Reference documentation and code samples for the google-cloud-bigtable class Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange.
Specifies a contiguous range of string values.
- from value bound : The value at which to begin the range. If neither field is set, interpreted as an empty string, inclusive.
- End value bound: The value at which to end the range. If neither field is set, interpreted as an infinite string value, exclusive.
- Object
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" # Range that includes all row keys including "value-001" to "value-005" excluding. table.new_value_range.from("value-001").to("value-005") # Range that includes all row keys including "value-001" up to inclusive "value-010". table.new_value_range.from("value-001").to("value-010", inclusive: true) # Range that includes all row keys including "value-001" up until end of the row keys. table.new_value_range.from "value-001" # Range that includes all row keys exclusive "value-001" up until end of the row keys. table.new_value_range.from "value-001", inclusive: false # Range with unbounded from and the exclusive end "value-100". "value-100" # Range that includes all row keys including from and end row keys "value-001", "value-100". table.new_value_range.between "value-001", "value-100" # Range that includes all row keys including "value-001" up until "value-100". table.new_value_range.of "value-001", "value-100"
def between(from_value, to_value) -> Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange
Sets the value range with inclusive lower and upper bounds.
- from_value (String, Integer) — Inclusive from value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
- to_value (String, Integer) — Inclusive to value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
- (Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange) — Range with inclusive from and to values.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = table.new_value_range.between "value-001", "value-010"
def from(value, inclusive: true) -> Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange
Sets the row range with the lower bound.
- value (String, Integer) — The value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
inclusive (Boolean) (defaults to: true) — Whether the value is an inclusive or
exclusive lower bound. Default is
, an inclusive lower bound.
Inclusive lower bound.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = table.new_value_range.from "value-001"
Exclusive lower bound.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = table.new_value_range.from "value-001", inclusive: false
def of(from_value, to_value) -> Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange
Set value range with an inclusive lower bound and an exclusive upper bound.
- from_value (String, Integer) — Inclusive from value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
- to_value (String, Integer) — Exclusive to value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
- (Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange) — Range with an inclusive from value and an exclusive to value.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = table.new_value_range.of "value-001", "value-010"
def to(value, inclusive: false) -> Google::Cloud::Bigtable::ValueRange
Sets the value range with upper bound.
- value (String, Integer) — value. Required. If the argument is an Integer, it will be encoded as a 64-bit signed big-endian integer.
inclusive (Boolean) (defaults to: false) — Whether the value is an inclusive or
exclusive lower bound. Default is
, an exclusive lower bound.
Inclusive upper bound.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = "value-010", inclusive: true
Exclusive upper bound.
require "google/cloud/bigtable" bigtable = table = bigtable.table "my-instance", "my-table" range = "value-010"