Google Chat V1 API - Module Google::Apps::Card::V1::Columns::Column::HorizontalSizeStyle (v0.8.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Chat V1 API module Google::Apps::Card::V1::Columns::Column::HorizontalSizeStyle.

Specifies how a column fills the width of the card. The width of each column depends on both the HorizontalSizeStyle and the width of the widgets within the column.

Google Workspace Add-ons and Chat apps: Columns for Google Workspace Add-ons are in Developer Preview.



value: 0
Don't use. Unspecified.


value: 1
Default value. Column fills the available space, up to 70% of the card's width. If both columns are set to FILL_AVAILABLE_SPACE, each column fills 50% of the space.


value: 2
Column fills the least amount of space possible and no more than 30% of the card's width.