- Resource: Asset
- InsightList
- Insight
- MigrationInsight
- FitDescriptor
- FitLevel
- ComputeEngineMigrationTarget
- ComputeEngineShapeDescriptor
- ComputeStorageDescriptor
- VmwareEngineMigrationTarget
- GoogleKubernetesEngineMigrationTarget
- CloudDatabaseMigrationTarget
- CloudSqlForSqlServerShape
- SqlServerVersion
- CloudSqlForMySqlShape
- MySqlVersion
- CloudSqlForPostgreSqlShape
- PostgreSqlVersion
- ComputeEngineSoleTenantMigrationTarget
- Issue
- CompatibilityIssue
- Category
- ObjectType
- GenericInsight
- SoftwareInsight
- DetectedSoftware
- AssetPerformanceData
- DailyResourceUsageAggregation
- Stats
- Memory
- Network
- Disk
- Methods
Resource: Asset
An asset represents a resource in your environment. Asset types include virtual machines and databases.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "title": string, "createTime": string, "updateTime": string, "labels": { string: string, ... }, "attributes": { string: string, ... }, "insightList": { object ( |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The full name of the asset. |
title |
Output only. Server generated human readable name of the asset. |
create |
Output only. The timestamp when the asset was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
update |
Output only. The timestamp when the asset was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
labels |
Labels as key value pairs. An object containing a list of |
attributes |
Generic asset attributes. An object containing a list of |
insight |
Output only. The list of insights associated with the asset. |
performance |
Performance data for the asset. |
sources[] |
Output only. The list of sources contributing to the asset. |
assigned |
Output only. The list of groups that the asset is assigned to. |
hide |
Optional. An optional reason for marking this asset as hidden. |
hide |
Output only. The timestamp when the asset was marked as hidden. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
Union field AssetInfo . The internal information of an asset. Only one field can be specified with different attributes based on the type of the asset. AssetInfo can be only one of the following: |
virtual |
Output only. Asset information specific for virtual machines. |
Union field AssetDetails . The internal information of an asset. Only one field can be specified with different attributes based on the type of the asset. AssetDetails can be only one of the following: |
database |
Output only. Asset information specific for database deployments. |
database |
Output only. Asset information specific for logical databases. |
Message containing insights list.
JSON representation |
"insights": [
object ( |
Fields | |
insights[] |
Output only. Insights of the list. |
update |
Output only. Update timestamp. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
An insight about an asset.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field
migration |
Output only. An insight about potential migrations for an asset. |
generic |
Output only. A generic insight about an asset. |
software |
Output only. An insight regarding software detected on an asset. |
An insight about potential migrations for an asset.
JSON representation |
{ "fit": { object ( |
Fields | |
fit |
Output only. Description of how well the asset this insight is associated with fits the proposed migration. |
issues[] |
Output only. Issues associated with this migration. |
Union field migration_target . A target for the migration. migration_target can be only one of the following: |
compute |
Output only. A Google Compute Engine target. |
vmware |
Output only. A VMWare Engine target. |
gke |
Output only. A Google Kubernetes Engine target. |
cloud |
Output only. A Cloud database migration target. |
compute |
Output only. A Google Compute Engine Sole Tenant target. |
Describes the fit level of an asset for migration to a specific target.
JSON representation |
"fitLevel": enum ( |
Fields | |
fit |
Output only. Fit level. |
Fit level.
Enums | |
Not enough information. |
Fit. |
No Fit. |
Fit with effort. |
Compute engine migration target.
JSON representation |
"shape": {
object ( |
Fields | |
shape |
Description of the suggested shape for the migration target. |
Compute Engine target shape descriptor.
JSON representation |
"memoryMb": integer,
"physicalCoreCount": integer,
"logicalCoreCount": integer,
"series": string,
"machineType": string,
"storage": [
object ( |
Fields | |
memory |
Output only. Memory in mebibytes. |
physical |
Output only. Number of physical cores. |
logical |
Output only. Number of logical cores. |
series |
Output only. Compute Engine machine series. |
machine |
Output only. Compute Engine machine type. |
storage[] |
Output only. Compute Engine storage. Never empty. |
smt |
Output only. Whether simultaneous multithreading is enabled (see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/set-threads-per-core). |
Compute Engine storage option descriptor.
JSON representation |
"type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
Output only. Disk type backing the storage. |
size |
Disk size in GiB. |
This type has no fields.
VMWare engine migration target.
This type has no fields.
GKE migration target.
Cloud database migration target.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field shape . Proposed shape of the database after migration. An empty shape represents the migration target on insights when there is no suggested shape. shape can be only one of the following: |
cloud |
Cloud SQL for SQL Server database shape. |
cloud |
Cloud SQL for MySQL database shape. |
cloud |
Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database shape. |
Cloud SQL for SQL Server database shape.
JSON representation |
{ "logicalCoreCount": integer, "memoryMb": integer, "storage": { object ( |
Fields | |
logical |
Output only. Number of logical cores. |
memory |
Output only. Predicted amount of memory in MiB. |
storage |
Output only. Predicted storage shape. |
backup |
Output only. Predicted backup storage size in GiB. |
egress |
Output only. Predicted Network Out traffic GiB per month. |
version |
Output only. Microsoft SQL Server version to be used on the Cloud SQL for SQL server instance. |
zone |
Output only. Cloud SQL zone availability. |
edition |
Output only. Cloud SQL edition. |
smt |
Output only. Whether simultaneous multithreading is enabled (see https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/sqlserver/create-instance#smt-create-instance). |
Microsoft SQL Server version that is used on a Cloud SQL for SQL server instance.
