This document provides an overview of a pull subscription, its workflow, and associated properties.
In a pull subscription, a subscriber client requests messages from the Pub/Sub server.
The pull mode can use one of the two service APIs, Pull or StreamingPull. To run the chosen API, you can select a Google-provided high-level client library, or a low-level auto-generated client library. You can also choose between asynchronous and synchronous message processing.
Before you begin
Before reading this document, ensure that you're familiar with the following:
How Pub/Sub works and the different Pub/Sub terms.
The different kinds of subscriptions that Pub/Sub supports and why you might want to use a pull subscription.
Pull subscription workflow
For a pull subscription, your subscriber client initiates requests to a Pub/Sub server to retrieve messages. The subscriber client uses one of the following APIs:
Most subscriber clients don't make these requests directly. Instead, the clients rely on the Google Cloud-provided high-level client library that performs streaming pull requests internally and delivers messages asynchronously. For a subscriber client that needs greater control over how messages are pulled, Pub/Sub uses a low-level and automatically generated gRPC library. This library makes pull or streaming pull requests directly. These requests can be synchronous or asynchronous.
The following two images show the workflow between a subscriber client and a pull subscription.

Pull workflow
The pull workflow is as follows and references Figure 1:
- The subscriber client explicitly calls the
method, which requests messages for delivery. This request is thePullRequest
as shown in the image. The Pub/Sub server responds with zero or more messages and acknowledgment IDs. A response with zero messages or with an error does not necessarily indicate that there are no messages available to receive. This response is the
as shown in the image.The subscriber client explicitly calls the
method. The client uses the returned acknowledgment ID to acknowledge that the message is processed and need not be delivered again.
For a single streaming pull request, a subscriber client can have multiple responses returned due to the open connection. In contrast, only one response is returned for each pull request.
Properties of a pull subscription
The properties that you configure for a pull subscription determines how you write messages to your subscription. For more information, see subscription properties.
Pub/Sub service APIs
The Pub/Sub pull subscription can use one of the following two APIs for retrieving messages:
- Pull
- StreamingPull
Use unary Acknowledge and ModifyAckDeadline RPCs when you receive messages using these APIs. The two Pub/Sub APIs are described in the following sections.
StreamingPull API
Where possible, the Pub/Sub client libraries use StreamingPull for maximum throughput and lowest latency. Although you might never use the StreamingPull API directly, it's important to know how it differs from the Pull API.
The StreamingPull API relies on a persistent bidirectional connection to receive multiple messages as they become available. The following is the workflow:
The client sends a request to the server to establish a connection. If the connection quota is exceeded, the server returns a resource exhausted error. The client library retries the out-of-quota errors automatically.
If there is no error or the connection quota is available again, the server continuously sends messages to the connected client.
If or when the throughput quota is exceeded, the server stops sending messages. However, the connection is not broken. Whenever there's sufficient throughput quota available again, the stream resumes.
The client or the server eventually closes the connection.
The StreamingPull API keeps an open connection. The Pub/Sub servers recurrently close the connection after a time period to avoid a long-running sticky connection. The client library automatically reopens a StreamingPull connection.
Messages are sent to the connection when they are available. The StreamingPull API thus minimizes latency and maximizes throughput for messages.
Read more about the StreamingPull RPC methods: StreamingPullRequest and StreamingPullResponse.
Pull API
This API is a traditional unary RPC that is based on a request and response model. A single pull response corresponds to a single pull request. The following is the workflow:
The client sends a request to the server for messages. If the throughput quota is exceeded, the server returns a resource exhausted error.
If there is no error or the throughput quota is available again, the server replies with zero or more messages and acknowledgment IDs.
When using the unary Pull API, a response with zero messages or with an error does not necessarily indicate that there are no messages available to receive.
Using the Pull API does not guarantee low latency and a high throughput of messages. To achieve high throughput and low latency with the Pull API, you must have multiple simultaneous outstanding requests. New requests are created when old requests receive a response. Architecting such a solution is error-prone and hard to maintain. We recommend that you use the StreamingPull API for such use cases.
Use the Pull API instead of the StreamingPull API only if you require strict control over the following:
- The number of messages that the subscriber client can process
- The client memory and resources
You can also use this API when your subscriber is a proxy between Pub/Sub and another service that operates in a more pull-oriented way.
Read more about the Pull REST methods: Method: projects.subscriptions.pull.
Read more about the Pull RPC methods: PullRequest and PullResponse.
