

application: application_name {
  label: "Application Label" 
  url: "application_url" 
  file: "application_file_path" 
  sri_hash: "SRI_hash_value" 
  entitlements: {
    local_storage: yes | no
    navigation: yes | no
    new_window: yes | no
    new_window_external_urls: ["url1", "url2", ...]
    use_form_submit: yes | no
    use_embeds: yes | no
    use_downloads: yes | no
    use_iframes: yes | no
    use_clipboard: yes | no
    core_api_methods: ["api_method1", "api_method2", ...]
    external_api_urls: ["api_url1", "api_url2", ...]
    oauth2_urls: ["oauth2_url1", "oauth2_url2", ...]
    global_user_attributes: ["user_attribute1", "user_attribute2", ...]
    scoped_user_attributes: ["user_attribute1", "user_attribute2", ...]
Default Value

A name for the application and subparameters to define it

Special Rules
The application must have a url or a file parameter, but not both


The application parameter defines an application for Looker's extension framework. Once an extension is added to a project, Looker users with appropriate permissions can see the extension listed in the Looker Browse menu. When a user selects the extension from the Browse menu, the application will open inside Looker.

If your admin has enabled the Enhanced Navigation Labs feature, extensions are listed in the Applications section of the new enhanced left navigation panel.

The application parameter has the following subparameters:

The application must have either a url parameter or a file parameter, but not both.


Specifies the name of the application that is displayed to the user in the Browse menu. The label can be localized, if you are localizing your LookML model.


The url parameter is used for development purposes only, and should point to a development server running on the developer's machine. For example:

url: "http://localhost:8080/bundle.js"

After development, you can drag the file into the Looker IDE and then use the file parameter to point to the file.


Specifies the path to a JavaScript file (with a .js extension) that defines the application. The path is relative to the project root. For example, this file parameter points to the bundle.js file in the apps directory of the LookML project:

file: "apps/bundle.js"


Specifies a Subresource Integrity (SRI) hash for JavaScript verification purposes. It can be used with either the file or the url parameter. The sri_hash value should not include the sha384- prefix.

The sri_hash is ignored if the url specifies a development server.


The entitlements parameter specifies the resources that the extension can access. The extension will not be able to access the resources unless it is listed in entitlements.

An extension application must specify entitlements; the application will not run without them.

The entitlements parameter includes the following subparameters. If a subparameter is not included, then by default the extension is not allowed access to that entitlement.

Parameter Description Example
local_storage Specifies whether the extension is allowed to access local storage. local_storage: yes
navigation Specifies whether the extension is allowed to navigate to a different page in Looker. navigation: yes
new_window Specifies whether the extension is allowed to open a new browser window or tab. new_window: yes
new_window_external_urls A comma-separated list of URLs or partial URLs for which an extension may open a new window. This entitlement requires the new_window entitlement. You can include wildcard characters such as * for subdomains and paths. new_window_external_urls: [""]
use_form_submit Specifies whether the extension is allowed to submit forms. Looker components that use HTML forms will require use_form_submit: yes to work properly. use_form_submit: yes
use_embeds Specifies whether the extension is allowed to use the Looker Embed SDK. use_embeds: yes
use_downloads ADDED 21.6 Specifies whether the extension is allowed to download files. use_downloads: yes
use_iframes ADDED 21.6 Specifies whether the extension is allowed to create an iframe. use_iframes: yes
use_clipboard ADDED 21.8 Specifies whether the extension is allowed to write to the system clipboard. For security purposes, extensions are not allowed to read from the system clipboard. use_clipboard: yes
core_api_methods A comma-separated list of Looker API methods that the extension uses. core_api_methods: ["run_inline_query", "lookml_model_explore", "all_lookml_models"]
external_api_urls A comma-separated list of URLs for external APIs that the extension uses. As shown in the example, you can include wildcard characters such as *.

Starting in Looker 21.6, extensions that make direct use of fetch or JavaScript calls (as opposed to using the extensionSDK.fetchProxy or extensionSDK.serverProxy API calls) must include the URLs in the list.
external_api_urls: ["", "https://*"]
oauth2_urls A comma-separated list of URLs for OAuth 2.0 authentication and code exchange that the extension uses. oauth2_urls: [""]
global_user_attributes A comma-separated list of system-wide user attributes that the extension uses. global_user_attributes: ["company", "department"]
scoped_user_attributes A comma-separated list of extension-specific user attributes that the extension uses. scoped_user_attributes: ["first_name", "last_name"]


The following is the application parameter from the project manifest file for Looker's kitchen sink extension example:

application: kitchensink {
  label: "Kitchen sink"
  url: "http://localhost:8080/bundle.js"
  entitlements: {
    local_storage: yes
    navigation: yes
    new_window: yes
    use_form_submit: yes
    use_embeds: yes
    core_api_methods: ["all_connections","search_folders", "run_inline_query", "me", "all_looks", "run_look"]
    external_api_urls: ["", "http://localhost:3000", "https://∗", "https://∗", ""]
    oauth2_urls: ["", "", "", "", ""]
    scoped_user_attributes: ["user_value"]
    global_user_attributes: ["locale"]

For additional examples, see Looker's extension-examples repository.