This document explains how to create, view, and delete a Pub/Sub Lite topic.
Overview of a Lite topic
A Pub/Sub Lite service requires a topic to which publishers can send messages so that subscribers can receive those messages. Within Pub/Sub Lite, you can choose to create a zonal or regional Lite topic.
A zonal Lite and a regional Lite topic differ only in the way they replicate data. All other topic properties are the same as described in a later section of this document.
Data replication in a Lite topic
Pub/Sub Lite regional topics store data in two zones of a single region. Pub/Sub Lite zonal topics replicate data within just one zone. Pub/Sub Lite replicates data asynchronously.
The availability of Pub/Sub Lite depends on the availability of its underlying components, which include both the application frontend and storage.
The availability of a Pub/Sub Lite zonal topic depends on the availability of both the application frontend and storage in its configured zone. If the application frontend or storage experiences a zonal failure, the zonal Lite topic becomes unavailable for the duration of the outage.
The availability of a Pub/Sub Lite regional topic depends on the availability of the application frontend and storage in its configured region. The following types of failure are possible:
If the application frontend or storage experiences a zonal failure, the regional Lite topic remains available.
If both the application frontend and storage experience a zonal failure, the regional Lite topic remains available as long as both the components don't start failing at the same time.
If both the application frontend and storage fail simultaneously, the regional Lite topic remains unavailable for the duration of the outage. During this time, clients may fail to publish or consume messages, but messages are still delivered in the right order.
A regional Lite topic provides protection from most types of single-zone failures. However in some rare cases, the asynchronous nature of replication may cause a simultaneous failure of multiple components in a single zone. As a result, a regional Lite topic becomes unavailable.
Properties of a Lite topic
Lite topics have the following properties:
Number of partitions. A partition is the basic unit of parallelism in Pub/Sub Lite. A Lite topic can have one or more partitions.
Capacity of a partition. The capacity of a partition is described by the following three properties:
Publish throughput (MiBps). The maximum rate at which you can publish messages.
Subscribe throughput (MiBps). The maximum rate at which messages are forwarded to Lite subscriptions.
Storage (GiB). The maximum size of the messages in the partition. The minimum configurable capacity of a partition is 30 GiB.
Storage capacity of a Lite topic. All the partitions in a Lite topic have the same configured storage capacity. The total storage capacity of a Lite topic is the sum of the storage capacity of all the partitions in the topic. For example, if a Lite topic has 8 partitions and each partition is of size 30 GiB, the total storage capacity of the Lite topic is 240 GiB (8 x 30).
Throughput capacity of a Lite topic. Throughput capacity consists of the total publish and subscribe throughput capacity of all the partitions in the Lite topic. Even if you have a topic that, in aggregate, can support 1 GiBps of publish throughput, it is the per-partition publish limit that effectively limits throughput.
Limit of subscriber client and subscriptions. Pub/Sub Lite supports a single subscriber client for a single partition and a single subscription. For example, a subscription to a topic with 5 partitions can have, at most, 5 subscriber clients that consume messages from it. If more subscriber clients are configured, the excess clients remain idle. The same topic with 2 subscriptions can have up to 10 subscriber clients, 5 clients for each subscription.
Reservations. A reservation is the easiest way to provision and manage throughput capacity for a number of topics. Provisioning throughput capacity with reservations is required for regional Lite and is optional for zonal Lite topics.
If you do not use reservations for a zonal Lite topic, you must explicitly provision the publish and subscribe throughput capacity of the topic. Without a reservation, all the partitions in a Lite topic have the same configured throughput capacity. To know more, see Configure throughput capacity without reservations.
Storage configuration. To configure storage, you must specify both the storage capacity and optionally, the message retention period.
Message retention period. The maximum amount of time for which a Lite topic stores messages. If you don't specify a message retention period, the Lite topic stores messages until you exceed the storage capacity.
Storage capacity. The Pub/Sub Lite topic capacity is determined by the number of partitions in the topic and the storage capacity of each partition. Storage per partition is the amount of storage, in bytes, for each partition. Note that regional Lite topics use two bytes of storage capacity for each byte published. Zonal Lite topics use one byte of storage capacity for each byte published.
