Transcoder V1 API - Class Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder::V1::Job (v0.5.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Transcoder V1 API class Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder::V1::Job.

Transcoding job resource.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def config() -> ::Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder::V1::JobConfig


def config=(value) -> ::Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder::V1::JobConfig


def create_time() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp


def end_time() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp


def error() -> ::Google::Rpc::Status
  • (::Google::Rpc::Status) — Output only. An error object that describes the reason for the failure. This property is always present when state is FAILED.


def input_uri() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Input only. Specify the input_uri to populate empty uri fields in each element of Job.config.inputs or JobTemplate.config.inputs when using template. URI of the media. Input files must be at least 5 seconds in duration and stored in Cloud Storage (for example, gs://bucket/inputs/file.mp4). See Supported input and output formats.


def input_uri=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Input only. Specify the input_uri to populate empty uri fields in each element of Job.config.inputs or JobTemplate.config.inputs when using template. URI of the media. Input files must be at least 5 seconds in duration and stored in Cloud Storage (for example, gs://bucket/inputs/file.mp4). See Supported input and output formats.
  • (::String) — Input only. Specify the input_uri to populate empty uri fields in each element of Job.config.inputs or JobTemplate.config.inputs when using template. URI of the media. Input files must be at least 5 seconds in duration and stored in Cloud Storage (for example, gs://bucket/inputs/file.mp4). See Supported input and output formats.


def labels() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}) — The labels associated with this job. You can use these to organize and group your jobs.


def labels=(value) -> ::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}
  • value (::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}) — The labels associated with this job. You can use these to organize and group your jobs.
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}) — The labels associated with this job. You can use these to organize and group your jobs.


def name() -> ::String
  • (::String) — The resource name of the job. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job}


def name=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — The resource name of the job. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job}
  • (::String) — The resource name of the job. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job}


def output_uri() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Input only. Specify the output_uri to populate an empty Job.config.output.uri or JobTemplate.config.output.uri when using template. URI for the output file(s). For example, gs://my-bucket/outputs/. See Supported input and output formats.


def output_uri=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Input only. Specify the output_uri to populate an empty Job.config.output.uri or JobTemplate.config.output.uri when using template. URI for the output file(s). For example, gs://my-bucket/outputs/. See Supported input and output formats.
  • (::String) — Input only. Specify the output_uri to populate an empty Job.config.output.uri or JobTemplate.config.output.uri when using template. URI for the output file(s). For example, gs://my-bucket/outputs/. See Supported input and output formats.


def start_time() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp


def state() -> ::Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder::V1::Job::ProcessingState


def template_id() -> ::String
  • (::String) —

    Input only. Specify the template_id to use for populating Job.config. The default is preset/web-hd.

    Preset Transcoder templates:

    • preset/{preset_id}

    • User defined JobTemplate: {job_template_id}


def template_id=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) —

    Input only. Specify the template_id to use for populating Job.config. The default is preset/web-hd.

    Preset Transcoder templates:

    • preset/{preset_id}

    • User defined JobTemplate: {job_template_id}

  • (::String) —

    Input only. Specify the template_id to use for populating Job.config. The default is preset/web-hd.

    Preset Transcoder templates:

    • preset/{preset_id}

    • User defined JobTemplate: {job_template_id}


def ttl_after_completion_days() -> ::Integer
  • (::Integer) — Job time to live value in days, which will be effective after job completion. Job should be deleted automatically after the given TTL. Enter a value between 1 and 90. The default is 30.


def ttl_after_completion_days=(value) -> ::Integer
  • value (::Integer) — Job time to live value in days, which will be effective after job completion. Job should be deleted automatically after the given TTL. Enter a value between 1 and 90. The default is 30.
  • (::Integer) — Job time to live value in days, which will be effective after job completion. Job should be deleted automatically after the given TTL. Enter a value between 1 and 90. The default is 30.