

发布者应用会创建消息,然后将其发送到主题。Pub/Sub 会为现有订阅者提供至少一次消息传送和尽力排序功能。


  1. 创建一条包含您的数据的消息。
  2. 向 Pub/Sub 服务器发送请求以将该消息发布到指定主题。




如需获得将消息发布到主题所需的权限,请让您的管理员为您授予主题的 Pub/Sub Publisher (roles/pubsub.publisher) IAM 角色。 如需详细了解如何授予角色,请参阅管理对项目、文件夹和组织的访问权限





Pub/Sub 服务将以下字段添加到消息中:

  • 主题专属的消息 ID
  • Pub/Sub 服务接收消息的时间的时间戳



您可以使用 Google Cloud 控制台、Google Cloud CLI、Pub/Sub API 和客户端库发布消息。客户端库可以异步发布消息。




  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往 Pub/Sub 主题页面。

    转到 Pub/Sub 主题页面

  2. 点击主题 ID。

  3. 主题详情页面的消息下,点击发布消息

  4. 消息正文字段中,输入消息数据。

  5. 点击发布


要发布消息,请使用 gcloud pubsub topics publish 命令:

gcloud pubsub topics publish TOPIC_ID \
  --message=MESSAGE_DATA \


  • TOPIC_ID:主题的 ID
  • MESSAGE_DATA:包含消息数据的字符串
  • KEY消息属性的键
  • VALUE:消息属性的键对应的值


要发布消息,请发送如下所示的 POST 请求:

POST  https://pubsub.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID:publish
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)


  • PROJECT_ID:包含主题的项目的 ID
  • TOPIC_ID:主题的 ID


  "messages": [
      "attributes": {
        "KEY": "VALUE",
      "data": "MESSAGE_DATA",


  • KEY消息属性的键
  • VALUE:消息属性的键对应的值
  • MESSAGE_DATA:包含消息数据的 base64 编码字符串


如果请求成功,则响应是一个包含消息 ID 的 JSON 对象。以下是包含消息 ID 的响应:

  "messageIds": [


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C++ 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C++ API 参考文档

namespace pubsub = ::google::cloud::pubsub;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
[](pubsub::Publisher publisher) {
  auto message_id = publisher.Publish(
      pubsub::MessageBuilder{}.SetData("Hello World!").Build());
  auto done = message_id.then([](future<StatusOr<std::string>> f) {
    auto id = f.get();
    if (!id) throw std::move(id).status();
    std::cout << "Hello World! published with id=" << *id << "\n";
  // Block until the message is published


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C# 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C# API 参考文档

using Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class PublishMessagesAsyncSample
    public async Task<int> PublishMessagesAsync(string projectId, string topicId, IEnumerable<string> messageTexts)
        TopicName topicName = TopicName.FromProjectTopic(projectId, topicId);
        PublisherClient publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync(topicName);

        int publishedMessageCount = 0;
        var publishTasks = messageTexts.Select(async text =>
                string message = await publisher.PublishAsync(text);
                Console.WriteLine($"Published message {message}");
                Interlocked.Increment(ref publishedMessageCount);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred when publishing message {text}: {exception.Message}");
        await Task.WhenAll(publishTasks);
        return publishedMessageCount;


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Go API 参考文档

import (


func publishThatScales(w io.Writer, projectID, topicID string, n int) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// topicID := "my-topic"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, projectID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("pubsub.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var totalErrors uint64
	t := client.Topic(topicID)

	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		result := t.Publish(ctx, &pubsub.Message{
			Data: []byte("Message " + strconv.Itoa(i)),

		go func(i int, res *pubsub.PublishResult) {
			defer wg.Done()
			// The Get method blocks until a server-generated ID or
			// an error is returned for the published message.
			id, err := res.Get(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				// Error handling code can be added here.
				fmt.Fprintf(w, "Failed to publish: %v", err)
				atomic.AddUint64(&totalErrors, 1)
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "Published message %d; msg ID: %v\n", i, id)
		}(i, result)


	if totalErrors > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("%d of %d messages did not publish successfully", totalErrors, n)
	return nil


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Java API 参考文档

import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutureCallback;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutures;
import com.google.api.gax.rpc.ApiException;
import com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1.Publisher;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class PublishWithErrorHandlerExample {