If you exceed the storage capacity, the Pub/Sub Lite service continues to publish messages. However, in order to create more storage capacity, the oldest messages from the partition are deleted. The deletion of the oldest messages occurs even if the messages are within the message retention period. The service never deletes messages before their TTL expires, unless their removal is necessary to make space for newly published messages. For information about how capacity relates to pricing, see Pub/Sub Lite pricing.
Guidelines to name a topic
A Pub/Sub Lite resource name uniquely identifies a Pub/Sub Lite resource, such as a topic, subscription, or reservation. The resource name must fit the following format:
: Must be the project ID or project number, available from the Google Cloud console. For example,my-cool-project
is a project ID.123456789123
is a project number.collection
: Must be one oftopics
, orreservations
: Must conform to the following guidelines:- Not begin with the string
- Start with a letter
- Contain between 3 and 255 characters
- Contain only the following characters: Letters
, numbers[0-9]
, dashes-
, underscores_
, periods.
, tildes~
, plus signs+
, and percent signs%
You can use the special characters in the preceding list in resource names without URL-encoding. However, you must ensure that any other special characters are properly encoded or decoded when you use them in URLs. For example,
is an invalid ID. However,mi-t%C3%B3pico
is valid. This format is important when you make REST calls.- Not begin with the string
Increase throughput capacity of a Lite topic
If you don't use Lite reservations, you can set the throughput capacity of each partition of any zonal Lite topic to a value set by the following limits:
Publish throughput between 4 and 16 MiBps
Subscribe throughput between 4 and 32 MiBps
These limits also apply to partitions associated with a Lite reservation. With reservations, each partition can consume any throughput capacity within the specified limits, as long as the total capacity of the reservation is not exceeded. Optionally, you can set a lower limit on the actual throughput per partition to make your traffic more predictable.
You can increase the number of partitions in a topic to scale it horizontally. The number of partitions in a topic cannot be decreased.
When you change the number of partitions, the relative order of messages is not preserved. Internally, messages are assigned to partitions using a hash function. Updating the number of partitions in a topic changes this hash function. Messages with the same key published after the partition count update are likely to be mapped to a different partition than those published before the update.
Additionally, the topic resize takes a few seconds to propagate to all the publishers. There is a short time when some publishers use the new hash function and some are still using the old one.
Increase storage capacity of a Lite topic
You can increase or decrease the amount of storage in a Lite topic. The Lite topic provisions the same amount of storage to each partition. If you increase the storage to 60 GiB, each of the partitions gets 60 GiB of storage.
If you decrease the amount of storage in a Lite topic, the Pub/Sub Lite service removes the oldest messages first.
For information about how capacity relates to pricing, see Pub/Sub Lite pricing
Create a Lite topic
You can create Lite topics with the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Pub/Sub Lite API.
For a list of the available regions and zones, see Pub/Sub Lite locations.
Go to the Lite Topics page.
Click Create Lite topic.
To create a zonal Lite topic, select a region and a zone within the region.
To create a regional Lite topic, select a region.
You cannot update the location after a topic is created.
In the Name section, enter a Lite topic ID.
The Lite topic name includes the Lite topic ID, the location, and the project number.
In the Throughput section:
Select or create a reservation.
This is optional for a zonal Lite topic and required for a regional Lite topic.
Enter the peak publish throughput and the peak subscribe throughput.
A number of partitions are set automatically based on your inputs. You can edit this number after you save the topic.
In the Message storage section:
Enter the storage per partition.
Select one of the two options for the message retention period.
Review the changes and click Create.
To create a Lite topic, use the
gcloud pubsub lite-topics create
gcloud pubsub lite-topics createTOPIC_ID \ --location=LOCATION \ --partitions=NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS \ --per-partition-bytes=STORAGE_PER_PARTITION \ [--throughput-reservation=RESERVATION_NAME \] [--message-retention-period=MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD ]
Replace the following:
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of a location that Pub/Sub Lite supports
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS: an integer for the number of partitions in the Lite topic
STORAGE_PER_PARTITION: the amount of storage for each partition, such as
RESERVATION_NAME: the fully qualified path of a Lite reservation such as
MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD: the amount of time the Lite topic stores messages, such as
If the request is successful, the command line displays a confirmation:
Created [TOPIC_ID ].
