Class Google::Cloud::StorageTransfer::V1::ObjectConditions (v0.1.2)

Conditions that determine which objects will be transferred. Applies only to Cloud Data Sources such as S3, Azure, and Cloud Storage.

The "last modification time" refers to the time of the last change to the object's content or metadata — specifically, this is the updated property of Cloud Storage objects, the LastModified field of S3 objects, and the Last-Modified header of Azure blobs.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def exclude_prefixes() -> ::Array<::String>
  • (::Array<::String>) — If you specify exclude_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the exclude_prefixes array to determine which objects to exclude from a transfer. Objects must not start with one of the matching exclude_prefixes for inclusion in a transfer.

    The following are requirements of exclude_prefixes:

    • Each exclude-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each exclude-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to exclude the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the exclude-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the exclude-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each exclude-prefix must exclude a distinct portion of the object namespace. No exclude-prefix may be a prefix of another exclude-prefix.

    • If [include_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.include_prefixes] is specified, then each exclude-prefix must start with the value of a path explicitly included by include_prefixes.

    The max size of exclude_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.


def exclude_prefixes=(value) -> ::Array<::String>
  • value (::Array<::String>) — If you specify exclude_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the exclude_prefixes array to determine which objects to exclude from a transfer. Objects must not start with one of the matching exclude_prefixes for inclusion in a transfer.

    The following are requirements of exclude_prefixes:

    • Each exclude-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each exclude-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to exclude the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the exclude-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the exclude-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each exclude-prefix must exclude a distinct portion of the object namespace. No exclude-prefix may be a prefix of another exclude-prefix.

    • If [include_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.include_prefixes] is specified, then each exclude-prefix must start with the value of a path explicitly included by include_prefixes.

    The max size of exclude_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.

  • (::Array<::String>) — If you specify exclude_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the exclude_prefixes array to determine which objects to exclude from a transfer. Objects must not start with one of the matching exclude_prefixes for inclusion in a transfer.

    The following are requirements of exclude_prefixes:

    • Each exclude-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each exclude-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to exclude the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the exclude-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the exclude-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each exclude-prefix must exclude a distinct portion of the object namespace. No exclude-prefix may be a prefix of another exclude-prefix.

    • If [include_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.include_prefixes] is specified, then each exclude-prefix must start with the value of a path explicitly included by include_prefixes.

    The max size of exclude_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.


def include_prefixes() -> ::Array<::String>
  • (::Array<::String>) — If you specify include_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the include_prefixes array to determine which objects to include in a transfer. Objects must start with one of the matching include_prefixes for inclusion in the transfer. If [exclude_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.exclude_prefixes] is specified, objects must not start with any of the exclude_prefixes specified for inclusion in the transfer.

    The following are requirements of include_prefixes:

    • Each include-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each include-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to include the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the include-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the include-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each include-prefix must include a distinct portion of the object namespace. No include-prefix may be a prefix of another include-prefix.

    The max size of include_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.


def include_prefixes=(value) -> ::Array<::String>
  • value (::Array<::String>) — If you specify include_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the include_prefixes array to determine which objects to include in a transfer. Objects must start with one of the matching include_prefixes for inclusion in the transfer. If [exclude_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.exclude_prefixes] is specified, objects must not start with any of the exclude_prefixes specified for inclusion in the transfer.

    The following are requirements of include_prefixes:

    • Each include-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each include-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to include the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the include-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the include-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each include-prefix must include a distinct portion of the object namespace. No include-prefix may be a prefix of another include-prefix.

    The max size of include_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.

  • (::Array<::String>) — If you specify include_prefixes, Storage Transfer Service uses the items in the include_prefixes array to determine which objects to include in a transfer. Objects must start with one of the matching include_prefixes for inclusion in the transfer. If [exclude_prefixes] [google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions.exclude_prefixes] is specified, objects must not start with any of the exclude_prefixes specified for inclusion in the transfer.

    The following are requirements of include_prefixes:

    • Each include-prefix can contain any sequence of Unicode characters, to a max length of 1024 bytes when UTF8-encoded, and must not contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters. Wildcard matching and regular expression matching are not supported.

    • Each include-prefix must omit the leading slash. For example, to include the object s3://my-aws-bucket/logs/y=2015/requests.gz, specify the include-prefix as logs/y=2015/requests.gz.

    • None of the include-prefix values can be empty, if specified.

    • Each include-prefix must include a distinct portion of the object namespace. No include-prefix may be a prefix of another include-prefix.

    The max size of include_prefixes is 1000.

    For more information, see Filtering objects from transfers.


def last_modified_before() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" will be transferred.


def last_modified_before=(value) -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
  • value (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" will be transferred.
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" will be transferred.


def last_modified_since() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) —

    If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    The last_modified_since and last_modified_before fields can be used together for chunked data processing. For example, consider a script that processes each day's worth of data at a time. For that you'd set each of the fields as follows:

    • last_modified_since to the start of the day

    • last_modified_before to the end of the day


def last_modified_since=(value) -> ::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
  • value (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) —

    If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    The last_modified_since and last_modified_before fields can be used together for chunked data processing. For example, consider a script that processes each day's worth of data at a time. For that you'd set each of the fields as follows:

    • last_modified_since to the start of the day

    • last_modified_before to the end of the day

  • (::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp) —

    If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after this timestamp and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    The last_modified_since and last_modified_before fields can be used together for chunked data processing. For example, consider a script that processes each day's worth of data at a time. For that you'd set each of the fields as follows:

    • last_modified_since to the start of the day

    • last_modified_before to the end of the day


def max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Duration
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after NOW - max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.


def max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification=(value) -> ::Google::Protobuf::Duration
  • value (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after NOW - max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.

  • (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" on or after NOW - max_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.


def min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification() -> ::Google::Protobuf::Duration
  • (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before NOW - min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.


def min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification=(value) -> ::Google::Protobuf::Duration
  • value (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before NOW - min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.

  • (::Google::Protobuf::Duration) — If specified, only objects with a "last modification time" before NOW - min_time_elapsed_since_last_modification and objects that don't have a "last modification time" are transferred.

    For each TransferOperation started by this TransferJob, NOW refers to the [start_time] [google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.start_time] of the TransferOperation.