スキャン結果を絞り込むための infoType 検出器の変更

機密データの保護の組み込みの infoType 検出器は、一般的なタイプの機密データを検出するのに有効です。カスタムの infoType 検出器を使用すると、独自の機密データ検出器を自由にカスタマイズできます。検査ルールによって、特定の infoType 検出器の検出メカニズムを変更し、機密データの保護から返されるスキャン結果を絞り込むことができます。

組み込みの infoType 検出器から返される結果から値を除外または追加する場合は、新しいカスタム infoType を最初から作成し、機密データの保護が検索する基準をすべて定義します。また、機密データの保護の組み込みまたはカスタムの検出器から返される結果を特定の基準で絞り込むこともできます。これを行うには、ノイズの低減、適合率と再現率の増加、スキャン結果の確実性調整に役立つ検査ルールを追加します。

このトピックでは、2 種類の検査ルールを使用して、指定したカスタム条件に基づいて特定の検索結果を除外または追加する方法について説明します。また、既存の infoType 検出器を変更する場合のシナリオをいくつか紹介します。

検査ルールには 2 種類あります。



  • infoType 検出器の重複によって生じた、重複したスキャン一致を結果から除外する場合。たとえば、メールアドレスと電話番号をスキャンする際に、電話番号の入ったメールアドレス(「206-555-0764@example.org」など)によって 2 つの結果がヒットする場合です。
  • スキャン結果にノイズが発生している場合。たとえば、適正なメールアドレスのスキャンで、同じ仮のメールアドレス(「example@example.com」など)またはドメイン(「example.com」など)が無数に返される場合です。
  • 結果から除外する用語や、フレーズ、文字の組み合わせのリストがある場合。
  • 結果からデータ列全体を除外する必要がある場合。
  • 正規表現と一致する文字列に近い検出結果を除外する必要があります。

除外ルール API の概要

機密データの保護では、ExclusionRule オブジェクトで除外ルールを定義します。ExclusionRule で、次のいずれかを指定します。

  • Dictionary オブジェクト。結果から除外する文字列のリストが含まれます。
  • 正規表現パターンを定義する Regex オブジェクト。パターンに一致する文字列は結果から除外されます。
  • ExcludeInfoTypes オブジェクト。infoType 検出器の配列が含まれます。ここにリストされている infoType 検出器のいずれかと検索結果が一致する場合、その検索結果は結果から除外されます。
  • ExcludeByHotword オブジェクト。次のものを含むオブジェクトです。

    • 起動ワードを定義する正規表現。
    • 起動ワードの検出結果への近接度を定義する近接値。

    検出結果が設定された近接範囲内にある場合、その検出結果は結果から除外されます。テーブルの場合、この除外ルール タイプを使用すると、データ列全体を結果から除外できます。


次の各 JSON スニペットは、特定のシナリオにおける機密データの保護の構成方法を示しています。

EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器スキャンから特定のメールアドレスを除外する

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、EMAIL_ADDRESS infoType 検出器を使用するスキャンで、「example@example.com」との一致を避けるように、InspectConfig を使用して機密データの保護に指示する方法を示しています。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionDict
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, List<String> excludedMatchList)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteContentItem };

        var infoTypes = new string[] { "PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER" }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it });

        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            MatchingType = MatchingType.FullMatch,
            Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary
                WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList
                    Words = { excludedMatchList }

        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" } },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringWithExclusionDictionary inspects a string for sensitive data
// using exclusion dictionary, here the function omits a specific email address
// from an EMAIL_ADDRESS detector scan with an exclusion dictionary
func inspectStringWithExclusionDictionary(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string, excludedMatchList []string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, example@example.com"
	// excludedMatchList := []string{"example@example.com"}

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
	infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
		{Name: "PHONE_NUMBER"},
		{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},

	// Exclude matches from the specified excludedMatchList.
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Dictionary{
			Dictionary: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary{
				Source: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList_{
					WordList: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList{
						Words: excludedMatchList,
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infoType.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleSet.
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes:    infoTypes,
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary.WordList;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionDict {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, example@example.com";
    List<String> excludedMatchList = Arrays.asList("example@example.com");
    inspectStringWithExclusionDict(projectId, textToInspect, excludedMatchList);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringWithExclusionDict(
      String projectId, String textToInspect, List<String> excludedMatchList) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      for (String typeName : new String[] {"PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {

      // Exclude matches from the specified excludedMatchList.
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, example@example.com';

// The infoTypes of information to match
// const infoTypes = [{ name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS' }];

// Words to exclude
// const excludedWords = ['gary@example.com'];

async function inspectStringWithExclusionDict() {
  // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType
      data: Buffer.from(string, 'utf-8'),

  // Exclude matches from the specified excludedWords.
  const exclusionRule = {
    dictionary: {
      wordList: {
        words: excludedWords,

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the specified infotype.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: infoTypes,
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary\WordList;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data, using exclusion dictionary
 * Omit a specific email address from an EMAIL_ADDRESS detector scan with an exclusion dictionary.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_with_exclusion_dict(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, example@example.com'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $infotypes = [
        (new InfoType())->setName('PHONE_NUMBER'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER'),

    // Exclude matches from the specified excludedMatchList.
    $excludedMatchList = (new Dictionary())
        ->setWordList((new WordList())
    $matchingType = MatchingType::MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH;
    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
    $emailAddress = (new InfoType())
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

from typing import List

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_with_exclusion_dict(
    project: str,
    content_string: str,
    exclusion_list: List[str] = ["example@example.com"],
) -> None:
    """Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches on EMAIL_ADDRESS if they are
    in the specified exclusion list.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.
        exclusion_list: The list of strings to ignore matches on

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a list of infoTypes for DLP to locate in `content_string`. See
    # https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/concepts-infotypes for more information
    # about supported infoTypes.
    info_types_to_locate = [{"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]

    # Construct a rule set that will only match on EMAIL_ADDRESS
    # if the match text is not in the exclusion list.
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "dictionary": {"word_list": {"words": exclusion_list}},
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH"

EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器スキャンから特定のドメインで終わるメールアドレスを除外する

