Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Pub/Sub API class Google::Cloud::PubSub::Message.
Represents a Pub/Sub Message.
Message objects are created by Topic#publish. Subscription#pull returns an array of ReceivedMessage objects, each of which contains a Message object. Each ReceivedMessage object can be acknowledged and/or delayed.
- Object
require "google/cloud/pubsub" pubsub = # Publish a message topic = pubsub.topic "my-topic" message = topic.publish "task completed" #=> "task completed" # Listen for messages sub = pubsub.subscription "my-topic-sub" subscriber = sub.listen do |received_message| # process message received_message.acknowledge! end # Start background threads that will call the block passed to listen. subscriber.start # Shut down the subscriber when ready to stop receiving messages. subscriber.stop!
def attributes()
Optional attributes for the message.
def data()
The message payload. This data is a list of bytes encoded as ASCII-8BIT.
def initialize(data = nil, attributes = {}) -> Message
Create an empty Message object. This can be used to publish several messages in bulk.
- (Message) — a new instance of Message
def message_id()
The ID of this message, assigned by the server at publication time. Guaranteed to be unique within the topic.
def msg_id()
The ID of this message, assigned by the server at publication time. Guaranteed to be unique within the topic.
def ordering_key() -> String
Identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub ordering keys provide the ability to ensure related messages are sent to subscribers in the order in which they were published. Messages can be tagged with an ordering key, a string that identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected. The service guarantees that, for a given ordering key and publisher, messages are sent to subscribers in the order in which they were published. Ordering does not require sacrificing high throughput or scalability, as the service automatically distributes messages for different ordering keys across subscribers.
See Topic#publish_async and Subscription#listen.
- (String)
def publish_time()
The time at which the message was published.
def published_at()
The time at which the message was published.