Module types (0.7.0)

API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types module.



API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.AuditConfig class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.AuditConfigDelta class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.AuditLogConfig class.


Spec for a group of BigQuery tables with name pattern [prefix]YYYYMMDD. Context:

Output only. The table name prefix of the shards. The name of any given shard is [table_prefix]YYYYMMDD, for example, for shard MyTable20180101, the table_prefix is MyTable.


Describes a BigQuery table.

Output only.

Spec of a BigQuery table. This field should only be populated if table_source_type is BIGQUERY_TABLE.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Binding class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.BindingDelta class.


Representation of a column within a schema. Columns could be nested inside other columns.

Required. Type of the column.

Optional. A column’s mode indicates whether the values in this column are required, nullable, etc. Only NULLABLE, REQUIRED and REPEATED are supported. Default mode is NULLABLE.


Request message for CreateEntryGroup.

Required. The id of the entry group to create. The id must begin with a letter or underscore, contain only English letters, numbers and underscores, and be at most 64 characters.


Request message for CreateEntry.

Required. The id of the entry to create.


Request message for CreatePolicyTag.

The policy tag to be created.


Request message for CreateTag.

Required. The tag to create.


Request message for CreateTagTemplateField.

Required. The ID of the tag template field to create. Field ids can contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers (0-9), underscores (_) and dashes (-). Field IDs must be at least 1 character long and at most 128 characters long. Field IDs must also be unique within their template.


Request message for CreateTagTemplate.

Required. The id of the tag template to create.


Request message for CreateTaxonomy.

The taxonomy to be created.


Request message for DeleteEntryGroup.

Optional. If true, deletes all entries in the entry group.


Request message for DeleteEntry.


Request message for DeletePolicyTag.


Request message for DeleteTag.


Request message for DeleteTagTemplateField.

Required. Currently, this field must always be set to true. This confirms the deletion of this field from any tags using this field. force = false will be supported in the future.


Request message for DeleteTagTemplate.

Required. Currently, this field must always be set to true. This confirms the deletion of any possible tags using this template. force = false will be supported in the future.


Request message for DeleteTaxonomy.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Empty class.


Entry Metadata. A Data Catalog Entry resource represents another resource in Google Cloud Platform (such as a BigQuery dataset or a Cloud Pub/Sub topic), or outside of Google Cloud Platform. Clients can use the linked_resource field in the Entry resource to refer to the original resource ID of the source system.

An Entry resource contains resource details, such as its schema. An Entry can also be used to attach flexible metadata, such as a Tag.

The resource this metadata entry refers to. For Google Cloud Platform resources, linked_resource is the full name of the resource < mes#full_resource_name>__. For example, the linked_resource for a table resource from BigQuery is: - // d/tables/tableId Output only when Entry is of type in the EntryType enum. For entries with user_specified_type, this field is optional and defaults to an empty string.

The type of the entry. Only used for Entries with types in the EntryType enum.

The source system of the entry.

This field indicates the entry’s source system that Data Catalog does not integrate with. user_specified_system strings must begin with a letter or underscore and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores; are case insensitive; must be at least 1 character and at most 64 characters long.

Specification that applies to a Cloud Storage fileset. This is only valid on entries of type FILESET.

Specification for a group of BigQuery tables with name pattern [prefix]YYYYMMDD. Context: tables#partitioning_versus_sharding.

Entry description, which can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe entry contents. Default value is an empty string.

Output only. Timestamps about the underlying resource, not about this Data Catalog entry. Output only when Entry is of type in the EntryType enum. For entries with user_specified_type, this field is optional and defaults to an empty timestamp.


EntryGroup Metadata. An EntryGroup resource represents a logical grouping of zero or more Data Catalog Entry resources.

A short name to identify the entry group, for example, “analytics data - jan 2011”. Default value is an empty string.

Output only. Timestamps about this EntryGroup. Default value is empty timestamps.


Request message for ExportTaxonomies.

Required. Resource names of the taxonomies to be exported.

Export taxonomies as serialized taxonomies.


Response message for ExportTaxonomies.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Expr class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.FieldMask class.


Represents primitive types - string, bool etc.