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、EMAIL_ADDRESS infoType 検出器を使用するスキャンで、「@example.com」で終わるメールアドレスとの一致を避けるように、InspectConfig を使用して機密データの保護に指示する方法を示しています。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionRegex
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, string excludedRegex)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteContentItem };

        var infoTypes = new string[] { "PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER" }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it });

        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            MatchingType = MatchingType.FullMatch,
            Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = excludedRegex }

        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" } },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringWithExclusionRegex inspects a string excluding REGEX matches
// in this function specifically the function omits email addresses ending with a specific
// domain from EMAIL_ADDRESS detector scan.
func inspectStringWithExclusionRegex(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect, excludedRegex string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, bob@example.org"
	// excludedRegex := ".+@example.com"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
	infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
		{Name: "PHONE_NUMBER"},
		{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},

	// Exclude matches from the specified excludedMatchList.
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Regex{
			Regex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: excludedRegex,
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes:    infoTypes,
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Regex;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionRegex {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, bob@example.org";
    String excludedRegex = ".+@example.com";
    inspectStringWithExclusionRegex(projectId, textToInspect, excludedRegex);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringWithExclusionRegex(
      String projectId, String textToInspect, String excludedRegex) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      for (String typeName : new String[] {"PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {

      // Exclude matches from the specified excludedMatchList.
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, bob@example.org';

// Exclusion Regex
// const exclusionRegex = '.+@example.com';

async function inspectStringMultipleRules() {
  // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType
      data: Buffer.from(string, 'utf-8'),

  // Info Types for inspection
  const infoTypes = [{name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}];

  // Construct a exclusion rule that uses a regex pattern
  const exclusionRule = {
    regex: {pattern: exclusionRegex},

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: infoTypes,
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string, excluding REGEX matches
 * Omit email addresses ending with a specific domain from an EMAIL_ADDRESS detector scan.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_with_exclusion_regex(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, bob@example.org'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $infotypes = [
        (new InfoType())->setName('PHONE_NUMBER'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER'),

    // Exclude matches from the specified excludedRegex.
    $excludedRegex = '.+@example.com';
    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())
        ->setRegex((new Regex())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InfoType())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_with_exclusion_regex(
    project: str, content_string: str, exclusion_regex: str = ".+@example.com"
) -> None:
    """Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion regex

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches on EMAIL_ADDRESS if they match
    the specified exclusion regex.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.
        exclusion_regex: The regular expression to exclude matches on

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a list of infoTypes for DLP to locate in `content_string`. See
    # https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/concepts-infotypes for more information
    # about supported infoTypes.
    info_types_to_locate = [{"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]

    # Construct a rule set that will only match on EMAIL_ADDRESS
    # if the specified regex doesn't also match.
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "regex": {"pattern": exclusion_regex},
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH"


次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語で記述されたコードは、InspectConfig を使用して、トークン「TEST」を含むスキャン結果を指定した infoType のリストから除外するように機密データの保護へ示す方法を表したものです。


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, List<String> excludedSubstringList)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteItem };

        var infoTypes = new string[]
        }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it });

        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch,
            Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary
                WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList
                    Words = { excludedSubstringList }

        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring inspects a string
// with an exclusion dictionary substring
func inspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string, excludedSubString []string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, TEST@example.com"
	// excludedSubString := []string{"TEST"}

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
	infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
		{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		{Name: "DOMAIN_NAME"},
		{Name: "PHONE_NUMBER"},
		{Name: "PERSON_NAME"},

	// Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Dictionary{
			Dictionary: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary{
				Source: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList_{
					WordList: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList{
						Words: excludedSubString,
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleSet that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infoType.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: infoTypes,
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes:    infoTypes,
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary.WordList;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "Some email addresses: gary@example.com, TEST@example.com";
    List<String> excludedSubstringList = Arrays.asList("TEST");
    inspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring(projectId, textToInspect, excludedSubstringList);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringWithExclusionDictSubstring(
      String projectId, String textToInspect, List<String> excludedSubstringList)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      for (String typeName :
          new String[] {"EMAIL_ADDRESS", "DOMAIN_NAME", "PHONE_NUMBER", "PERSON_NAME"}) {

      // Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, TEST@example.com';

// List of substrings to be used for exclusion
// const excludedSubstringList = ['Test'];

async function inspectStringExclusionDictSubstr() {
  // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType
      data: Buffer.from(string, 'utf-8'),

  // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
  // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
  const infoTypes = [
    {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'},
    {name: 'DOMAIN_NAME'},
    {name: 'PHONE_NUMBER'},
    {name: 'PERSON_NAME'},

  // Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
  const exclusionRule = {
    dictionary: {wordList: {words: excludedSubstringList}},

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: infoTypes,
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary\WordList;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string with an exclusion dictionary substring
 * Omit scan matches that include the substring "TEST".
 * @param string $projectId                 The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect             The string to inspect.
 * @param array  $excludedSubStringArray    The sub string to excluded.
function inspect_string_with_exclusion_dict_substring(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'Some email addresses: gary@example.com, TEST@example.com',
    array  $excludedSubStringArray = ['Test']
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $infotypes = [
        (new InfoType())->setName('PHONE_NUMBER'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('DOMAIN_NAME'),
        (new InfoType())->setName('PERSON_NAME'),

    // Exclude matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
    $excludedSubstringList = (new Dictionary())
        ->setWordList((new WordList())

    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

from typing import List

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_with_exclusion_dict_substring(
    project: str, content_string: str, exclusion_list: List[str] = ["TEST"]
) -> None:
    """Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches that contain excluded tokens

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches if they include tokens
    in the specified exclusion list.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.
        exclusion_list: The list of strings to ignore partial matches on

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a list of infoTypes for DLP to locate in `content_string`. See
    # https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/concepts-infotypes for more information
    # about supported infoTypes.
    info_types_to_locate = [{"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}, {"name": "DOMAIN_NAME"}]

    # Construct a rule set that will only match if the match text does not
    # contains tokens from the exclusion list.
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "dictionary": {"word_list": {"words": exclusion_list}},
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"