  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String topicId = "your-topic-id";

    publishWithErrorHandlerExample(projectId, topicId);

  public static void publishWithErrorHandlerExample(String projectId, String topicId)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    TopicName topicName = TopicName.of(projectId, topicId);
    Publisher publisher = null;

    try {
      // Create a publisher instance with default settings bound to the topic
      publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topicName).build();

      List<String> messages = Arrays.asList("first message", "second message");

      for (final String message : messages) {
        ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(message);
        PubsubMessage pubsubMessage = PubsubMessage.newBuilder().setData(data).build();

        // Once published, returns a server-assigned message id (unique within the topic)
        ApiFuture<String> future = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);

        // Add an asynchronous callback to handle success / failure
            new ApiFutureCallback<String>() {

              public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
                if (throwable instanceof ApiException) {
                  ApiException apiException = ((ApiException) throwable);
                  // details on the API exception
                System.out.println("Error publishing message : " + message);

              public void onSuccess(String messageId) {
                // Once published, returns server-assigned message ids (unique within the topic)
                System.out.println("Published message ID: " + messageId);
    } finally {
      if (publisher != null) {
        // When finished with the publisher, shutdown to free up resources.
        publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Node.js API 参考文档

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_NAME_OR_ID';
// const data = JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'});

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {PubSub} = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

// Creates a client; cache this for further use
const pubSubClient = new PubSub();

async function publishMessage(topicNameOrId, data) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!" or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);

  // Cache topic objects (publishers) and reuse them.
  const topic = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId);

  try {
    const messageId = topic.publishMessage({data: dataBuffer});
    console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Received error while publishing: ${error.message}`);
    process.exitCode = 1;


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Node.js API 参考文档

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_NAME_OR_ID';
// const data = JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'});

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
import {PubSub} from '@google-cloud/pubsub';

// Creates a client; cache this for further use
const pubSubClient = new PubSub();

async function publishMessage(topicNameOrId: string, data: string) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!" or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);

  // Cache topic objects (publishers) and reuse them.
  const topic = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId);

  try {
    const messageId = topic.publishMessage({data: dataBuffer});
    console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);
  } catch (error) {
      `Received error while publishing: ${(error as Error).message}`
    process.exitCode = 1;


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 PHP 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub PHP API 参考文档

use Google\Cloud\PubSub\MessageBuilder;
use Google\Cloud\PubSub\PubSubClient;

 * Publishes a message for a Pub/Sub topic.
 * @param string $projectId  The Google project ID.
 * @param string $topicName  The Pub/Sub topic name.
 * @param string $message  The message to publish.
function publish_message($projectId, $topicName, $message)
    $pubsub = new PubSubClient([
        'projectId' => $projectId,

    $topic = $pubsub->topic($topicName);
    $topic->publish((new MessageBuilder)->setData($message)->build());

    print('Message published' . PHP_EOL);


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Python API 参考文档

"""Publishes multiple messages to a Pub/Sub topic with an error handler."""
from concurrent import futures
from google.cloud import pubsub_v1
from typing import Callable

# TODO(developer)
# project_id = "your-project-id"
# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_id)
publish_futures = []

def get_callback(
    publish_future: pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future, data: str
) -> Callable[[pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future], None]:
    def callback(publish_future: pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future) -> None:
            # Wait 60 seconds for the publish call to succeed.
        except futures.TimeoutError:
            print(f"Publishing {data} timed out.")

    return callback

for i in range(10):
    data = str(i)
    # When you publish a message, the client returns a future.
    publish_future = publisher.publish(topic_path, data.encode("utf-8"))
    # Non-blocking. Publish failures are handled in the callback function.
    publish_future.add_done_callback(get_callback(publish_future, data))

# Wait for all the publish futures to resolve before exiting.
futures.wait(publish_futures, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED)

print(f"Published messages with error handler to {topic_path}.")


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Ruby 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Ruby API 参考文档

# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

pubsub = Google::Cloud::Pubsub.new

topic = pubsub.topic topic_id

  topic.publish_async "This is a test message." do |result|
    raise "Failed to publish the message." unless result.succeeded?
    puts "Message published asynchronously."

