Google Cloud Compute V1 API - Module Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState::State (v2.19.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Compute V1 API module Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState::State.

Indicates the high availability requirement state for the VPN connection. Valid values are CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_MET, CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_NOT_MET.



value: 0
A value indicating that the enum field is not set.


value: 505_242_907
VPN tunnels are configured with adequate redundancy from Cloud VPN gateway to the peer VPN gateway. For both GCP-to-non-GCP and GCP-to-GCP connections, the adequate redundancy is a pre-requirement for users to get 99.99% availability on GCP side; please note that for any connection, end-to-end 99.99% availability is subject to proper configuration on the peer VPN gateway.


value: 511_863_311
VPN tunnels are not configured with adequate redundancy from the Cloud VPN gateway to the peer gateway