カスタム infoType 検出器のスキャンで部分文字列「Jimmy」を含むスキャンの一致を除外する

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、指定されたカスタム正規表現検出器を使用するスキャンで、「Jimmy」という名前との一致を避けるように、InspectConfig を使用して機密データの保護に指示する方法を示しています。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;

public class InspectStringCustomExcludingSubstring
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, string customDetectorPattern, List<String> excludedSubstringList)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteContentItem };

        var infoType = new InfoType
            Name = "CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR"
        var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType
            InfoType = infoType,
            Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = customDetectorPattern }

        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch,
            Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary
                WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList
                    Words = { excludedSubstringList }

        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { infoType },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        var config = new InspectConfig
            CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringCustomExcludingSubstring inspects a string for sensitive data, excluding a custom substring
func inspectStringCustomExcludingSubstring(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect, customDetectorPattern string, excludedSubstringList []string) error {
	// projectId := "your-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "Name: Doe, John. Name: Example, Jimmy"
	// customDetectorPattern := "[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}"
	// excludedSubstringList := []string{"Jimmy"}

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	infoType := &dlppb.InfoType{

	customInfotype := &dlppb.CustomInfoType{
		InfoType: infoType,
		Type: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex_{
			Regex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: customDetectorPattern,

	// Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Dictionary{
			Dictionary: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary{
				Source: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList_{
					WordList: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList{
						Words: excludedSubstringList,
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infoType.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			CustomInfoTypes: []*dlppb.CustomInfoType{
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary.WordList;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Regex;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringCustomExcludingSubstring {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "Name: Doe, John. Name: Example, Jimmy";
    String customDetectorPattern = "[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}";
    List<String> excludedSubstringList = Arrays.asList("Jimmy");
        projectId, textToInspect, customDetectorPattern, excludedSubstringList);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringCustomExcludingSubstring(
      String projectId,
      String textToInspect,
      String customDetectorPattern,
      List<String> excludedSubstringList)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      InfoType infoType = InfoType.newBuilder().setName("CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR").build();
      CustomInfoType customInfoType =

      // Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the EMAIL_ADDRESSES infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'Name: Doe, John. Name: Example, Jimmy';

// Words to exclude
// const excludedWords = ['Jimmy'];

async function inspectStringCustomExclusionDict() {
  // Specify the content to be inspected.
  const item = {value: string};

  // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
  const customInfoTypes = [
      infoType: {name: 'CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR'},
      regex: {pattern: '[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}'},

  // Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
  const exclusionRUle = {
    dictionary: {wordList: {words: excludedWords}},

  // Construct a rule set that will only match if the match text does not
  // contains tokens from the exclusion list.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: [{name: 'CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR'}],
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRUle,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    customInfoTypes: customInfoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary\WordList;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data, excluding a custom substring
 * Illustrates how to use an InspectConfig to instruct Cloud DLP to avoid matching on the name "Jimmy" in a scan that uses the specified custom regular expression detector.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_custom_excluding_substring(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'Name: Doe, John. Name: Example, Jimmy'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();
    $customDetectorPattern = '[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}';

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $customerNameDetector = (new InfoType())
    $customInfoType = (new CustomInfoType())
        ->setRegex((new Regex())

    // Exclude partial matches from the specified excludedSubstringList.
    $excludedSubstringList = (new Dictionary())
        ->setWordList((new WordList())

    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule.
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

from typing import List

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_custom_excluding_substring(
    project: str, content_string: str, exclusion_list: List[str] = ["jimmy"]
) -> None:
    """Inspects the provided text with a custom detector, avoiding matches on specific tokens

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches on a custom detector
    if they include tokens in the specified exclusion list.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.
        exclusion_list: The list of strings to ignore matches on

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a custom regex detector for names
    custom_info_types = [
            "info_type": {"name": "CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR"},
            "regex": {"pattern": "[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}"},

    # Construct a rule set that will only match if the match text does not
    # contains tokens from the exclusion list.
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": [{"name": "CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR"}],
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "dictionary": {"word_list": {"words": exclusion_list}},
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "custom_info_types": custom_info_types,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

            "pattern":"[A-Z][a-z]{1,15}, [A-Z][a-z]{1,15}"
                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"

PERSON_NAME 検出器スキャンからカスタム検出器と重複するスキャン一致を除外する

このシナリオでは、スニペットの最初の部分で定義されているカスタム正規表現検出器を使用したスキャンで一致した結果を、PERSON_NAME 組み込み検出器を使用した機密データの保護スキャンで一致させないようにします。

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、InspectConfig でカスタム正規表現検出器と除外ルールの両方を指定しています。カスタム正規表現検出器では、結果から除外する名前を指定しています。除外ルールでは、PERSON_NAME スキャンから返された結果がカスタム正規表現検出器でも一致する場合に除外するよう指定しています。この例で、VIP_DETECTOREXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE として指定されているため、結果自体が生成されません。影響があるのは PERSON_NAME 検出器によって生成される結果のみです。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using static Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.CustomInfoType.Types;

public class InspectStringCustomOmitOverlap
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteItem };

        var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType
            InfoType = new InfoType { Name = "VIP_DETECTOR" },
            Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "Larry Page|Sergey Brin" },
            ExclusionType = ExclusionType.Exclude

        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            ExcludeInfoTypes = new ExcludeInfoTypes { InfoTypes = { customInfoType.InfoType } },
            MatchingType = MatchingType.FullMatch

        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } },
            CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringCustomOmitOverlap inspects a string for sensitive data with omitting custom matches
func inspectStringCustomOmitOverlap(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect, customInfoTypeName, infoTypeName, regex string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "Name: Jane Doe. Name: Larry Page."
	// customInfoTypeName := "VIP_DETECTOR"
	// infoTypeName := "PERSON_NAME"
	// regex := "Larry Page|Sergey Brin"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),
	// Construct the custom infoType.
	customInfotype := &dlppb.CustomInfoType{
		InfoType: &dlppb.InfoType{
			Name: customInfoTypeName,
		Type: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex_{
			Regex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: regex,
		ExclusionType: dlppb.CustomInfoType_EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE,