Specifications of a single file in Cloud Storage.

Output only. Timestamps about the Cloud Storage file.


Describes a Cloud Storage fileset entry.

Output only. Sample files contained in this fileset, not all files contained in this fileset are represented here.


Request message for GetEntryGroup.

The fields to return. If not set or empty, all fields are returned.


Request message for GetEntry.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.GetIamPolicyRequest class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.GetPolicyOptions class.


Request message for GetPolicyTag.


Request message for GetTagTemplate.


Request message for GetTaxonomy.


Request message for ImportTaxonomies.

Required. Source taxonomies to be imported in a tree structure.


Response message for ImportTaxonomies.


Inline source used for taxonomies import.


Request message for ListEntries.

The maximum number of items to return. Default is 10. Max limit is 1000. Throws an invalid argument for page_size > 1000.

The fields to return for each Entry. If not set or empty, all fields are returned. For example, setting read_mask to contain only one path “name” will cause ListEntries to return a list of Entries with only “name” field.


Response message for ListEntries.

Token to retrieve the next page of results. It is set to empty if no items remain in results.


Request message for ListEntryGroups.

Optional. The maximum number of items to return. Default is

  1. Max limit is 1000. Throws an invalid argument for page_size > 1000.


Response message for ListEntryGroups.

Token to retrieve the next page of results. It is set to empty if no items remain in results.


Request message for ListPolicyTags.

The maximum number of items to return. Must be a value between 1 and 1000. If not set, defaults to 50.


Response message for ListPolicyTags.

Token used to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.


Request message for ListTags.

The maximum number of tags to return. Default is 10. Max limit is 1000.


Response message for ListTags.

Token to retrieve the next page of results. It is set to empty if no items remain in results.


Request message for ListTaxonomies.

The maximum number of items to return. Must be a value between 1 and 1000. If not set, defaults to 50.


Response message for ListTaxonomies.

Token used to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list.


Request message for LookupEntry.

The full name of the Google Cloud Platform resource the Data Catalog entry represents. See: esign/resource_names#full_resource_name. Full names are case- sensitive. Examples: - // rojectId/datasets/datasetId/tables/tableId - //


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Policy class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.PolicyDelta class.


Denotes one policy tag in a taxonomy (e.g. ssn). Policy Tags can be defined in a hierarchy. For example, consider the following hierarchy: Geolocation -> (LatLong, City, ZipCode). PolicyTag “Geolocation” contains three child policy tags: “LatLong”, “City”, and “ZipCode”.

Required. User defined name of this policy tag. It must: be unique within the parent taxonomy; contain only unicode letters, numbers, underscores, dashes and spaces; not start or end with spaces; and be at most 200 bytes long when encoded in UTF-8.

Resource name of this policy tag’s parent policy tag (e.g. for the “LatLong” policy tag in the example above, this field contains the resource name of the “Geolocation” policy tag). If empty, it means this policy tag is a top level policy tag (e.g. this field is empty for the “Geolocation” policy tag in the example above). If not set, defaults to an empty string.


Request message for RenameTagTemplateField.

Required. The new ID of this tag template field. For example, my_new_field.


Represents a schema (e.g. BigQuery, GoogleSQL, Avro schema).


Request message for SearchCatalog.

Required. The query string in search query syntax. The query must be non-empty. Query strings can be simple as “x” or more qualified as: - name:x - column:x - description:y Note: Query tokens need to have a minimum of 3 characters for substring matching to work correctly. See Data Catalog Search Syntax </data-catalog/docs/how-to/search-reference>__ for more information.

Optional. Pagination token returned in an earlier [SearchCatal ogResponse.next_page_token][ earchCatalogResponse.next_page_token], which indicates that this is a continuation of a prior [SearchCatalogRequest][googl] call, and that the system should return the next page of data. If empty, the first page is returned.


Response message for SearchCatalog.

The token that can be used to retrieve the next page of results.


A result that appears in the response of a search request. Each result captures details of one entry that matches the search.

Sub-type of the search result. This is a dot-delimited description of the resource’s full type, and is the same as the value callers would provide in the “type” search facet. Examples: entry.table, entry.dataStream, tagTemplate.

