Google Cloud Firestore Emulator

To develop and test your application locally, you can use the Google Cloud Firestore Emulator, which provides local emulation of the production Google Cloud Firestore environment. You can start the Google Cloud Firestore emulator using the firebase command-line tool.

When you run the Cloud Firestore emulator you will see a message similar to the following printed:

$ firebase serve --only firestore
API endpoint: http://[::1]:8080
API endpoint:
Dev App Server is now running.

Now you can connect to the emulator using the FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable:

require "google/cloud/firestore"

# Make Firestore use the emulator

firestore = project_id: "emulator-project-id"

# Get a document reference
nyc_ref = firestore.doc "cities/NYC"

nyc_ref.set({ name: "New York City" }) # Document created

Or by providing the emulator_host argument:

require "google/cloud/firestore"

firestore = project_id: "emulator-project-id",
                                         emulator_host: ""

# Get a document reference
nyc_ref = firestore.doc "cities/NYC"

nyc_ref.set({ name: "New York City" }) # Document created