	// Exclude matches that also match the custom infoType.
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_ExcludeInfoTypes{
			ExcludeInfoTypes: &dlppb.ExcludeInfoTypes{
				InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleSet that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infoType.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: infoTypeName},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleSet.
	config := &dlppb.InspectConfig{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: infoTypeName},
		CustomInfoTypes: []*dlppb.CustomInfoType{
		IncludeQuote: true,
		RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Create a configured request.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent:        fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:          contentItem,
		InspectConfig: config,

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Parse the response and process results
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.ExclusionType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Regex;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExcludeInfoTypes;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;

public class InspectStringCustomOmitOverlap {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "Name: Jane Doe. Name: Larry Page.";
    inspectStringCustomOmitOverlap(projectId, textToInspect);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringCustomOmitOverlap(String projectId, String textToInspect)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Construct the custom infotype.
      CustomInfoType customInfoType =
              .setRegex(Regex.newBuilder().setPattern("Larry Page|Sergey Brin"))

      // Exclude matches that also match the custom infotype.
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'Name: Jane Doe. Name: Larry Page.';

async function inspectStringCustomOmitOverlap() {
  // Construct item to inspect
  const item = {value: string};

  // Construct a custom regex detector for names
  const customInfoTypes = [
      infoType: {name: 'VIP_DETECTOR'},
      regex: {pattern: 'Larry Page|Sergey Brin'},

  // Construct a exclusion rule
  const exclusionRule = {
    excludeInfoTypes: {
      infoTypes: [{name: 'VIP_DETECTOR'}],

  // Construct a rule set that will only match if the match text does not
  // contains Info type matches.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}],
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the inspect configuration
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}],
    customInfoTypes: customInfoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Combine configurations into a request for the service.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\ExclusionType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExcludeInfoTypes;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data, omitting custom matches
 * Omit scan matches from a PERSON_NAME detector scan that overlap with a custom detector.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_custom_omit_overlap(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'Name: Jane Doe. Name: Larry Page.'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $vipDetector = (new InfoType())
    $pattern = 'Larry Page|Sergey Brin';
    $customInfoType = (new CustomInfoType())
        ->setRegex((new Regex())

    // Exclude matches that also match the custom infotype.
    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())
        ->setExcludeInfoTypes((new ExcludeInfoTypes())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
    $personName = (new InfoType())
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_custom_omit_overlap(project: str, content_string: str) -> None:
    """Matches PERSON_NAME and a custom detector,
    but if they overlap only matches the custom detector

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches on a built-in detector
    if they overlap with matches from a custom detector

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a custom regex detector for names
    custom_info_types = [
            "info_type": {"name": "VIP_DETECTOR"},
            "regex": {"pattern": "Larry Page|Sergey Brin"},
            "exclusion_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.CustomInfoType.ExclusionType.EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE,

    # Construct a rule set that will exclude PERSON_NAME matches
    # that overlap with VIP_DETECTOR matches
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "exclude_info_types": {
                            "info_types": [{"name": "VIP_DETECTOR"}]
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
        "custom_info_types": custom_info_types,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

            "pattern":"Dana Williams|Quinn Garcia"
                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH"

EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器でも一致する場合に PERSON_NAME 検出器の一致を除外する

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器の一致が PERSON_NAME 検出器の一致と重複した場合に 1 つの一致のみを返すように、InspectConfig を使用して機密データの保護に指示する方法を示しています。こうすることで、「james@example.com」などのメールアドレスが PERSON_NAME 検出器と EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器の両方で一致する状況を避けられます。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;

public class InspectStringOmitOverlap
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect)
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
        var byteItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)
        var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteItem };

        // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
        // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
        var infoTypes = new string[] { "PERSON_NAME", "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it });

        // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            ExcludeInfoTypes = new ExcludeInfoTypes { InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" } } },
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch

        // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
        // If a PERSON_NAME match overlaps with an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the PERSON_NAME match will
        // be excluded.
        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        // Use the client to send the API request.
        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        // Parse the response and process results
        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringOmitOverlap inspects a string for sensitive data and
// omitting overlapping matches on person and email
func inspectStringOmitOverlap(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "gary@example.com"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
	infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
		{Name: "PERSON_NAME"},
		{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},

	// Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_ExcludeInfoTypes{
			ExcludeInfoTypes: &dlppb.ExcludeInfoTypes{
				InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
					{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleSet that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infoType.
	// If a PERSON_NAME match overlaps with an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the PERSON_NAME match will
	// be excluded.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "PERSON_NAME"},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes:    infoTypes,
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExcludeInfoTypes;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringOmitOverlap {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "james@example.com";
    inspectStringOmitOverlap(projectId, textToInspect);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringOmitOverlap(String projectId, String textToInspect)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      for (String typeName : new String[] {"PERSON_NAME", "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}) {

      // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
      // If a PERSON_NAME match overlaps with an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the PERSON_NAME match will
      // be excluded.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'james@example.com';

async function inspectStringWithoutOverlapPersonEmail() {
  // Construct item to inspect
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType
      data: Buffer.from(string, 'utf-8'),

  // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
  const infoTypes = [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}, {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}];

  // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
  const exclusionRule = {
    excludeInfoTypes: {
      infoTypes: [{name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}],

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
  // If a PERSON_NAME match overlaps with an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the PERSON_NAME match will
  // be excluded.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}],
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExcludeInfoTypes;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data, omitting overlapping matches on person and email
 * Omit matches on a PERSON_NAME detector if also matched by an EMAIL_ADDRESS detector.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_omit_overlap(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'james@example.org is an email.'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $personName = (new InfoType())
    $emailAddress = (new InfoType())
    $infoTypes = [$personName, $emailAddress];

    // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())
        ->setExcludeInfoTypes((new ExcludeInfoTypes())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
    // If a PERSON_NAME match overlaps with an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the PERSON_NAME match will
    // be excluded.
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_omit_overlap(
    project: str,
    content_string: str,
) -> None:
    """Matches PERSON_NAME and EMAIL_ADDRESS, but not both.

