Module types (1.0.0)

API documentation for bigquery_storage_v1beta2.types module.



Arrow RecordBatch. .. attribute:: serialized_record_batch

IPC-serialized Arrow RecordBatch.


Arrow schema as specified in and serialized to bytes using IPC: interprocess-communication-ipc See code samples on how this message can be deserialized. .. attribute:: serialized_schema

IPC serialized Arrow schema.


Contains options specific to Arrow Serialization. .. attribute:: format

The Arrow IPC format to use.


Avro rows. .. attribute:: serialized_binary_rows

Binary serialized rows in a block.


Avro schema. .. attribute:: schema

Json serialized schema, as described at


Request message for CreateReadSession. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The request project that owns the session, in the form of projects/{project_id}.

Max initial number of streams. If unset or zero, the server will provide a value of streams so as to produce reasonable throughput. Must be non-negative. The number of streams may be lower than the requested number, depending on the amount parallelism that is reasonable for the table. Error will be returned if the max count is greater than the current system max limit of 1,000. Streams must be read starting from offset 0.


Request message for ReadRows. .. attribute:: read_stream

Required. Stream to read rows from.


Response from calling ReadRows may include row data, progress and throttling information. .. attribute:: rows

Row data is returned in format specified during session creation.

Serialized row data in Arrow RecordBatch format.

Statistics for the stream.


Information about the ReadSession. .. attribute:: name

Output only. Unique identifier for the session, in the form projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/sessions/{session_i d}.

Immutable. Data format of the output data.

Output only. Avro schema.

Immutable. Table that this ReadSession is reading from, in the form `projects/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/tables/{t able_id}

Optional. Read options for this session (e.g. column selection, filters).


Information about a single stream that gets data out of the storage system. Most of the information about ReadStream instances is aggregated, making ReadStream lightweight. .. attribute:: name

Output only. Name of the stream, in the form projects/{proje ct_id}/locations/{location}/sessions/{session_id}/streams/{str eam_id}.


Request message for SplitReadStream. .. attribute:: name

Required. Name of the stream to split.


Response message for SplitReadStream. .. attribute:: primary_stream

Primary stream, which contains the beginning portion of |original_stream|. An empty value indicates that the original stream can no longer be split.


Estimated stream statistics for a given Stream. .. attribute:: progress

Represents the progress of the current stream.


Information on if the current connection is being throttled. .. attribute:: throttle_percent

How much this connection is being throttled. Zero means no throttling, 100 means fully throttled.


API documentation for bigquery_storage_v1beta2.types.Timestamp class.