Enums | |
Unspecified SQL Server version. |
The database version is SQL Server 2017 Express. |
The database version is SQL Server 2017 Web. |
The database version is SQL Server 2017 Standard. |
The database version is SQL Server 2017 Enterprise. |
The database version is SQL Server 2019 Express. |
The database version is SQL Server 2019 Web. |
The database version is SQL Server 2019 Standard. |
The database version is SQL Server 2019 Enterprise. |
The database version is SQL Server 2022 Express. |
The database version is SQL Server 2022 Web. |
The database version is SQL Server 2022 Standard. |
The database version is SQL Server 2022 Enterprise. |
Cloud SQL for MySQL database shape.
JSON representation |
{ "logicalCoreCount": integer, "memoryMb": integer, "storage": { object ( |
Fields | |
logical |
Output only. Number of logical cores. |
memory |
Output only. Predicted amount of memory in MiB. |
storage |
Output only. Predicted storage shape. |
backup |
Output only. Predicted backup storage size in GiB. |
egress |
Output only. Predicted Network Out traffic GiB per month. |
zone |
Output only. Cloud SQL zone availability. |
edition |
Output only. Cloud SQL edition. |
version |
Output only. MySQL version to be used on the Cloud SQL for MySQL instance. |
MySQL version that is used on a Cloud SQL for MySQL instance.
Enums | |
Unspecified MySQL version. |
MySQL 5.6. |
MySQL 5.7. |
MySQL 8.0. |
Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database shape.
JSON representation |
{ "logicalCoreCount": integer, "memoryMb": integer, "storage": { object ( |
Fields | |
logical |
Output only. Number of logical cores. |
memory |
Output only. Predicted amount of memory in MiB. |
storage |
Output only. Predicted storage shape. |
backup |
Output only. Predicted backup storage size in GiB. |
egress |
Output only. Predicted Network Out traffic GiB per month. |
zone |
Output only. Cloud SQL zone availability. |
edition |
Output only. Cloud SQL edition. |
version |
Output only. PostgreSql version to be used on the Cloud SQL for PostgreSql instance. |
PostgreSql version that is used on a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance.
Enums | |
Unspecified PostgreSQL version. |
PostgreSQL 9.6. |
PostgreSQL 10 |
PostgreSQL 11 |
PostgreSQL 12 |
PostgreSQL 13 |
PostgreSQL 14 |
PostgreSQL 15 |
This type has no fields.
Compute engine sole tenant migration target.
An issue associated with a migration.
JSON representation |
{ "issueCode": string, "description": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
issue |
Output only. Unique identifier for this issue type. |
description |
Output only. English description of the issue. |
Union field details . Details about the issue. details can be only one of the following: |
compatibility |
Output only. Details about a compatibility issue. |
Details about a compatibility issue.
JSON representation |
{ "category": enum ( |
Fields | |
category |
Output only. Category of this compatibility issue. |
associated |
Output only. Type of object associated with this migration compatibility issue. |
associated |
Output only. Name of the object associated with this compatibility issue relative to the relevant asset. Does not represent a fully qualified resource name and is not intended for programmatic use. |
associated |
Output only. A string representation of actual value associated with this issue. Some values may contain aggregated information, such as a flag name and the actual value assigned to it. |
Categories of migration compatibility issues. This enum is expected to be expanded as needed.
Enums | |
An unspecified compatibility category. |
Database flag compatibility category. |
Database feature compatibility category. |
Types of objects that can be associated with migration compatibility issues. This enum is expected to be expanded as needed.
Enums | |
An unspecified object type. |
A database deployment object type. |
A logical database object type. |
A schema object type. |
A generic insight about an asset.
JSON representation |
{ "messageId": string, "defaultMessage": string, "additionalInformation": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
message |
Output only. Represents a globally unique message id for this insight, can be used for localization purposes, in case message_code is not yet known by the client use defaultMessage instead. |
default |
Output only. In case message_code is not yet known by the client defaultMessage will be the message to be used instead. Text can contain md file style links. |
additional |
Output only. Additional information about the insight, each entry can be a logical entry and must make sense if it is displayed with line breaks between each entry. Text can contain md style links. |
An insight regarding software detected on an asset.
JSON representation |
"detectedSoftware": {
object ( |
Fields | |
detected |
Output only. Information about the detected software. |
Information about software detected on an asset.
JSON representation |
{ "softwareName": string, "softwareFamily": string } |
Fields | |
software |
Output only. Software's name. |
software |
Output only. Software family of the detected software, e.g. Database, SAP family. |
Performance data for an asset.
JSON representation |
"dailyResourceUsageAggregations": [
object ( |
Fields | |
daily |
Daily resource usage aggregations. Contains all of the data available for an asset, up to the last 420 days. Aggregations are sorted from oldest to most recent. |
Usage data aggregation for a single day.
Statistical aggregation of CPU usage.
JSON representation |
"utilizationPercentage": {
object ( |
Fields | |
utilization |
CPU utilization percentage. |
Statistical aggregation of samples for a single resource usage.
JSON representation |
{ "average": number, "median": number, "ninteyFifthPercentile": number, "peak": number } |
Fields | |
average |
Average usage value. |
median |
Median usage value. |
nintey |
95th percentile usage value. |
peak |
Peak usage value. |
Statistical aggregation of memory usage.
JSON representation |
"utilizationPercentage": {
object ( |
Fields | |
utilization |
Memory utilization percentage. |
Statistical aggregation of network usage.
Statistical aggregation of disk usage.
Methods |
Aggregates the requested fields based on provided function. |
Deletes list of Assets. |
Updates the parameters of a list of assets. |
Deletes an asset. |
Gets the details of an asset. |
Lists all the assets in a given project and location. |
Updates the parameters of an asset. |
Reports a set of frames. |