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API omit matches on PERSON_NAME if the
    EMAIL_ADDRESS detector also matches.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a list of infoTypes for DLP to locate in `content_string`. See
    # https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/concepts-infotypes for more information
    # about supported infoTypes.
    info_types_to_locate = [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}, {"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]

    # Construct the configuration dictionary that will only match on PERSON_NAME
    # if the EMAIL_ADDRESS doesn't also match. This configuration helps reduce
    # the total number of findings when there is a large overlap between different
    # infoTypes.
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
        "rule_set": [
                "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
                "rules": [
                        "exclusion_rule": {
                            "exclude_info_types": {
                                "info_types": [{"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]
                            "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"

DOMAIN_NAME 検出器スキャンでメールアドレスの一部であるドメイン名の一致を除外する

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、EMAIL_ADDRESS 検出器スキャンの一致と重複しない場合に、DOMAIN_NAME 検出器スキャンの一致のみを返すように、InspectConfigを使用して機密データの保護に指示する方法を示しています。このシナリオで、メインのスキャンは DOMAIN_NAME 検出器スキャンです。ドメイン名がメールアドレスで使用されている場合、検出結果にドメイン名の一致が返されないようにします。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using static Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.CustomInfoType.Types;

public class InspectStringWithoutOverlap
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect)
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)
        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = byteContentItem

        // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
        // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
        var infoTypes = new string[] { "DOMAIN_NAME", "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it });

        // Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
        var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType
            InfoType = new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" },
            ExclusionType = ExclusionType.Exclude

        // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
        var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule
            ExcludeInfoTypes = new ExcludeInfoTypes
                InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" } }
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch

        // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the DOMAIN_NAME infotype.
        // If a DOMAIN_NAME match is part of an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the DOMAIN_NAME match will
        // be excluded.
        var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "DOMAIN_NAME" } },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } }

        // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
        var config = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { ruleSet }

        // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = config

        // Use the client to send the API request.
        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringWithoutOverlap inspects a string for sensitive data
// and omit overlapping matches on domain and email
func inspectStringWithoutOverlap(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "example.com is a domain, james@example.org is an email."

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
	// See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
	infoTypes := []*dlppb.InfoType{
		{Name: "DOMAIN_NAME"},
		{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},

	// Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
	customInfotype := &dlppb.CustomInfoType{
		InfoType: &dlppb.InfoType{
		ExclusionType: dlppb.CustomInfoType_EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE,

	// Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
	exclusionRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_ExcludeInfoTypes{
			ExcludeInfoTypes: &dlppb.ExcludeInfoTypes{
				InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
					{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleSet that applies the exclusion rule to the DOMAIN_NAME infoType.
	// If a DOMAIN_NAME match is part of an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the DOMAIN_NAME match will
	// be excluded.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "DOMAIN_NAME"},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{
					ExclusionRule: exclusionRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes: infoTypes,
			CustomInfoTypes: []*dlppb.CustomInfoType{
			IncludeQuote: true,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.ExclusionType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExcludeInfoTypes;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectStringWithoutOverlap {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "example.com is a domain, james@example.org is an email.";
    inspectStringWithoutOverlap(projectId, textToInspect);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringWithoutOverlap(String projectId, String textToInspect)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      for (String typeName : new String[] {"DOMAIN_NAME", "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}) {

      // Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
      CustomInfoType customInfoType =

      // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
      ExclusionRule exclusionRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the DOMAIN_NAME infotype.
      // If a DOMAIN_NAME match is part of an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the DOMAIN_NAME match will
      // be excluded.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'example.com is a domain, james@example.org is an email.';

async function inspectStringWithoutOverlap() {
  // Construct item to inspect
  const item = {value: string};

  // The infoTypes of information to match
  const infoTypes = [{name: 'DOMAIN_NAME'}, {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}];

  // Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
  const customInfoTypes = [
      infoType: {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'},

  // Construct a exclusion rule
  const exclusionRule = {
    excludeInfoTypes: {
      infoTypes: [{name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}],

  // Construct a rule set with exclusions
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: [{name: 'DOMAIN_NAME'}],
      rules: [
          exclusionRule: exclusionRule,

  // Construct the inspect configuration
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    customInfoTypes: customInfoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Combine configurations into a request for the service.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\ExclusionType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExcludeInfoTypes;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data, omitting overlapping matches on domain and email
 * Omit matches on domain names that are part of email addresses in a DOMAIN_NAME detector scan.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_without_overlap(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'example.com is a domain, james@example.org is an email.'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
    $domainName = (new InfoType())
    $emailAddress = (new InfoType())
    $infoTypes = [$domainName, $emailAddress];

    // Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
    $customInfoType = (new CustomInfoType())

    // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
    $matchingType = MatchingType::MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH;

    $exclusionRule = (new ExclusionRule())
        ->setExcludeInfoTypes((new ExcludeInfoTypes())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the DOMAIN_NAME infotype.
    // If a DOMAIN_NAME match is part of an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the DOMAIN_NAME match will
    // be excluded.
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
                '  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL,

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_without_overlap(project: str, content_string: str) -> None:
    """Matches EMAIL_ADDRESS and DOMAIN_NAME, but DOMAIN_NAME is omitted
    if it overlaps with EMAIL_ADDRESS

    Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to omit matches of one infotype
    that overlap with another.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a list of infoTypes for DLP to locate in `content_string`. See
    # https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/concepts-infotypes for more information
    # about supported infoTypes.
    info_types_to_locate = [{"name": "DOMAIN_NAME"}, {"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]

    # Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses
    custom_info_types = [
            "info_type": {"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
            "exclusion_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.CustomInfoType.ExclusionType.EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE,

    # Construct a rule set that will exclude DOMAIN_NAME matches
    # that overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS matches
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": [{"name": "DOMAIN_NAME"}],
            "rules": [
                    "exclusion_rule": {
                        "exclude_info_types": {
                            "info_types": [{"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}]
                        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types_to_locate,
        "custom_info_types": custom_info_types,
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

                "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"


次の例は、単語「SKU」が検出結果の前後 10 文字以内にある場合に、US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER infoType 検出器で一致を除外する方法を示しています。

