Integrate IaC validation with GitHub Actions

You can use the Analyze Code Security action to validate the infrastructure as code (IaC) that is part of your GitHub Actions workflow. Validating IaC lets you determine whether your Terraform resource definitions violate the existing organization policies and Security Health Analytics detectors that are applied to your Google Cloud resources.

For more information about IaC validation, see Validate your IaC against your Google Cloud organization's policies.

Before you begin

Complete these tasks to get started with IaC validation with GitHub Actions.

Activate the Security Command Center Premium tier or Enterprise tier

Verify that the Security Command Center Premium tier or Enterprise tier is activated at the organization level.

Activating Security Command Center enables the and APIs.

Create a service account

Create a service account that you can use for the Analyze Code Security action.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create service account page.

    Go to Create service account
  2. Select your project.
  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name. The Google Cloud console fills in the Service account ID field based on this name.

    In the Service account description field, enter a description. For example, Service account for quickstart.

  4. Click Create and continue.
  5. Grant the Security Posture Shift-Left Validator role to the service account.

    To grant the role, find the Select a role list, then select Security Posture Shift-Left Validator.

  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Done to finish creating the service account.

For more information about IaC validation permissions, see IAM for organization-level activations.

Set up authentication

  1. Configure Workload Identity Federation with your GitHub identity provider. For instructions, see Workload Identity Federation.

  2. Obtain the URL for your Workload Identity Federation ID token. For example,

    Consider the following:

    • PROJECT_NUMBER is the project number for the Google Cloud project that you set up Workload Identity Federation in.
    • POOL_ID is the pool name.
    • PROVIDER_ID is the name of your identity provider.
  3. Add the Authenticate to Google Cloud action to your workflow to authenticate the IaC validation action.

Define your policies

Define your organization policies and Security Health Analytics detectors. To define these policies using a security posture, complete the tasks in Create and deploy a posture.

Create your Terraform plan JSON file

  1. Create your Terraform code. For instructions, see Create your Terraform code.

  2. In your GitHub Actions, initialize Terraform. For example, if you're using the HashiCorp - Setup Terraform action, run the following command:

    - name: Terraform Init
      id: init
      run: terraform init
  3. Create a Terraform plan file:

    - name: Create Terraform Plan
      id: plan
      run: terraform plan -out=TF_PLAN_FILE

    Replace TF_PLAN_FILE with the name for the Terraform plan file. For example, myplan.tfplan.

  4. Convert your plan file into JSON format:

    - name: Convert Terraform Plan to JSON
      id: convert
      run: terraform show -no-color -json TF_PLAN_FILE > TF_PLAN_JSON_FILE

    Replace TF_PLAN_JSON_FILE with the name for the Terraform plan file, in JSON format. For example, mytfplan.json.

Add the action to your GitHub Actions workflow

  1. In the GitHub repository, browse to your workflow.
  2. Open the workflow editor.
  3. In the GitHub Marketplace sidebar, search for Analyze Code Security.
  4. In the Installation section, copy the syntax.
  5. Paste the syntax as a new step into your workflow.
  6. Replace the following values:

    • workload_identity_provider with the link to the URL for your Workload Identity Federation ID token.
    • service_account with the email address of the service account that you created for the action.
    • organization_id with your Google Cloud organization ID.
    • scan_file_ref with the path to your Terraform plan file, in JSON format.
    • failure_criteria with the failure threshold criteria that determines when the action fails. The threshold criteria is based on the number of critical, high, medium, and low severity issues that the IaC validation scan encounters. failure_criteria specifies how many issues of each severity are permitted and how the issues are aggregated (either AND or OR). For example, if you want the action to fail if it encounters one critical issue or one high severity issue, set the failure_criteria to Critical:1,High:1,Operator:OR. The default is Critical:1,High:1,Medium:1,Low:1,Operator:OR, which means that if the IaC validation scan encounters any issue, the action must fail.

You can now run the workflow to validate your Terraform plan file. To run the workflow manually, see Manually running a workflow.

View the IaC violation report

  1. In your GitHub repository, click Actions and select your workflow.

  2. Click the most recent run for your workflow.

    In the Artifacts section, the violation report (ias-scan-sarif.json) is available in a zip file. The report includes the following fields:

    • A rules field that describes which policies were violated by the Terraform plan. Each rule includes a ruleID that you can match with the results that are included in the report.
    • A results field that describes the proposed asset modifications that violate a specific rule.
  3. Resolve any violations within your Terraform code before applying it.

What's next