Method: providers.entitlements.list

Lists Entitlements for which the provider has read access.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The parent resource name.

Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource parent:

  • commerceprocurement.providerEntitlements.list

Query parameters



The filter that can be used to limit the list request.

The filter is a query string that can match a selected set of attributes with string values. For example account=E-1234-5678-ABCD-EFGH, state=pending_cancellation, and plan!=foo-plan. Supported query attributes are

  • account
  • customer_billing_account with value in the format of: billingAccounts/{id}
  • productExternalName
  • quoteExternalName
  • offer
  • newPendingOffer
  • plan
  • newPendingPlan or newPendingPlan
  • state
  • consumers.project
  • changeHistory.new_offer

Note that the consumers and changeHistory.new_offer match works on repeated structures, so equality (consumers.project=projects/123456789) is not supported. Set membership can be expressed with the : operator. For example, consumers.project:projects/123456789 finds entitlements with at least one consumer with project field equal to projects/123456789. changeHistory.new_offer retrieves all entitlements that were once associated or are currently active with the offer.

Also note that the state name match is case-insensitive and query can omit the prefix "ENTITLEMENT_". For example, state=active is equivalent to state=ENTITLEMENT_ACTIVE.

If the query contains some special characters other than letters, underscore, or digits, the phrase must be quoted with double quotes. For example, product="providerId:productId", where the product name needs to be quoted because it contains special character colon.

Queries can be combined with AND, OR, and NOT to form more complex queries. They can also be grouped to force a desired evaluation order. For example, state=active AND (account=E-1234 OR account=5678) AND NOT (product=foo-product). Connective AND can be omitted between two predicates. For example account=E-1234 state=active is equivalent to account=E-1234 AND state=active.



The maximum number of entries that are requested. The default page size is 200.



The token for fetching the next page.

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

Response message for PartnerProcurementService.ListEntitlements.

If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "entitlements": [
      object (Entitlement)
  "nextPageToken": string

object (Entitlement)

The list of entitlements in this response.



The token for fetching the next page.

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.