To create a Lite topic, send a POST
request like the following:
POST https://REGION /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Replace the following:
REGION: the region to store the Lite topic in
PROJECT_NUMBER: the project number of the project to create the Lite topic in
LOCATION: the name of a location that Pub/Sub Lite supports
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
Specify the following fields in the request body:
{ "partitionConfig": { "count":NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS , "capacity": { "publishMibPerSec":publish_CAPACITY , "subscribeMibPerSec":subscribe_CAPACITY , } }, "retentionConfig": { "perPartitionBytes":STORAGE_PER_PARTITION , "period":MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD , }, "reservationConfig": { "throughputReservation":RESERVATION_NAME } }
Replace the following:
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS: an integer for the number of partitions in the Lite topic
STORAGE_PER_PARTITION: the amount of storage for each partition, such as
publish_CAPACITY: an integer for the publish throughput capacity of each partition
subscribe_CAPACITY: an integer for the subscribe throughput capacity of each partition
MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD: the amount of time the Lite topic stores messages, such as
RESERVATION_NAME: the fully qualified path of a Lite reservation such as
If the request is successful, the response is the Lite topic in JSON format:
{ "name": projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID , "partitionConfig": { "count":NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS , "capacity": { "publishMibPerSec":publish_CAPACITY , "subscribeMibPerSec":subscribe_CAPACITY , } }, "retentionConfig": { "perPartitionBytes":STORAGE_PER_PARTITION , "period":MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD , }, "reservationConfig": { "throughputReservation":RESERVATION_NAME } }
Before running this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
After creating the Lite topic, you can scale the per-partition throughput and storage capacity. You can also increase, but not decrease the number of partitions.
Update a Lite topic
You can update the following properties of a Lite topic:
The reservation associated with the Lite topic
The number of partitions in the topic (can only be increased)
The publish and subscribe throughput capacity limits
The storage per partition
The type of message retention
Before you scale either the throughput capacity or the storage capacity of a topic, refer to Scale throughput capacity and Scale storage capacity.
You can update a Lite topic with the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Pub/Sub Lite API.
Go to the Lite Topics page.
Click the Lite topic ID.
Click Edit.
You can make any or all the following updates:
- Use a different reservation. For zonal topics, you can opt to not use a reservation.
- Enter the number of partitions. This value can be increased but not decreased.
- Enable or disable the maximum allowed publish and subscribe throughput.
- For zonal topics, update the reserved publish and subscribe throughput. For topics with a reservation attached, the updated throughput reflects the new maximum limit.
- Edit the storage capacity per partition.
- Edit the message retention period.
Click Update.
To update a Lite topic, use the
gcloud pubsub lite-topics update
gcloud pubsub lite-topics updateTOPIC_ID \ --location=LOCATION \ --partitions=NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS \ --per-partition-publish-mib=publish_CAPACITY \ --per-partition-subscribe-mib=subscribe_CAPACITY \ --per-partition-bytes=STORAGE_PER_PARTITION \ --message-retention-period=MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD
Replace the following:
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS: the number of partitions to configure for the Lite topic.
publish_CAPACITY: an integer for the publish throughput capacity of each partition
subscribe_CAPACITY: an integer for the subscribe throughput capacity of each partition
STORAGE_PER_PARTITION: the amount of storage for each partition, such as
MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD: the amount of time the Lite topic stores messages, such as
If the request is successful, the command line displays the Lite topic:
name: projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID partitionConfig: count:NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS capacity: publishMibPerSec:publish_CAPACITY subscribeMibPerSec:subscribe_CAPACITY retentionConfig: perPartitionBytes:STORAGE_PER_PARTITION period:MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD
To update a Lite topic, send a PATCH
request like the following:
PATCH https://REGION /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID ?updateMask=partitionConfig.capacity,retentionConfig.perPartitionBytes,retentionConfig.period,partitionConfig.count Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Replace the following:
REGION: the region that the Lite topic is in
PROJECT_NUMBER: the project number of the project with the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
Specify the following fields in the request body:
{ "partitionConfig": { "count":NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS , "capacity": { "publishMibPerSec":publish_CAPACITY , "subscribeMibPerSec":subscribe_CAPACITY , } }, "retentionConfig": { "perPartitionBytes":STORAGE_PER_PARTITION , "period":MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD , }, }
Replace the following:
publish_CAPACITY: an integer for the publish throughput capacity of each partition
subscribe_CAPACITY: an integer for the subscribe throughput capacity of each partition
STORAGE_PER_PARTITION: the amount of storage for each partition, such as
MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD: the amount of time the Lite topic stores messages, such as
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS: the number of partitions to configure for the Lite topic.
