Configure BFD for Cloud Router
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With Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Cloud Router, you can quickly detect forwarding path outages such as BGP up or down events, allowing for more resilient hybrid networks.
You can configure BFD in BGP sessions for VLAN attachments. BFD is not supported in BGP sessions that are configured for HA VPN tunnels or for Router appliance, which is part of Network Connectivity Center.
To learn more about BFD, see the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Cloud Router overview, which includes full descriptions of BFD settings and timers.
Before you begin
If you want to use the command-line examples in this guide, do the following:
- Install or update to the latest version of the Google Cloud CLI.
- Set a default region and zone.
If you want to use the API examples in this guide, set up API access.
Add a Cloud Router to Cloud Interconnect
Before you can configure BFD, you must set up one of the following connectivity choices, which includes adding a Cloud Router with a BGP session:
Configure BFD on an existing BGP session
You can configure BFD on a BGP session that was previously set up for a VLAN attachment.
To configure BFD settings on an existing BGP session, follow these steps.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Routers page.
Select the Cloud Router to update.
On the Router details page, in the BGP sessions section, select the BGP session to update.
On the BGP session details page, click
Edit.Complete any non-BFD settings.
Under Bidirectional Forwarding Detection, configure BFD options as documented in BFD settings and timers.
Required: To enable BFD, set BFD session initialization mode to
Run the update-bgp-peer
gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peerROUTER_NAME \ --project=PROJECT_ID \ --peer-name=PEER_NAME \ --interface=INTERFACE \ --ip-address=IP_ADDRESS \ --peer-asn=PEER_ASN \ --peer-ip-address=PEER_IP_ADDRESS \ --region=REGION \ --bfd-session-initialization-mode=BFD_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_MODE \ --bfd-min-receive-interval=BFD_MIN_RECEIVE_INTERVAL \ --bfd-min-transmit-interval=BFD_MIN_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL \ --bfd-multiplier=BFD_MULTIPLIER
Replace the following:
: the name of your Cloud RouterPROJECT_ID
: the project that contains your Cloud RouterPEER_NAME
: the name of your BGP peerINTERFACE
: the name of the interface for this BGP peerIP_ADDRESS
: the IP address for your Cloud RouterPEER_ASN
: the BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for this BGP peerPEER_IP_ADDRESS
: the link-local address of the peer router belonging to the range169.254.0.0/16
: the region where the Cloud Router is locatedConfigure BFD options as documented in BFD settings and timers.
Required: To enable BFD, set
Use the
method to update the bgpPeers[].bfd
The bgpPeers[]
field accepts an array of BGP peers. When you PATCH
this field, you overwrite the existing array of BGP peers with the new
array included in your request.
Send a
request to get the current array of BGP peers for the router. For details, see View BGP session configuration.Send a
request with a new array of BGP peers. In the array element that contains the BGP session whose BFD settings you want to update, modify thebgpPeers[].bfd
PROJECT_ID /regions/REGION /routers/ROUTER_NAME { "bgpPeers": [BGP_PEERS ] }Replace the following:
: the project that contains the Cloud RouterREGION
: the region where the Cloud Router is locatedROUTER_NAME
: the name of the Cloud RouterBGP_PEERS
: the contents of the new array of BGP peers
The following example includes two BGP peers and sets the values in the
field. For more information about these options, see BFD settings and timers.Required: To enable BFD, set
.{ "name": "peer-1", "interfaceName": "if-peer-1", "ipAddress": "", "peerIpAddress": "", "peerAsn": 64512, "advertisedRoutePriority": 100, "advertiseMode": "DEFAULT" "bfd": { "sessionInitializationMode": ACTIVE, "minTransmitInterval": 1000, "minReceiveInterval": 1000, "multiplier": 5 } }, { "name": "peer-2", "interfaceName": "if-peer-2", "ipAddress": "", "peerIpAddress": "", "peerAsn": 64513, "advertisedRoutePriority": 99, "advertiseMode": "DEFAULT" "bfd": { "sessionInitializationMode": ACTIVE, "minTransmitInterval": 1000, "minReceiveInterval": 1000, "multiplier": 5 } }
Configure BFD on your peer router
To enable BFD on your peer router, configure the minimum transmit interval, the minimum receive interval, and the detection multiplier, as recommended by the vendor documentation for your router. Use commands specific to your device.
For BFD timer negotiation between BFD peers, the slower of the two peers determines the transmission rate. By configuring higher values, you can force these intervals to be longer, but not shorter.
Following is a sample BFD configuration for a Cisco router. For additional configuration examples, see Use third-party router configurations for BFD.
int range <physical interface> bfd interval 1000 min_rx 1000 multiplier 5 router bgp <ASN> neighbor fall-over bfd neighbor fall-over bfd
Verify BFD on your peer router
After configuring your peer router, verify if the session to the Cloud Router is up and running by viewing details about the BFD session.
The following sample command for a Cisco router shows the status of the BFD session:
show bfd neighbors details
The command output should look like the following example:
IPv4 Sessions NeighAddr LD/RD RH/RS State Int 4212/2045617738 Up Up Tu503 Session state is UP and not using echo function. Session Host: Software OurAddr: Handle: 4 Local Diag: 0, Demand mode: 0, Poll bit: 0 MinTxInt: 1000, MinRxInt: 1000, Multiplier: 5 Received MinRxInt: 1000, Received Multiplier: 5 Holddown (hits): 244(1), Hello (hits): 100(30409) Rx Count: 4562, Rx Interval (ms) min/max/avg: 10/1140/870 last: 56 ms ago Tx Count: 4475, Tx Interval (ms) min/max/avg: 10/1040/890 last: 64 ms ago Elapsed time watermarks: 4 4 (last: 4) Registered protocols: CEF BGP Uptime: 00:06:39 Last packet: Version: 1 - Diagnostic: 0 State bit: Up - Demand bit: 0 Poll bit: 0 - Final bit: 0 C bit: 0 Multiplier: 5 - Length: 24 My Discr.: 2045617738 - Your Discr.: 4212 Min tx interval: 1000 - Min rx interval: 1000 Min Echo interval: 0
This sample output from a Cisco ASR peer router shows the diagnostic information that you can view on the peer side to determine the status of your BFD session:
14:06:12.906921 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 58754, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 52) > [udp sum ok] BFDv1, length: 24 Control, State Down, Flags: [none], Diagnostic: No Diagnostic (0x00) Detection Timer Multiplier: 5 (5000 ms Detection time), BFD Length: 24 My Discriminator: 0x0000100b, Your Discriminator: 0x00000000 Desired min Tx Interval: 1000 ms Required min Rx Interval: 1000 ms Required min Echo Interval: 100 ms
Verify BFD on the Cloud Router
Verify the BFD session on the Google Cloud side by using one of the following methods:
For a session state change, check the logs generated in Cloud Logging, or check the Cloud Monitoring metric for
.For information about the BFD session, view the Cloud Router status.
What's next
To modify BFD settings on a BGP session, see Update or disable BFD.
For help with BFD diagnostic messages, session states, and status messages, see BFD diagnostic messages and session states.
To troubleshoot issues with Cloud Router, see Troubleshooting.