
Enabling gRPC Logging

To enable logging for this library, set the logger for the underlying gRPC library. The logger that you set may be a Ruby stdlib Logger as shown below, or a Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger that will write logs to Stackdriver Logging. See grpc/logconfig.rb and the gRPC spec_helper.rb for additional information.

Configuring a Ruby stdlib logger:

require "logger"
require "grpc"

module MyLogger
  LOGGER = Logger.new $stderr, level: Logger::WARN
  def logger

# Define a gRPC module-level logger method before grpc/logconfig.rb loads.
module GRPC
  extend MyLogger

Adding gRPC interceptors

gRPC accepts Ruby-language interceptors that allow you to insert your own custom logging into a client's RPC calls. (gRPC interceptors are also useful for auth, metrics, tracing and similar use cases.)

This library performs RPCs using the following gapic clients from the underlying google-cloud-pubsub-v1 library:

To add a gRPC interceptor to one or more of these clients, first implement your logic as a subclass of GRPC::ClientInterceptor. The example below logs all four types of gRPC calls (unary, client streaming, server streaming, and bi-directional streaming.) It also demonstrates how to set a metadata field.

require "grpc"
require "logger"
require "securerandom"

class MyInterceptor < grpc::clientinterceptor="" attr_reader="" :name="" def="" initialize="" name="" @name="name" end="" def="" request_response(request:,="" call:,="" method:,="" metadata:)="" logger.info="" "[#{name}]="" sending="" unary="" request/response="" to="" #{method}"="" metadata["request_id"]="generate_request_id" yield="" end="" def="" client_streamer(requests:,="" call:,="" method:,="" metadata:)="" logger.info="" "[#{name}]="" sending="" client="" streamer="" to="" #{method}"="" metadata["request_id"]="generate_request_id" yield="" end="" def="" server_streamer(request:,="" call:,="" method:,="" metadata:)="" logger.info="" "[#{name}]="" sending="" server="" streamer="" to="" #{method}"="" metadata["request_id"]="generate_request_id" yield="" end="" def="" bidi_streamer(requests:,="" call:,="" method:,="" metadata:)="" logger.info="" "[#{name}]="" sending="" bidi="" streamer="" to="" #{method}"="" metadata["request_id"]="generate_request_id" yield="" end="" private="" def="" logger="" @logger="" ||="Logger.new(STDOUT)" end="" def="" generate_request_id="" securerandom.uuid="" end="" end="">

Next, use the block yielded by a Client.configure method to add an instance of your class to the interceptors configuration of one or more of the generated clients listed above.

Note that the Google::Cloud::PubSub::V1 configurations must be performed before the Google::Cloud::PubSub client is instantiated.

require "google/cloud/pubsub"

Google::Cloud::PubSub::V1::Publisher::Client.configure do |config|
  config.interceptors = [MyInterceptor.new("MyPublisherInterceptor")]

Google::Cloud::PubSub::V1::Subscriber::Client.configure do |config|
  config.interceptors = [MyInterceptor.new("MySubscriberInterceptor")]

pubsub = Google::Cloud::PubSub.new