除外ルールにより、この例では 222-22-2222 は米国の社会保障番号として分類されません。

  "item": {
    "value": "The customer sent the product SKU 222-22-2222"
  "inspectConfig": {
    "infoTypes": [
    "ruleSet": [
        "infoTypes": [
            "name": "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
        "rules": [
            "exclusionRule": {
              "excludeByHotword": {
                "hotwordRegex": {
                  "pattern": "(SKU)"
                "proximity": {
                  "windowBefore": 10,
                  "windowAfter": 10
              "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH"
    "includeQuote": true


次の例は、テーブルデータの列の名前が正規表現と一致する場合に、その列全体の検出結果を除外する方法を示しています。ここでは、US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER infoType 検出器に一致する結果が [Fake Social Security Number] 列に含まれている場合、その検出結果は結果から除外されます。

この例では、111-11-1111 が [Fake Social Security Number列にあるため、222-22-2222 のみを返します。

  "item": {
    "table": {
      "headers": [
          "name": "Fake Social Security Number"
          "name": "Real Social Security Number"
      "rows": [
          "values": [
              "stringValue": "111-11-1111"
              "stringValue": "222-22-2222"
  "inspectConfig": {
    "infoTypes": [
    "includeQuote": true,
    "ruleSet": [
        "infoTypes": [
            "name": "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
        "rules": [
            "exclusionRule": {
              "excludeByHotword": {
                "hotwordRegex": {
                  "pattern": "(Fake Social Security Number)"
                "proximity": {
                  "windowBefore": 1
              "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_FULL_MATCH"
    "minLikelihood": "POSSIBLE"



  • スキャンの一致に割り当てられた可能性の値を、ホットワードへの一致の近接度に基づいて変更したい場合。たとえば、「patient(患者)」という単語への患者名の近接度に応じて、その名前に対する一致の可能性値を高く設定したい場合です。
  • 構造化された表形式データを調べる際、列のヘッダー名に基づいて一致に割り当てられた可能性の値を変更したい場合。たとえば、ヘッダー ACCOUNT_ID の列のデータに対し、US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER の可能性値を高く設定したい場合です。

ホットワード ルール API の概要

機密データの保護の InspectionRule オブジェクト内で、HotwordRule オブジェクトを指定します。このオブジェクトでは、ホットワードへの一定の近接度の範囲内において、検索結果の可能性の値を調整します。

InspectionRule オブジェクトは、ルールセットが適用される infoType 検出器のリストとともに、「ルールセット」として InspectionRuleSet オブジェクトにグループ化されます。ルールセット内のルールは、指定された順序で適用されます。

ホットワード ルールのシナリオ例

次のコード スニペットは、特定のシナリオにおける機密データの保護の構成方法を示しています。

ホットワード「patient」が近くにある場合に PERSON_NAME の一致の可能性を高める

次の JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、医療データベースで患者名をスキャンするために、InspectConfig プロパティを使用する方法を示しています。機密データの保護の組み込み PERSON_NAME infoType 検出器を使用できますが、その場合、機密データの保護では、患者名だけでなくすべての人の名前が一致してしまいます。これを修正するには、ホットワード ルールを組み込んで、一致候補の最初の文字から特定の文字の近接度の範囲内で単語「patient」を探します。このパターンに一致した結果は特殊な基準を満たしているので、可能性として「very likely」を割り当てることができます。InspectConfig 内で最低限の LikelihoodVERY_LIKELY に設定しておくと、この構成に一致するもののみが結果で返されるようになります。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using System;
using static Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.CustomInfoType.Types;

public class InspectStringCustomHotword
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, string customHotword)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = byteContentItem

        var hotwordRule = new DetectionRule.Types.HotwordRule
            HotwordRegex = new Regex { Pattern = customHotword },
            Proximity = new DetectionRule.Types.Proximity { WindowBefore = 50 },
            LikelihoodAdjustment = new DetectionRule.Types.LikelihoodAdjustment { FixedLikelihood = Likelihood.VeryLikely }

        var infoType = new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" };

        var inspectionRuleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { infoType },
            Rules = { new InspectionRule { HotwordRule = hotwordRule } }

        var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoType },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { inspectionRuleSet },
            MinLikelihood = Likelihood.VeryLikely

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = inspectConfig

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringCustomHotWord inspects a string from sensitive data by using a custom hot word
func inspectStringCustomHotWord(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect, customHotWord, infoTypeName string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "patient name: John Doe"
	// customHotWord := "patient"
	// infoTypeName := "PERSON_NAME"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Increase likelihood of matches that have customHotword nearby
	hotwordRule := &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{

		HotwordRule: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_HotwordRule{
			HotwordRegex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: customHotWord,
			Proximity: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_Proximity{
				WindowBefore: 50,
			LikelihoodAdjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment{
				Adjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment_FixedLikelihood{
					FixedLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY,

	// Construct a ruleset that applies the hotword rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: infoTypeName}, //"PERSON_NAME"
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
				Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{
					HotwordRule: hotwordRule.HotwordRule,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:   contentItem,
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
				{Name: infoTypeName}, //"PERSON_NAME"
			IncludeQuote:  true,
			MinLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY,
			RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Parse the response and process results
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.HotwordRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.LikelihoodAdjustment;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.Proximity;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Regex;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;

public class InspectStringCustomHotword {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "patient name: John Doe";
    String customHotword = "patient";
    inspectStringCustomHotword(projectId, textToInspect, customHotword);

  // Inspects the provided text.
  public static void inspectStringCustomHotword(
      String projectId, String textToInspect, String customHotword) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Increase likelihood of matches that have customHotword nearby
      HotwordRule hotwordRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the hotword rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'patient name: John Doe';

// Custom hotward
// const customHotword = 'patient';

async function inspectStringCustomHotword() {
  // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType
      data: Buffer.from(string, 'utf-8'),

  // Increase likelihood of matches that have customHotword nearby.
  const hotwordRule = {
    hotwordRegex: {
      pattern: customHotword,
    proximity: {
      windowBefore: 50,
    likelihoodAdjustment: {

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the hotword rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}],
      rules: [
          hotwordRule: hotwordRule,

