google-cloud-debugger - Class Google::Cloud::Debugger::Railtie (v0.42.2)

Reference documentation and code samples for the google-cloud-debugger class Google::Cloud::Debugger::Railtie.


Google::Cloud::Debugger::Railtie automatically adds the Google::Cloud::Debugger::Middleware to Rack in a Rails environment.

The Middleware is only added when the Google::Cloud.configure.use_debugger setting is true or Rails is in the production environment.

When loaded, the Google::Cloud::Debugger::Middleware will be inserted after the Rack::ETag Middleware, which is top of the Rack stack, closest to the application code.

The Railtie should also initialize a debugger to be used by the Middleware. See the Configuration Guide on how to configure the Railtie and Middleware.


  • Rails::Railtie



def self.start_agents()

Inform the Railtie that it is safe to start debugger agents. This simply calls Middleware.start_agents. See its documentation for more information.