Class ListStoredInfoTypesRequest (3.1.1)

ListStoredInfoTypesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for ListStoredInfoTypes. .. attribute:: parent

Required. Parent resource name.

The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__:

  • Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID
  • Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID
  • Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID
  • Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID

    The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data:



    :type: str


page_token str
Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from previous call to ListStoredInfoTypes.
page_size int
Size of the page, can be limited by server. If zero server returns a page of max size 100.
order_by str
Comma separated list of fields to order by, followed by asc or desc postfix. This list is case-insensitive, default sorting order is ascending, redundant space characters are insignificant. Example: name asc, display_name, create_time desc Supported fields are: - create_time: corresponds to time the most recent version of the resource was created. - state: corresponds to the state of the resource. - name: corresponds to resource name. - display_name: corresponds to info type's display name.
location_id str
Deprecated. This field has no effect.