Class GenericOperationMetadata (1.67.1)

GenericOperationMetadata(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Generic Metadata shared by all operations.


Name Description
partial_failures MutableSequence[google.rpc.status_pb2.Status]
Output only. Partial failures encountered. E.g. single files that couldn't be read. This field should never exceed 20 entries. Status details field will contain standard Google Cloud error details.
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Time when the operation was created.
update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Time when the operation was updated for the last time. If the operation has finished (successfully or not), this is the finish time.



GenericOperationMetadata(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Generic Metadata shared by all operations.