機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.CustomInfoType.Types;
public class InspectTableWithCustomHotwords
public static InspectResult InspectTable(
string projectId,
Table tableToInspect = null,
IEnumerable<InfoType> infoTypes = null)
// Instantiate the dlp client.
var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();
// Construct the table if null.
if (tableToInspect == null)
var row1 = new Value[]
new Value{ StringValue = "111-11-1111" },
new Value { StringValue = "222-22-2222" }
tableToInspect = new Table
Headers =
new FieldId { Name = "Fake Social Security Number" },
new FieldId { Name = "Real Social Security Number" }
Rows =
new Table.Types.Row { Values = { row1 } }
// Specify the table and construct the content item.
var contentItem = new ContentItem { Table = tableToInspect };
// Specify the type of info to be inspected.
var infotypes = infoTypes ?? new InfoType[] { new InfoType { Name = "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER" } };
// Construct the Inspection Rule Set by specifying the hotword rule as detection rule.
var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet[]
new InspectionRuleSet
InfoTypes = { infotypes },
Rules =
new InspectionRule
HotwordRule = new DetectionRule.Types.HotwordRule
HotwordRegex = new Regex
Pattern = "(Fake Social Security Number)"
LikelihoodAdjustment = new DetectionRule.Types.LikelihoodAdjustment
FixedLikelihood = Likelihood.VeryUnlikely
Proximity = new DetectionRule.Types.Proximity
WindowBefore = 1
// Construct the request.
var request = new InspectContentRequest
InspectConfig = new InspectConfig
InfoTypes = { infotypes },
IncludeQuote = true,
MinLikelihood = Likelihood.Possible,
RuleSet = { ruleSet }
ParentAsLocationName = new LocationName(projectId, "global"),
Item = contentItem
// Call the API.
InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(request);
// Inspect the results.
var resultFindings = response.Result.Findings;
Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {resultFindings.Count}");
foreach (var f in resultFindings)
Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);
return response.Result;
機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
import (
dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"
// inspectTableWithCustomHotword Sets the match likelihood of a table column to customize data inspection results.
// This example showcases how you can adjust the match likelihood for an entire column of data, enabling the
// exclusion of specific columns from inspection if needed.
func inspectTableWithCustomHotword(w io.Writer, projectID, hotwordRegexPattern string) error {
// projectID := "your-project-id"
// hotwordRegexPattern := "(Fake Social Security Number)"
tableToInspect := &dlppb.Table{
Headers: []*dlppb.FieldId{
{Name: "Fake Social Security Number"},
{Name: "Real Social Security Number"},
Rows: []*dlppb.Table_Row{
Values: []*dlppb.Value{
Type: &dlppb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "111-11-1111"},
Type: &dlppb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "222-22-2222"},
ctx := context.Background()
// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
defer client.Close()
// Specify what content you want the service to de-identify.
contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem_Table{
Table: tableToInspect,
// Specify the likelihood adjustment to adjust the match likelihood for your detection rule
// based on your needs and desired level of sensitivity in data analysis.
likelihoodAdjustment := &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment{
Adjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment_FixedLikelihood{
FixedLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_VERY_UNLIKELY,
// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
// Specify the proximity so that It helps identify sensitive information
// occurring near other data points, enabling more context-aware analysis.
proximity := &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_Proximity{
WindowBefore: 5,
// Construct hotWord rule.
hotwordRule := &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_HotwordRule{
HotwordRegex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
Pattern: hotwordRegexPattern,
Proximity: proximity,
LikelihoodAdjustment: likelihoodAdjustment,
// Construct rule set for the inspect config.
inspectionRuleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
InfoTypes: infoTypes,
Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{
HotwordRule: hotwordRule,
// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
config := &dlppb.InspectConfig{
IncludeQuote: true,
InfoTypes: infoTypes,
MinLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_POSSIBLE,
RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
Item: &dlppb.ContentItem{
DataItem: contentItem,
InspectConfig: config,
// Send the request.
resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
// Parse the response and process results.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
return nil
機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.FieldId;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Table;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Value;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
public class InspectTableWithCustomHotword {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
// The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
String projectId = "your-project-id";
// Specify the table to be considered for de-identification.
Table tableToDeIdentify =
.addHeaders(FieldId.newBuilder().setName("Some Social Security Number").build())
.addHeaders(FieldId.newBuilder().setName("Real Social Security Number").build())
// Specify the regex pattern to be detected.
// Refer https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax for creating regular expression.
String hotwordRegexPattern = "Some Social Security Number";
inspectDemotingFindingsWithHotwords(projectId, tableToDeIdentify, hotwordRegexPattern);
// Inspects the provided table, excluding the findings of entire column matching regular
// expression.
public static void inspectDemotingFindingsWithHotwords(
String projectId, Table tableToDeIdentify, String hotwordRegexPattern) throws IOException {
// Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
// once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
// the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
// Specify what content you want the service to de-identify.
ContentItem contentItem = ContentItem.newBuilder().setTable(tableToDeIdentify).build();
CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.LikelihoodAdjustment likelihoodAdjustment =
// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
List<InfoType> infoTypes =
.map(it -> InfoType.newBuilder().setName(it).build())
CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.Proximity proximity =
// Construct hotword rule.
CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.HotwordRule hotwordRule =
// Construct rule set for the inspect config.