Types of message processing modes
Choose one of the following pull modes for your subscriber clients.
Asynchronous pull mode
Asynchronous pull mode decouples the receiving of messages from the processing of messages in a subscriber client. This mode is the default for most subscriber clients. Asynchronous pull mode can use the StreamingPull API or unary Pull API. Asynchronous pull can also use the high-level client library or low-level auto-generated client library.
You can learn more about client libraries later in this document.
Synchronous pull mode
In synchronous pull mode, the receiving and processing of messages occur in sequence and are not decoupled from each other. Hence, similar to StreamingPull versus unary Pull APIs, asynchronous processing offers lower latency and higher throughput than synchronous processing.
Use synchronous pull mode only for applications where low latency and high throughput are not the most important factors as compared to some other requirements. For example, an application might be limited to using only the synchronous programming model. Or, an application with resource constraints might require more exact control over memory, network, or CPU. In such cases, use synchronous mode with the unary Pull API.
Pub/Sub client libraries
Pub/Sub offers a high-level and a low-level auto-generated client library.
High-level Pub/Sub client library
The high-level client library provides options for controlling the acknowledgment deadlines by using lease management. These options are more granular than when you configure the acknowledgment deadlines by using the console or the CLI at the subscription level. The high-level client library also implements support for features such as ordered delivery, exactly-once delivery, and flow control.
We recommend using asynchronous pull and the StreamingPull API with the high-level client library. Not all languages that are supported for Google Cloud also support the Pull API in the high-level client library.
To use the high-level client libraries, see Pub/Sub client libraries.
Low-level auto-generated Pub/Sub client library
A low-level client library is available for cases where you must use the Pull API directly. You can use synchronous or asynchronous processing with the low-level auto-generated client library. You must manually code features such as ordered delivery, exactly-once delivery, flow control, and lease management when you use the low-level auto-generated client library.
You can use the synchronous processing model when you use the low-level auto-generated client library for all supported languages. You might use the low-level auto-generated client library and synchronous pull in cases where using the Pull API directly makes sense. For example, you might have existing application logic that relies on this model.
To use the low-level auto-generated client libraries directly, see Pub/Sub APIs overview.
Client library code samples
StreamingPull and high-level client library code samples
Before trying this sample, follow the C++ setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C++ API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C# API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Go API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Java API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Python API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Ruby API reference documentation.
Retrieve custom attributes using the high-level client library
The following samples show how to pull messages asynchronously and retrieve the custom attributes from the metadata.
Before trying this sample, follow the C++ setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C++ API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C# API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Go API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Java API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Python API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Ruby API reference documentation.
Handle errors using the high-level client library
The following samples show how to handle errors that arise when subscribing to messages.
Before trying this sample, follow the C++ setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C++ API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Go API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Java API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Python API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Go API reference documentation.
Unary pull code samples
Here's some sample code to pull and acknowledge a fixed number of messages.
Before trying this sample, follow the C++ setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C++ API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub C# API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Java API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Node.js API reference documentation.
Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Ruby API reference documentation.
"returnImmediately": "false",
"maxMessages": "1"
200 OK
"receivedMessages": [{
"message": {
"data": "SGVsbG8gQ2xvdWQgUHViL1N1YiEgSGVyZSBpcyBteSBtZXNzYWdlIQ==",
"messageId": "19917247034"
"ackIds": [
Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in Quickstart: Using Client Libraries. For more information, see the Pub/Sub Python API reference documentation.
Pub/Sub delivers a list of messages. If the list has multiple messages, Pub/Sub orders the messages with the same ordering key. The following are some important caveats:
Setting a value for
in the request does not guarantee thatmax_messages
are returned, even if there are that many messages in the backlog. The Pub/Sub Pull API might return fewer thanmax_messages
in order to reduce the delivery latency for messages that are readily available to be delivered.A pull response that comes with 0 messages must not be used as an indicator that there are no messages in the backlog. It's possible to get a response with 0 messages and have a subsequent request that returns messages.
To achieve low message delivery latency with the unary pull mode, it's essential to have many simultaneously outstanding pull requests. As the throughput of the topic increases, more pull requests are necessary. In general, the StreamingPull mode is preferable for latency-sensitive applications.
Quotas and limits
Both Pull and StreamingPull connections are subject to quotas and limits. For more information, see Pub/Sub quotas and limits.
What's next
Create a pull subscription for your topic.
Create or modify a subscription with gcloud CLI.
Create or modify a subscription with REST APIs.
Create or modify a subscription with RPC APIs.