  # Stop the async_publisher to send all queued messages immediately.
rescue StandardError => e
  puts "Received error while publishing: #{e.message}"

发布消息后,Pub/Sub 服务将消息 ID 返回给发布者。


您可以在 Pub/Sub 消息中嵌入自定义属性作为元数据。属性用于提供有关消息的附加信息,例如其优先级、来源或目的地。属性还可用于过滤有关订阅的消息。


  • 属性可以是文本字符串或字节字符串。

  • 每条消息最多可以包含 100 个属性。

  • 属性键不得以 goog 开头,并且不得超过 256 个字节。

  • 属性值不得超过 1024 个字节。


  "data": string,
  "attributes": {
    string: string,
  "messageId": string,
  "publishTime": string,
  "orderingKey": string

对于发布端重复项,同一客户端原始消息可能具有不同的 publishTime 值,即使 messageId 相同也是如此。

PubsubMessage JSON 架构作为 REST远程过程调用 (RPC) 文档的一部分发布。您可以为事件时间戳使用自定义属性。




  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往主题页面。

    转到 Pub/Sub 主题页面

  2. 点击您要发布消息的主题。

  3. 在主题详情页面中,点击消息

  4. 点击发布消息

  5. 消息正文字段中,输入消息数据。

  6. 消息属性下,点击添加属性

  7. 输入键值对。

  8. 根据需要添加更多属性。

  9. 点击发布


gcloud pubsub topics publish my-topic --message="hello" \


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C++ 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C++ API 参考文档

namespace pubsub = ::google::cloud::pubsub;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
[](pubsub::Publisher publisher) {
  std::vector<future<void>> done;
  for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) {
    auto message_id = publisher.Publish(
            .SetData("Hello World! [" + std::to_string(i) + "]")
            .SetAttribute("origin", "cpp-sample")
            .SetAttribute("username", "gcp")
    done.push_back(message_id.then([i](future<StatusOr<std::string>> f) {
      auto id = f.get();
      if (!id) throw std::move(id).status();
      std::cout << "Message " << i << " published with id=" << *id << "\n";
  // Block until all the messages are published (optional)
  for (auto& f : done) f.get();


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C# 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C# API 参考文档

using Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1;
using Google.Protobuf;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class PublishMessageWithCustomAttributesAsyncSample
    public async Task PublishMessageWithCustomAttributesAsync(string projectId, string topicId, string messageText)
        TopicName topicName = TopicName.FromProjectTopic(projectId, topicId);
        PublisherClient publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync(topicName);

        var pubsubMessage = new PubsubMessage
            // The data is any arbitrary ByteString. Here, we're using text.
            Data = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(messageText),
            // The attributes provide metadata in a string-to-string dictionary.
            Attributes =
                { "year", "2020" },
                { "author", "unknown" }
        string message = await publisher.PublishAsync(pubsubMessage);
        Console.WriteLine($"Published message {message}");


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Go API 参考文档

import (


func publishCustomAttributes(w io.Writer, projectID, topicID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// topicID := "my-topic"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, projectID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("pubsub.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	t := client.Topic(topicID)
	result := t.Publish(ctx, &pubsub.Message{
		Data: []byte("Hello world!"),
		Attributes: map[string]string{
			"origin":   "golang",
			"username": "gcp",
	// Block until the result is returned and a server-generated
	// ID is returned for the published message.
	id, err := result.Get(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Get: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Published message with custom attributes; msg ID: %v\n", id)
	return nil


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Java API 参考文档

import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1.Publisher;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class PublishWithCustomAttributesExample {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String topicId = "your-topic-id";

    publishWithCustomAttributesExample(projectId, topicId);

  public static void publishWithCustomAttributesExample(String projectId, String topicId)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    TopicName topicName = TopicName.of(projectId, topicId);
    Publisher publisher = null;

    try {
      // Create a publisher instance with default settings bound to the topic
      publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topicName).build();

      String message = "first message";
      ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(message);
      PubsubMessage pubsubMessage =
              .putAllAttributes(ImmutableMap.of("year", "2020", "author", "unknown"))

      // Once published, returns a server-assigned message id (unique within the topic)
      ApiFuture<String> messageIdFuture = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);
      String messageId = messageIdFuture.get();
      System.out.println("Published a message with custom attributes: " + messageId);

    } finally {
      if (publisher != null) {
        // When finished with the publisher, shutdown to free up resources.
        publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Node.js API 参考文档

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_NAME_OR_ID';
// const data = JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'});

