Module types (1.0.0)

API documentation for bigquery_storage_v1beta1.types module.



Arrow RecordBatch. .. attribute:: serialized_record_batch

IPC serialized Arrow RecordBatch.


Arrow schema. .. attribute:: serialized_schema

IPC serialized Arrow schema.


Avro rows. .. attribute:: serialized_binary_rows

Binary serialized rows in a block.


Avro schema. .. attribute:: schema

Json serialized schema, as described at


Information needed to request additional streams for an established read session. .. attribute:: session

Required. Must be a non-expired session obtained from a call to CreateReadSession. Only the name field needs to be set.


The response from BatchCreateReadSessionStreams returns the stream identifiers for the newly created streams. .. attribute:: streams

Newly added streams.


Creates a new read session, which may include additional options such as requested parallelism, projection filters and constraints. .. attribute:: table_reference

Required. Reference to the table to read.

Any modifiers to the Table (e.g. snapshot timestamp).

Read options for this session (e.g. column selection, filters).

The strategy to use for distributing data among multiple streams. Currently defaults to liquid sharding.


API documentation for bigquery_storage_v1beta1.types.Empty class.


Request information for invoking FinalizeStream. .. attribute:: stream

Stream to finalize.


Protocol buffer.

Similar to at_response_start, except that this value includes the rows in the current response.


Requesting row data via ReadRows must provide Stream position information. .. attribute:: read_position

Required. Identifier of the position in the stream to start reading from. The offset requested must be less than the last row read from ReadRows. Requesting a larger offset is undefined.


Response from calling ReadRows may include row data, progress and throttling information. .. attribute:: rows

Row data is returned in format specified during session creation.

Serialized row data in Arrow RecordBatch format.

Estimated stream statistics.


Information returned from a CreateReadSession request. .. attribute:: name

Unique identifier for the session, in the form projects/{pro ject_id}/locations/{location}/sessions/{session_id}.

The schema for the read. If read_options.selected_fields is set, the schema may be different from the table schema as it will only contain the selected fields.

Arrow schema.

Table that this ReadSession is reading from.

The strategy to use for distributing data among the streams.


Request information for SplitReadStream. .. attribute:: original_stream

Stream to split.


Response from SplitReadStream. .. attribute:: primary_stream

Primary stream, which contains the beginning portion of |original_stream|. An empty value indicates that the original stream can no longer be split.


Information about a single data stream within a read session. .. attribute:: name

Name of the stream, in the form projects/{project_id}/locati ons/{location}/streams/{stream_id}.


Expresses a point within a given stream using an offset position. .. attribute:: stream

Identifier for a given Stream.


Progress information for a given Stream. .. attribute:: estimated_row_count

Number of estimated rows in the current stream. May change over time as different readers in the stream progress at rates which are relatively fast or slow.

Represents the progress of the current stream. Note: This value is under development and should not be used. Use fraction_consumed instead.


All fields in this message optional. .. attribute:: snapshot_time

The snapshot time of the table. If not set, interpreted as now.


Options dictating how we read a table. .. attribute:: selected_fields

Optional. Names of the fields in the table that should be read. If empty, all fields will be read. If the specified field is a nested field, all the sub-fields in the field will be selected. The output field order is unrelated to the order of fields in selected_fields.


Table reference that includes just the 3 strings needed to identify a table. .. attribute:: project_id

The assigned project ID of the project.

The ID of the table in the above dataset.


Information on if the current connection is being throttled. .. attribute:: throttle_percent

How much this connection is being throttled. 0 is no throttling, 100 is completely throttled.


API documentation for bigquery_storage_v1beta1.types.Timestamp class.