Quotas and limits

This document contains the current resource capacity limits and per-minute API request quotas for Memorystore for Redis Cluster.

Instance limits

Memorystore for Redis Cluster enforces the following usage limits:

Limit Value
Databases per instance 1
Usage units per instance 250

Max clients

Node type Max clients1
redis-shared-core-nano 5,000
redis-standard-small 16,000 (default). Max value is 32,000
redis-highmem-medium 32,000 (default). Max value is 64,000
redis-highmem-xlarge 64,000

1 For instructions on adjusting the maximum clients limit, see Configure an instance.

Cluster usage units

The per-project cluster usage units for a Memorystore for Redis Cluster instance is calculated by the following formula:

Cluster usage units = (shard_count) * (1 + replica_count)

The regional quota for Memorystore for Redis Cluster limits the total amount of usage units that you can provision across all of your Memorystore for Redis Cluster instances in a region.

For example, if you provision three instances in your project with 3 shards and 1 replica each in us-central1, you have consumed 18 units out of the total regional unit quota for us-central1. To request a higher quota for a region, see Regional cluster usage unit quota increases.

Regional cluster usage unit quota increases

To request a higher regional capacity for your project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console.

  2. From the Services drop down, select Memorystore for Redis Cluster API.

  3. From the list of quotas, click the checkbox next to the quota labeled Total Redis Cluster units per project per region for the desired region.

  4. Click the Edit Quotas button.

  5. In the edit pane, enter your contact information, then click Next.

  6. Enter your desired quota, then click Done.

  7. Click Submit request.

Per-minute API requests quota

The per-minute quotas for Memorystore for Redis API requests/operations are as follows, and are subject to change:

API Requests Quota Value
Create or delete Redis Cluster requests per project per minute 10
Redis Cluster requests per project per minute 60

Create or delete Redis Cluster requests include:

  • Create operations (gcloud redis clusters create)
  • Delete operations (gcloud redis clusters delete)

Memorystore for Redis Cluster API operations include:

  • Get operations (gcloud redis clusters describe)
  • List operations (gcloud redis clusters list)
  • Create operations (gcloud redis clusters create)
  • Delete operations (gcloud redis clusters delete)
  • Update operations (gcloud redis clusters update)

This quota is for redis.googleapis.com requests/operations, not OSS Redis protocol/commands. These limits apply to each Google Cloud console project and are shared across all applications and IP addresses using that project.