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {PubSub} = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

// Creates a client; cache this for further use
const pubSubClient = new PubSub();

async function publishMessageWithCustomAttributes(topicNameOrId, data) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!" or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);

  // Add two custom attributes, origin and username, to the message
  const customAttributes = {
    origin: 'nodejs-sample',
    username: 'gcp',

  // Cache topic objects (publishers) and reuse them.
  const topic = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId);

  const messageId = topic.publishMessage({
    data: dataBuffer,
    attributes: customAttributes,
  console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Python API 参考文档

from google.cloud import pubsub_v1

# TODO(developer)
# project_id = "your-project-id"
# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_id)

for n in range(1, 10):
    data_str = f"Message number {n}"
    # Data must be a bytestring
    data = data_str.encode("utf-8")
    # Add two attributes, origin and username, to the message
    future = publisher.publish(
        topic_path, data, origin="python-sample", username="gcp"

print(f"Published messages with custom attributes to {topic_path}.")


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Ruby 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Ruby API 参考文档

# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

pubsub = Google::Cloud::Pubsub.new

topic = pubsub.topic topic_id
# Add two attributes, origin and username, to the message
topic.publish_async "This is a test message.",
                    origin:   "ruby-sample",
                    username: "gcp" do |result|
  raise "Failed to publish the message." unless result.succeeded?
  puts "Message with custom attributes published asynchronously."

# Stop the async_publisher to send all queued messages immediately.





  • 在单个发布方客户端中进行排序:当单个发布方客户端在同一区域发布具有相同排序键的消息时,订阅方客户端会按消息的发布顺序接收这些消息。例如,如果发布方客户端发布消息 1、2 和 3,并使用排序键 A,则订阅方客户端会按 1、2、3 的顺序接收这些消息。

  • 跨多个发布商客户端进行排序:订阅者客户端收到的消息的顺序与消息在同一区域内的发布顺序一致,即使多个发布商客户端使用相同的排序键也是如此。不过,发布商客户端本身不知道此订单。

    例如,如果发布商客户端 X 和 Y 分别发布了带有排序键 A 的消息,并且 Pub/Sub 先收到 X 的消息,然后再收到 Y 的消息,那么所有订阅方客户端也都会先收到 X 的消息,然后再收到 Y 的消息。如果需要在不同的发布方客户端之间实现严格的消息顺序,则这些客户端必须实现额外的协调机制,以确保它们不会同时发布具有相同排序键的消息。例如,锁定服务可用于在发布时维护有序键的所有权。

  • 跨区域排序:只有当具有相同排序键的发布操作位于同一区域时,有序传送保证才适用。如果您的发布商应用向不同的区域发布具有相同排序键的消息,则无法强制执行这些发布的顺序。订阅者可以连接到任何区域,并且订购保证仍然有效。

    当您在 Google Cloud中运行应用时,默认情况下,应用会连接到同一区域中的 Pub/Sub 端点。因此,在Google Cloud 中在单个区域运行应用通常可确保您与单个区域进行交互。

    在Google Cloud 之外或在多个区域运行发布商应用时,您可以通过在配置 Pub/Sub 客户端时使用位置端点来确保连接到单个区域。Pub/Sub 的所有位置端点都指向单个区域。如需详细了解位置端点,请参阅 Pub/Sub 端点。如需查看 Pub/Sub 的所有位置端点的列表,请参阅位置端点列表

  • 发布失败:使用排序键发布失败时,发布者中具有相同排序键的已排入队列消息以及此排序键的未来发布请求会失败。发生此类故障时,您必须使用排序键恢复发布。如需查看恢复发布操作的示例,请参阅使用排序键重试请求

您可以使用 Google Cloud 控制台、Google Cloud CLI、Pub/Sub API 或客户端库发布包含排序键的消息。



  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往主题页面。

    转到 Pub/Sub 主题页面

  2. 点击您要发布消息的主题。

  3. 在主题详情页面中,点击消息

  4. 点击发布消息

  5. 消息正文字段中,输入消息数据。

  6. 消息排序字段中,输入排序键。

  7. 点击发布


如需发布带有排序键的消息,请使用 gcloud pubsub topics publish 命令和 --ordering-key 标志:

gcloud pubsub topics publish TOPIC_ID \
  --message=MESSAGE_DATA \


  • TOPIC_ID:主题的 ID
  • MESSAGE_DATA:包含消息数据的字符串
  • ORDERING_KEY:带有排序键的字符串


如需发布带有排序键的消息,请发送如下所示的 POST 请求:

POST  https://pubsub.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID:publish
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)


  • PROJECT_ID:包含主题的项目的 ID
  • TOPIC_ID:主题的 ID


  "messages": [
      "attributes": {
        "KEY": "VALUE",
      "data": "MESSAGE_DATA",
      "ordering_key": "ORDERING_KEY",


  • KEY消息属性的键
  • VALUE:消息属性的键对应的值
  • MESSAGE_DATA:包含消息数据的 base64 编码字符串
  • ORDERING_KEY:带有排序键的字符串


如果请求成功,则响应是一个包含消息 ID 的 JSON 对象。以下是包含消息 ID 的响应:

  "messageIds": [


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C++ 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C++ API 参考文档

namespace pubsub = ::google::cloud::pubsub;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
[](pubsub::Publisher publisher) {
  struct SampleData {
    std::string ordering_key;
    std::string data;
  } data[] = {
      {"key1", "message1"}, {"key2", "message2"}, {"key1", "message3"},
      {"key1", "message4"}, {"key1", "message5"},
  std::vector<future<void>> done;
  for (auto& datum : data) {
    auto message_id =
                              .SetData("Hello World! [" + datum.data + "]")
    std::string ack_id = datum.ordering_key + "#" + datum.data;
    done.push_back(message_id.then([ack_id](future<StatusOr<std::string>> f) {
      auto id = f.get();
      if (!id) throw std::move(id).status();
      std::cout << "Message " << ack_id << " published with id=" << *id
                << "\n";
  // Block until all the messages are published (optional)
  for (auto& f : done) f.get();


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 C# 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub C# API 参考文档

using Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class PublishOrderedMessagesAsyncSample
    public async Task<int> PublishOrderedMessagesAsync(string projectId, string topicId, IEnumerable<(string, string)> keysAndMessages)
        TopicName topicName = TopicName.FromProjectTopic(projectId, topicId);

        var customSettings = new PublisherClient.Settings
            EnableMessageOrdering = true

        PublisherClient publisher = await new PublisherClientBuilder
            TopicName = topicName,
            // Sending messages to the same region ensures they are received in order even when multiple publishers are used.
            Endpoint = "us-east1-pubsub.googleapis.com:443",
            Settings = customSettings

        int publishedMessageCount = 0;
        var publishTasks = keysAndMessages.Select(async keyAndMessage =>
                string message = await publisher.PublishAsync(keyAndMessage.Item1, keyAndMessage.Item2);
                Console.WriteLine($"Published message {message}");
                Interlocked.Increment(ref publishedMessageCount);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred when publishing message {keyAndMessage.Item2}: {exception.Message}");
        await Task.WhenAll(publishTasks);
        return publishedMessageCount;


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Go API 参考文档

import (


func publishWithOrderingKey(w io.Writer, projectID, topicID string) {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// topicID := "my-topic"
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Pub/Sub's ordered delivery guarantee only applies when publishes for an ordering key are in the same region.
	// For list of locational endpoints for Pub/Sub, see https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/service_apis_overview#list_of_locational_endpoints
	client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, projectID,
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "pubsub.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var totalErrors uint64
	t := client.Topic(topicID)
	t.EnableMessageOrdering = true

	messages := []struct {
		message     string
		orderingKey string
			message:     "message1",
			orderingKey: "key1",
			message:     "message2",
			orderingKey: "key2",
			message:     "message3",
			orderingKey: "key1",
			message:     "message4",
			orderingKey: "key2",

	for _, m := range messages {
		res := t.Publish(ctx, &pubsub.Message{
			Data:        []byte(m.message),
			OrderingKey: m.orderingKey,

		go func(res *pubsub.PublishResult) {
			defer wg.Done()
			// The Get method blocks until a server-generated ID or
			// an error is returned for the published message.
			_, err := res.Get(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				// Error handling code can be added here.
				fmt.Printf("Failed to publish: %s\n", err)
				atomic.AddUint64(&totalErrors, 1)


	if totalErrors > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d of 4 messages did not publish successfully", totalErrors)

	fmt.Fprint(w, "Published 4 messages with ordering keys successfully\n")