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}],
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\HotwordRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\LikelihoodAdjustment;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\Proximity;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;

 * Inspect a string from sensitive data by using a custom hotword
 * Increase the likelihood of a PERSON_NAME match if there is the hotword "patient" nearby. Illustrates using the InspectConfig property for the purpose of scanning a medical database for patient names. You can use Cloud DLP's built-in PERSON_NAME infoType detector, but that causes Cloud DLP to match on all names of people, not just names of patients. To fix this, you can include a hotword rule that looks for the word "patient" within a certain character proximity from the first character of potential matches. You can then assign findings that match this pattern a likelihood of "very likely," since they correspond to your special criteria. Setting the minimum likelihood to VERY_LIKELY within InspectConfig ensures that only matches to this configuration are returned in findings.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_custom_hotword(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'patient name: John Doe'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Construct hotword rules
    $hotwordRule = (new HotwordRule())
            (new Regex())
            (new Proximity())
            (new LikelihoodAdjustment())

    // Construct a ruleset that applies the hotword rule to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
    $personName = (new InfoType())
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_w_custom_hotword(
    project: str, content_string: str, custom_hotword: str = "patient"
) -> None:
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API increase likelihood for matches on
       PERSON_NAME if the user specified custom hot-word is present. Only
       includes findings with the increased likelihood by setting a minimum
       likelihood threshold of VERY_LIKELY.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.
        custom_hotword: The custom hot-word used for likelihood boosting.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct a rule set with caller provided hotword, with a likelihood
    # boost to VERY_LIKELY when the hotword are present within the 50 character-
    # window preceding the PII finding.
    hotword_rule = {
        "hotword_regex": {"pattern": custom_hotword},
        "likelihood_adjustment": {
            "fixed_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.VERY_LIKELY
        "proximity": {"window_before": 50},

    rule_set = [
            "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
            "rules": [{"hotword_rule": hotword_rule}],

    # Construct the configuration dictionary with the custom regex info type.
    inspect_config = {
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "min_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.VERY_LIKELY,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。




次の InspectConfig JSON スニペットと複数の言語のコードは、除外ルールと起動ワードルールの両方を適用する方法を示しています。このスニペットのルールセットには、起動ワードルールと、辞書と正規表現の除外ルールの両方が含まれています。rules 要素内の配列に 4 つのルールが指定されている点に注目してください。

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using static Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.CustomInfoType.Types;

public class InspectStringMultipleRules
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem
            Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8,
            Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect)

        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = byteContentItem

        var patientRule = new DetectionRule.Types.HotwordRule
            HotwordRegex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "patient" },
            Proximity = new DetectionRule.Types.Proximity { WindowBefore = 10 },
            LikelihoodAdjustment = new DetectionRule.Types.LikelihoodAdjustment { FixedLikelihood = Likelihood.VeryLikely }

        var doctorRule = new DetectionRule.Types.HotwordRule
            HotwordRegex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "doctor" },
            Proximity = new DetectionRule.Types.Proximity { WindowBefore = 10 },
            LikelihoodAdjustment = new DetectionRule.Types.LikelihoodAdjustment { FixedLikelihood = Likelihood.Unlikely }

        // Construct exclusion rules
        var quasimodoRule = new ExclusionRule
            Dictionary = new Dictionary { WordList = new Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { "Quasimodo" } } },
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch

        var redactedRule = new ExclusionRule
            Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "REDACTED" },
            MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch

        var infoType = new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" };

        var inspectionRuleSet = new InspectionRuleSet
            InfoTypes = { infoType },
            Rules =
                new InspectionRule { HotwordRule = patientRule },
                new InspectionRule { HotwordRule = doctorRule},
                new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = quasimodoRule },
                new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = redactedRule }

        var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoType },
            IncludeQuote = true,
            RuleSet = { inspectionRuleSet }

        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = inspectConfig

        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}");
        foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings)
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"

// inspectStringMultipleRules inspects the provided text,
// avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
// this function implements the both exclusion and hot word rules.
func inspectStringMultipleRules(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// textToInspect := "patient: Jane Doe"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	ContentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
				Data: []byte(textToInspect),

	// Construct the rule that adjust the likelihood of findings
	// within a certain proximity of hot-word("patient").
	patientRule := &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{
		HotwordRule: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_HotwordRule{
			HotwordRegex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: "patient",
			Proximity: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_Proximity{
				WindowBefore: 10,
			LikelihoodAdjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment{
				Adjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment_FixedLikelihood{
					FixedLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY,

	// Construct the rule that adjust the likelihood of findings
	// within a certain proximity of hot-word("doctor").
	doctorRule := &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{
		HotwordRule: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_HotwordRule{
			HotwordRegex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: "doctor",
			Proximity: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_Proximity{
				WindowBefore: 10,
			LikelihoodAdjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment{
				Adjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment_FixedLikelihood{
					FixedLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_UNLIKELY,

	// Construct the exclusion rule that avoids the matches for the specified word list.
	quasimodoRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Dictionary{
			Dictionary: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary{
				Source: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList_{
					WordList: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Dictionary_WordList{
						Words: []string{"Quasimodo"},
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct the exclusion rule that avoids the matches for the specified regex pattern.
	redactedRule := &dlppb.ExclusionRule{
		Type: &dlppb.ExclusionRule_Regex{
			Regex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
				Pattern: "REDACTED",
		MatchingType: dlppb.MatchingType_MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

	// Construct a ruleSet that applies the rules to the PERSON_NAME infoType.
	ruleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "PERSON_NAME"},
		Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
			{Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{HotwordRule: doctorRule.HotwordRule}},
			{Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{HotwordRule: patientRule.HotwordRule}},
			{Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{ExclusionRule: quasimodoRule}},
			{Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_ExclusionRule{ExclusionRule: redactedRule}},

	// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleSet.
	inspectConfig := &dlppb.InspectConfig{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "PERSON_NAME"},
		IncludeQuote: true,
		RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{

	// Create and send the request.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent:        fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:          ContentItem,
		InspectConfig: inspectConfig,

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Infotype Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
	return nil