The full name of the cloud resource the entry belongs to. See: rce_name. Example: - // ojectId/datasets/datasetId/tables/tableId


Message representing one policy tag when exported as a nested proto.

Description of the serialized policy tag. The length of the description is limited to 2000 bytes when encoded in UTF-8. If not set, defaults to an empty description.


Message capturing a taxonomy and its policy tag hierarchy as a nested proto. Used for taxonomy import/export and mutation.

Description of the serialized taxonomy. The length of the description is limited to 2000 bytes when encoded in UTF-8. If not set, defaults to an empty description.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.SetIamPolicyRequest class.


Timestamps about this resource according to a particular system.

The last-modified time of the resource within the given system.


Normal BigQuery table spec.


Tags are used to attach custom metadata to Data Catalog resources. Tags conform to the specifications within their tag template.

See Data Catalog IAM </data-catalog/docs/concepts/iam>__ for information on the permissions needed to create or view tags.

Required. The resource name of the tag template that this tag uses. Example: - projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/ tagTemplates/{tag_template_id} This field cannot be modified after creation.

The scope within the parent resource that this tag is attached to. If not provided, the tag is attached to the parent resource itself. Deleting the scope from the parent resource will delete all tags attached to that scope. These fields cannot be updated after creation.

Required. This maps the ID of a tag field to the value of and additional information about that field. Valid field IDs are defined by the tag’s template. A tag must have at least 1 field and at most 500 fields.


Contains the value and supporting information for a field within a Tag.

Required. The value of this field.

Holds the value for a tag field with string type.

Holds the value for a tag field with timestamp type.


A tag template defines a tag, which can have one or more typed fields. The template is used to create and attach the tag to GCP resources. Tag template roles </iam/docs/understanding-roles#data-catalog-roles> provide permissions to create, edit, and use the template (see, for example, the TagTemplate User </data-catalog/docs/how-to/template-user> role, which includes permission to use the tag template to tag resources.

The display name for this template. Defaults to an empty string.


The template for an individual field within a tag template.

The display name for this field. Defaults to an empty string.

Whether this is a required field. Defaults to false.


A taxonomy is a collection of policy tags that classify data along a common axis. For instance a data sensitivity taxonomy could contain policy tags denoting PII such as age, zipcode, and SSN. A data origin taxonomy could contain policy tags to distinguish user data, employee data, partner data, public data.

Required. User defined name of this taxonomy. It must: contain only unicode letters, numbers, underscores, dashes and spaces; not start or end with spaces; and be at most 200 bytes long when encoded in UTF-8.

Optional. A list of policy types that are activated for this taxonomy. If not set, defaults to an empty list.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.TestIamPermissionsRequest class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.TestIamPermissionsResponse class.


API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Timestamp class.


Request message for UpdateEntryGroup.

The fields to update on the entry group. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated.


Request message for UpdateEntry.

The fields to update on the entry. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. The following fields are modifiable: * For entries with type DATA_STREAM: * schema * For entries with type FILESET * schema * display_name * description * gcs_fileset_spec * gcs_fileset_spec.file_patterns * For entries with user_specified_type * schema * display_name * description * user_specified_type * user_specified_system * linked_resource * source_system_timestamps


Request message for UpdatePolicyTag.

The update mask applies to the resource. Only display_name, description and parent_policy_tag can be updated and thus can be listed in the mask. If update_mask is not provided, all allowed fields (i.e. display_name, description and parent) will be updated. For more information including the FieldMask definition, see /protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#fieldmask If not set, defaults to all of the fields that are allowed to update.


Request message for UpdateTag.

The fields to update on the Tag. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. Currently the only modifiable field is the field fields.


Request message for UpdateTagTemplateField.

Required. The template to update.


Request message for UpdateTagTemplate.

The field mask specifies the parts of the template to overwrite. Allowed fields: - display_name If absent or empty, all of the allowed fields above will be updated.


Request message for UpdateTaxonomy.

The update mask applies to the resource. For the FieldMask definition, see buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#fieldmask If not set, defaults to all of the fields that are allowed to update.


Table view specification.