If the request is successful, the response is the Lite topic in JSON format:
{ "name": projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID , "partitionConfig": { "count":NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS , "capacity": { "publishMibPerSec":publish_CAPACITY , "subscribeMibPerSec":subscribe_CAPACITY , } }, "retentionConfig": { "perPartitionBytes":STORAGE_PER_PARTITION , "period":MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD , }, }
Before running this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
View Lite topic details
You can get details about a Lite topic using the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Pub/Sub Lite API.
Go to the Lite Topics page.
Click the Lite topic ID.
To get details about a Lite topic, use the
gcloud pubsub lite-topics describe
gcloud pubsub lite-topics describeTOPIC_ID \ --location=LOCATION
Replace the following:
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
If the request is successful, the command line displays the Lite topic:
name: projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID partitionConfig: count:NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS capacity: publishMibPerSec:publish_CAPACITY subscribeMibPerSec:subscribe_CAPACITY retentionConfig: perPartitionBytes:STORAGE_PER_PARTITION period:MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD
To get details about a Lite topic, send a GET
request like the following:
GET https://REGION /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Replace the following:
REGION: the region that the Lite topic is in
PROJECT_NUMBER: the project number of the project with the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
If the request is successful, the response is the Lite topic in JSON format:
{ "name": projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID , "partitionConfig": { "count":NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS , "capacity": { "publishMibPerSec":publish_CAPACITY , "subscribeMibPerSec":subscribe_CAPACITY , } }, "retentionConfig": { "perPartitionBytes":STORAGE_PER_PARTITION , "period":MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD , }, }
Before running this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
List Lite topics
You can list Lite topics in a project using the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Pub/Sub Lite API.
To view a list of the Lite topics in a project, go to the Lite Topics page.
- To list the Lite topics in a project, use the
gcloud pubsub lite-topics list
gcloud pubsub lite-topics list \ --location=LOCATION
Replace LOCATION with the name of the location that the Lite topic is in.
If the request is successful, the command line displays the Lite topics:
--- name: projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID partitionConfig: count:NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS capacity: publishMibPerSec:publish_CAPACITY subscribeMibPerSec:subscribe_CAPACITY retentionConfig: perPartitionBytes:STORAGE_PER_PARTITION period:MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOND --- name: projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID partitionConfig: count:NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS capacity: publishMibPerSec:publish_CAPACITY subscribeMibPerSec:subscribe_CAPACITY retentionConfig: perPartitionBytes:STORAGE_PER_PARTITION period:MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOND
To list the Lite topics in a project, send a GET
request like the following:
GET https://REGION /topics Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Replace the following:
REGION: the region that the Lite topic is in
PROJECT_NUMBER: the project number of the project with the Lite topic
If the request is successful, the response is a list of Lite topics in JSON format:
{ "topics": [ { "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID ", }, { "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID ", } ] }
Before running this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Delete a Lite topic
You can delete Lite topics with the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Pub/Sub Lite API.
Go to the Lite Topics page.
Click the Lite topic ID.
In the Lite topic details page, click Delete.
In the field that appears, enter
to confirm that you want to delete the Lite topic.Click Delete.
To delete a Lite topic, use the
gcloud pubsub lite-topics delete
Run the
command:gcloud pubsub lite-topics delete
TOPIC_ID \ --location=LOCATION Replace the following:
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
To confirm, type
If the request is successful, the response is the following:
Deleted topic [TOPIC_ID ].
To delete a Lite topic, send a DELETE
request like the following:
DELETE https://REGION /locations/LOCATION /topics/TOPIC_ID Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Replace the following:
REGION: the region that the Lite topic is in
PROJECT_NUMBER: the project number of the project with the Lite topic
LOCATION: the name of the location that the Lite topic is in
TOPIC_ID: the ID of the Lite topic
If the request is successful, the response is an empty JSON object.
Before running this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
Before running this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Pub/Sub Lite Client Libraries.
If you delete a Lite topic, you can't publish messages to it. The Lite subscriptions to the Lite topic still exist, but you can't receive messages from the Lite subscriptions.
What's Next
- Publish messages to a Lite topic.
- Create a Lite subscription to a Lite topic.
- Receive messages from a Lite subscription.