機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.HotwordRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.LikelihoodAdjustment;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.DetectionRule.Proximity;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Dictionary.WordList;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.CustomInfoType.Regex;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ExclusionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InfoType;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRule;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectionRuleSet;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.MatchingType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.IOException;

public class InspectStringMultipleRules {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String textToInspect = "patient: Jane Doe";
    inspectStringMultipleRules(projectId, textToInspect);

  // Inspects the provided text, avoiding matches specified in the exclusion list.
  public static void inspectStringMultipleRules(String projectId, String textToInspect)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Construct hotword rules
      HotwordRule patientRule =

      HotwordRule doctorRule =

      // Construct exclusion rules
      ExclusionRule quasimodoRule =

      ExclusionRule redactedRule =

      // Construct a ruleset that applies the rules to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
      InspectionRuleSet ruleSet =

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The string to inspect
// const string = 'patient: Jane Doe';

async function inspectStringMultipleRules() {
  // Construct item to inspect
  const item = {value: string};

  // Construct hotword rules
  const patientRule = {
    hotwordRegex: {pattern: 'patient'},
    proximity: {windowBefore: 10},
    likelihoodAdjustment: {

  const doctorRule = {
    hotwordRegex: {pattern: 'doctor'},
    proximity: {windowBefore: 10},
    likelihoodAdjustment: {
      fixedLikelihood: DLP.protos.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood.UNLIKELY,

  // Construct exclusion rules
  const quasimodoRule = {
    dictionary: {wordList: {words: ['quasimodo']}},

  const redactedRule = {
    regex: {pattern: 'REDACTED'},

  // The infoTypes of information to match
  const infoTypes = [{name: 'PERSON_NAME'}];

  // Construct a ruleset that applies the rules to the PERSON_NAME infotype.
  const ruleSet = [
      infoTypes: infoTypes,
      rules: [
        {hotwordRule: patientRule},
        {hotwordRule: doctorRule},
        {exclusionRule: quasimodoRule},
        {exclusionRule: redactedRule},

  // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    ruleSet: ruleSet,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${finding.infoType.name}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\HotwordRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\LikelihoodAdjustment;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\DetectionRule\Proximity;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Dictionary\WordList;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CustomInfoType\Regex;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ExclusionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRule;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectionRuleSet;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\MatchingType;

 * Inspect a string for sensitive data by using multiple rules
 * Illustrates applying both exclusion and hotword rules. This snippet's rule set includes both hotword rules and dictionary and regex exclusion rules. Notice that the four rules are specified in an array within the rules element.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $textToInspect     The string to inspect.
function inspect_string_multiple_rules(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $textToInspect = 'patient: Jane Doe'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Construct hotword rules
    $patientRule = (new HotwordRule())
        ->setHotwordRegex((new Regex())
        ->setProximity((new Proximity())
        ->setLikelihoodAdjustment((new LikelihoodAdjustment())

    $doctorRule = (new HotwordRule())
        ->setHotwordRegex((new Regex())
        ->setProximity((new Proximity())
        ->setLikelihoodAdjustment((new LikelihoodAdjustment())

    // Construct exclusion rules
    $wordList = (new Dictionary())
        ->setWordList((new WordList())

    $quasimodoRule = (new ExclusionRule())

    $redactedRule = (new ExclusionRule())
        ->setRegex((new Regex())

    // Specify the exclusion rule and build-in info type the inspection will look for.
    $personName = (new InfoType())
    $inspectionRuleSet = (new InspectionRuleSet())
            (new InspectionRule())
            (new InspectionRule())
            (new InspectionRule())
            (new InspectionRule())

    // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Quote: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getQuote());
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

機密データの保護用のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、機密データの保護のクライアント ライブラリをご覧ください。

機密データの保護のために認証するには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。 詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import google.cloud.dlp

def inspect_string_multiple_rules(project: str, content_string: str) -> None:
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to modify likelihood for matches on
       PERSON_NAME combining multiple hotword and exclusion rules.

        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        content_string: The string to inspect.

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Construct hotword rules
    patient_rule = {
        "hotword_regex": {"pattern": "patient"},
        "proximity": {"window_before": 10},
        "likelihood_adjustment": {
            "fixed_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.VERY_LIKELY
    doctor_rule = {
        "hotword_regex": {"pattern": "doctor"},
        "proximity": {"window_before": 10},
        "likelihood_adjustment": {
            "fixed_likelihood": google.cloud.dlp_v2.Likelihood.UNLIKELY

    # Construct exclusion rules
    quasimodo_rule = {
        "dictionary": {"word_list": {"words": ["quasimodo"]}},
        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,
    redacted_rule = {
        "regex": {"pattern": "REDACTED"},
        "matching_type": google.cloud.dlp_v2.MatchingType.MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH,

    # Construct the rule set, combining the above rules
    rule_set = [
            "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
            "rules": [
                {"hotword_rule": patient_rule},
                {"hotword_rule": doctor_rule},
                {"exclusion_rule": quasimodo_rule},
                {"exclusion_rule": redacted_rule},

    # Construct the configuration dictionary
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": [{"name": "PERSON_NAME"}],
        "rule_set": rule_set,
        "include_quote": True,

    # Construct the `item`.
    item = {"value": content_string}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
        request={"parent": parent, "inspect_config": inspect_config, "item": item}

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {finding.info_type.name}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

JSON で DLP API を使用する方法については、JSON クイックスタートをご覧ください。

              "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"
              "matchingType": "MATCHING_TYPE_PARTIAL_MATCH"

infoType 検出器の重複

カスタム infoType 検出器には、組み込みの infoType 検出器と同じ名前を定義することが可能です。ホットワード ルールのシナリオ例で示したように、組み込みの infoType 検出器と同じ名前のカスタム infoType 検出器を作成すると、新しい infoType 検出器で検出された結果が、組み込み検出器で検出された結果に追加されます。この現象は、組み込みの infoType が InspectConfig オブジェクト内の infoType のリストに指定されている場合に限り発生します。

新しいカスタム infoType 検出器を作成する場合は、サンプル コンテンツに対して十分にテストし、意図したとおりに機能するようにします。