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Java API 参考文档

import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutureCallback;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutures;
import com.google.api.gax.rpc.ApiException;
import com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1.Publisher;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class PublishWithOrderingKeys {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    // Choose an existing topic.
    String topicId = "your-topic-id";

    publishWithOrderingKeysExample(projectId, topicId);

  public static void publishWithOrderingKeysExample(String projectId, String topicId)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    TopicName topicName = TopicName.of(projectId, topicId);
    // Create a publisher and set message ordering to true.
    Publisher publisher =
            // Sending messages to the same region ensures they are received in order
            // even when multiple publishers are used.

    try {
      Map<String, String> messages = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
      messages.put("message1", "key1");
      messages.put("message2", "key2");
      messages.put("message3", "key1");
      messages.put("message4", "key2");

      for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : messages.entrySet()) {
        ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(entry.getKey());
        PubsubMessage pubsubMessage =
        ApiFuture<String> future = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);

        // Add an asynchronous callback to handle publish success / failure.
            new ApiFutureCallback<String>() {

              public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
                if (throwable instanceof ApiException) {
                  ApiException apiException = ((ApiException) throwable);
                  // Details on the API exception.
                System.out.println("Error publishing message : " + pubsubMessage.getData());

              public void onSuccess(String messageId) {
                // Once published, returns server-assigned message ids (unique within the topic).
                System.out.println(pubsubMessage.getData() + " : " + messageId);
    } finally {
      // When finished with the publisher, shutdown to free up resources.
      publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Node.js API 参考文档

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_NAME_OR_ID';
// const data = JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'});
// const orderingKey = 'key1';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {PubSub} = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

// Creates a client; cache this for further use
const pubSubClient = new PubSub({
  // Sending messages to the same region ensures they are received in order
  // even when multiple publishers are used.
  apiEndpoint: 'us-east1-pubsub.googleapis.com:443',

async function publishOrderedMessage(topicNameOrId, data, orderingKey) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!" or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);

  // Be sure to set an ordering key that matches other messages
  // you want to receive in order, relative to each other.
  const message = {
    data: dataBuffer,
    orderingKey: orderingKey,

  // Cache topic objects (publishers) and reuse them.
  // Pub/Sub's ordered delivery guarantee only applies when publishes for an ordering
  // key are in the same region. For list of locational endpoints for Pub/Sub, see:
  // https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/service_apis_overview#list_of_locational_endpoints
  const publishOptions = {
    messageOrdering: true,
  const topic = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId, publishOptions);

  // Publishes the message
  const messageId = topic.publishMessage(message);

  console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);

  return messageId;


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Python API 参考文档

from google.cloud import pubsub_v1

# TODO(developer): Choose an existing topic.
# project_id = "your-project-id"
# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

publisher_options = pubsub_v1.types.PublisherOptions(enable_message_ordering=True)
# Sending messages to the same region ensures they are received in order
# even when multiple publishers are used.
client_options = {"api_endpoint": "us-east1-pubsub.googleapis.com:443"}
publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient(
    publisher_options=publisher_options, client_options=client_options
# The `topic_path` method creates a fully qualified identifier
# in the form `projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_id}`
topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_id)

for message in [
    ("message1", "key1"),
    ("message2", "key2"),
    ("message3", "key1"),
    ("message4", "key2"),
    # Data must be a bytestring
    data = message[0].encode("utf-8")
    ordering_key = message[1]
    # When you publish a message, the client returns a future.
    future = publisher.publish(topic_path, data=data, ordering_key=ordering_key)

print(f"Published messages with ordering keys to {topic_path}.")


在尝试此示例之前,请按照《快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Ruby 设置说明进行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Pub/Sub Ruby API 参考文档

# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

pubsub = Google::Cloud::Pubsub.new endpoint: "us-east1-pubsub.googleapis.com:443"

# Start sending messages in one request once the size of all queued messages
# reaches 1 MB or the number of queued messages reaches 20
topic = pubsub.topic topic_id, async: {
  max_bytes:    1_000_000,
  max_messages: 20
10.times do |i|
  topic.publish_async "This is message ##{i}.",
                      ordering_key: "ordering-key"

# Stop the async_publisher to send all queued messages immediately.
puts "Messages published with ordering key."


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