InspectionRuleSet inspectionRuleSet =
// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
InspectConfig config =
// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
InspectContentRequest request =
.setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())
InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);
// Parse the response and process results.
System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());
機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');
// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();
// The project ID to run the API call under.
// const projectId = "your-project-id";
// Table to inspect
const tableToInspect = {
headers: [
{name: 'Fake Social Security Number'},
{name: 'Real Social Security Number'},
rows: [
values: [{stringValue: '111-11-1111'}, {stringValue: '222-22-2222'}],
async function inspectWithCustomHotwords() {
// Specify the regex pattern to be detected.
const hotwordRegexPattern = '(Fake Social Security Number)';
// Specify what content you want the service to de-identify.
const contentItem = {
table: tableToInspect,
// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
const infoTypes = [{name: 'US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER'}];
// Construct hotword rule.
const hotwordRule = {
hotwordRegex: {
pattern: hotwordRegexPattern,
likelihoodAdjustment: {
proximity: {
windowBefore: 1,
// Construct rule set for the inspect configuration.
const inspectionRuleSet = {
infoTypes: infoTypes,
rules: [
hotwordRule: hotwordRule,
// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
const config = {
infoTypes: infoTypes,
ruleSet: [inspectionRuleSet],
minLikelihood: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood.POSSIBLE,
includeQuote: true,
// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
const request = {
parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
item: contentItem,
inspectConfig: config,
// Use the client to send the API request.
const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);
// Print Findings.
const findings = response.result.findings;
if (findings.length > 0) {
console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
findings.forEach(finding => {
console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
} else {
console.log('No findings.');
機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\HotwordRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\LikelihoodAdjustment;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\Proximity;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\FieldId;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Table;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Table\Row;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Value;
* Hotword example: Set the match likelihood of a table column.
* This example demonstrates how you can set the match likelihood of an entire column of data.
* This approach is helpful, for example, if you want to exclude a column of data from inspection
* results.
* @param string $projectId The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
function inspect_column_values_w_custom_hotwords(string $projectId): void
// Instantiate a client.
$dlp = new DlpServiceClient();
$parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";
// Specify the table to be inspected.
$tableToDeIdentify = (new Table())
(new FieldId())
->setName('Fake Social Security Number'),
(new FieldId())
->setName('Real Social Security Number'),
(new Row())->setValues([
(new Value())
(new Value())
$item = (new ContentItem())
// Specify the regex pattern the inspection will look for.
$hotwordRegexPattern = 'Fake Social Security Number';
// Specify hotword likelihood adjustment.
$likelihoodAdjustment = (new LikelihoodAdjustment())
// Specify a window around a finding to apply a detection rule.
$proximity = (new Proximity())
// Construct the hotword rule.
$hotwordRule = (new HotwordRule())
->setHotwordRegex((new Regex())
// Construct rule set for the inspect config.
$infotype = (new InfoType())
$inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
(new InspectionRule())
// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
$inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())
// Run request.
$inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
$response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);
// Print the results.
$findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
if (count($findings) == 0) {
printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
} else {
printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
foreach ($findings as $finding) {
printf(' Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
printf(' Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
printf(' Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));
機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。
機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。
from typing import List
import google.cloud.dlp
def inspect_column_values_w_custom_hotwords(
project: str,
table_header: List[str],
table_rows: List[List[str]],
info_types: List[str],
custom_hotword: str,
) -> None:
"""Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to inspect table data using built-in
infoType detectors, excluding columns that match a custom hot-word.
project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
table_header: List of strings representing table field names.
table_rows: List of rows representing table values.
info_types: The infoType for which hot-word rule is applied.
custom_hotword: The custom regular expression used for likelihood boosting.
# Instantiate a client
dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()
# Construct the `table`. For more details on the table schema, please see
# https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/reference/rest/v2/ContentItem#Table
headers = [{"name": val} for val in table_header]
rows = []
for row in table_rows:
rows.append({"values": [{"string_value": cell_val} for cell_val in row]})
table = {"headers": headers, "rows": rows}
# Construct the `item` for table to be inspected.
item = {"table": table}
# Prepare info_types by converting the list of strings into a list of
# dictionaries.
info_types = [{"name": info_type} for info_type in info_types]
# Construct a rule set with caller provided hot-word, with a likelihood
# boost to VERY_UNLIKELY when the hot-word are present
hotword_rule = {
"hotword_regex": {"pattern": custom_hotword},
"likelihood_adjustment": {
"fixed_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.VERY_UNLIKELY
"proximity": {"window_before": 1},
rule_set = [
"info_types": info_types,
"rules": [{"hotword_rule": hotword_rule}],
# Construct the configuration dictionary, which defines the entire inspect content task.
inspect_config = {
"info_types": info_types,
"rule_set": rule_set,
"min_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.POSSIBLE,
"include_quote": True,
# Convert the project id into a full resource id.
parent = f"projects/{project}/locations/global"
# Call the API
response = dlp.inspect_content(
"parent": parent,
"inspect_config": inspect_config,
"item": item,
# Print out the results.
if response.result.findings:
for finding in response.result.findings:
if finding.quote:
print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
except AttributeError:
print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
print("No findings.")
他の Google Cloud プロダクトのコードサンプルを検索およびフィルタするには、Google Cloud サンプル ブラウザをご覧ください。