:请按照客户端库页面上的 C# 设置说明操作,然后访问 .NET 的 Speech-to-Text 参考文档

PHP:请按照客户端库页面上的 PHP 设置说明 操作,然后访问 PHP 的 Speech-to-Text 参考文档

Ruby:请按照客户端库页面上的 Ruby 设置说明操作,然后访问 Ruby 的 Speech-to-Text 参考文档


为避免因本教程中使用的资源导致您的 Google Cloud 账号产生费用,请删除包含这些资源的项目,或者保留项目但删除各个资源。




  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,进入管理资源页面。


  2. 在项目列表中,选择要删除的项目,然后点击删除
  3. 在对话框中输入项目 ID,然后点击关闭以删除项目。


要删除 Compute Engine 实例,请运行以下命令:

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,转到虚拟机实例页面。


  2. 选中要删除的实例。
  3. 如需删除实例,请点击更多操作,点击删除,然后按照说明操作。



  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,转到防火墙页面。


  2. 选中要删除的防火墙规则。
  3. 如需删除防火墙规则,请点击删除