Class CommuteFilter (2.12.0)

CommuteFilter(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Parameters needed for commute search.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


Required. The method of transportation to calculate the commute time for.
start_coordinates google.type.latlng_pb2.LatLng
Required. The latitude and longitude of the location to calculate the commute time from.
travel_duration google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
Required. The maximum travel time in seconds. The maximum allowed value is 3600s (one hour). Format is 123s.
allow_imprecise_addresses bool
If true, jobs without street level addresses may also be returned. For city level addresses, the city center is used. For state and coarser level addresses, text matching is used. If this field is set to false or isn't specified, only jobs that include street level addresses will be returned by commute search.
Specifies the traffic density to use when calculating commute time. This field is a member of oneof_ traffic_option.
departure_time google.type.timeofday_pb2.TimeOfDay
The departure time used to calculate traffic impact, represented as google.type.TimeOfDay][google.type.TimeOfDay] in local time zone. Currently traffic model is restricted to hour level resolution. This field is a member of oneof_ traffic_option.




The traffic density to use when calculating commute time.

Values: ROAD_TRAFFIC_UNSPECIFIED (0): Road traffic situation isn't specified. TRAFFIC_FREE (1): Optimal commute time without considering any traffic impact. BUSY_HOUR (2): Commute time calculation takes in account the peak traffic impact.