Set up a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer with Cloud Storage buckets

This document shows you how to create a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer to route requests for static content to Cloud Storage buckets.

Before you begin

Make sure that your setup meets the following prerequisites.

Install the Google Cloud CLI

For Preview, some of the instructions in this guide can only be carried out using the Google Cloud CLI. To install it, see the document Install the gcloud CLI.

You can find commands related to load balancing in the API and gcloud CLI references document.


To follow this guide, you need to create Cloud Storage buckets and network resources in your project. You must be either a project owner or editor, or you must have the following Compute Engine IAM roles:

Task Required role
Create networks, subnets, and load balancer components Compute Network Admin role (roles/compute.networkAdmin)
Add and remove firewall rules Compute Security Admin role (roles/compute.securityAdmin)
Create Cloud Storage buckets Storage Object Admin role (roles/storage.objectAdmin)

For more information, see the following guides:

Set up an SSL certificate resource

For a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer that uses HTTPS as the request-and-response protocol, create an SSL certificate resource using Certificate Manager as described in one of the following documents:

After you create the certificate, you can attach the certificate to the HTTPS target proxy.

We recommend using a Google-managed certificate.


The following limitations apply to Cloud Storage buckets when serving as backends to a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer:

  • Private bucket access isn't supported, so the backend bucket must be publicly accessible over the internet.

  • Signed URLs aren't supported.

  • Cloud CDN integration is not available when creating backend buckets for a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer.

  • When using a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer to access backend buckets, only the HTTP GET method is supported. You can download content from the bucket, but uploading content to the bucket through the cross-region internal Application Load Balancer isn't available.

Setup overview

You can configure a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer in multiple regions as shown in the following diagram:

A cross-region internal Application Load Balancer sends traffic to a Cloud Storage backend.
Distributing traffic to Cloud Storage (click to enlarge).

As shown in the architecture diagram, this example creates a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network with two backend buckets, where each backend bucket references a Cloud Storage bucket. The Cloud Storage buckets are located in the us-east1 and asia-east1 region.

This deployment architecture offers high availability. If the cross-region internal Application Load Balancer in a region fails, the DNS routing policies route traffic to a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer in another region.

Configure the network and subnets

Within the VPC network, configure a subnet in each region where the forwarding rule of your load balancers is to be configured. In addition, configure a proxy-only-subnet in each region in which you want to configure the load balancer.

This example uses the following VPC network, region, and subnets:

  • Network. The network is a custom mode VPC network named lb-network.

  • Subnets for load balancer. A subnet named subnet-us in the us-east1 region uses for its primary IP range. A subnet named subnet-asia in the asia-east1 region uses for its primary IP range.

  • Subnet for Envoy proxies. A subnet named proxy-only-subnet-us-east1 in the us-east1 region uses for its primary IP range. A subnet named proxy-only-subnet-asia-east1 in the asia-east1 region uses for its primary IP range.

Cross-region internal Application Load Balancers can be accessed from any region within the VPC. So clients from any region can globally access your load balancer backends.

Configure the subnets for the load balancer's forwarding rule


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click Create VPC network.

  3. For Name, enter lb-network.

  4. In the Subnets section, set the Subnet creation mode to Custom.

  5. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:

    • Name: subnet-us
    • Select a Region: us-east1
    • IP address range:
  6. Click Done.

  7. Click Add subnet.

  8. Create another subnet for the load balancer's forwarding rule in a different region. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:

    • Name: subnet-asia
    • Region: asia-east1
    • IP address range:
  9. Click Done.

  10. Click Create.


  1. Create a custom VPC network, named lb-network, with the gcloud compute networks create command.

    gcloud compute networks create lb-network --subnet-mode=custom
  2. Create a subnet in the lb-network VPC network in the us-east1 region with the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-us \
        --network=lb-network \
        --range= \
  3. Create a subnet in the lb-network VPC network in the asia-east1 region with the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-asia \
        --network=lb-network \
        --range= \

Configure the proxy-only subnet

A proxy-only subnet provides a set of IP addresses that Google Cloud uses to run Envoy proxies on your behalf. The proxies terminate connections from the client and create new connections to the backends.

This proxy-only subnet is used by all Envoy-based regional load balancers in the same region as the VPC network. There can only be one active proxy-only subnet for a given purpose, per region, per network.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click the name of the VPC network that you created.

  3. On the Subnet tab, click Add subnet.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Name: proxy-only-subnet-us
    • Region: us-east1
    • IP address range:
  5. Click Add.

  6. Create another subnet for the load balancer's forwarding rule in a different region. On the Subnet tab, click Add subnet.

  7. Enter the following information:

    • Name: proxy-only-subnet-asia
    • Region: asia-east1
    • IP address range:
  8. Click Add.


  1. Create a proxy-only subnet in the us-east1 region with the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create proxy-only-subnet-us \
        --purpose=GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY \
        --role=ACTIVE \
        --region=us-east1 \
        --network=lb-network \
  2. Create a proxy-only subnet in the asia-east1 region with the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create proxy-only-subnet-asia \
        --purpose=GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY \
        --role=ACTIVE \
        --region=asia-east1 \
        --network=lb-network \

Configure a firewall rule

This example uses the following firewall rule:

  • An ingress rule that allows SSH access on port 22 to the client VM. In this example, this firewall rule is named fw-allow-ssh.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.

    Go to Firewall policies

  2. Click Create firewall rule to create the rule to allow incoming SSH connections on the client VM:

    • Name: fw-allow-ssh
    • Network: lb-network
    • Direction of traffic: Ingress
    • Action on match: Allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-ssh
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges:
    • Protocols and ports:
      • Choose Specified protocols and ports.
      • Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter 22 for the port number.
  3. Click Create.


  1. Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule to allow SSH connectivity to VMs with the network tag allow-ssh. When you omit --source-ranges, Google Cloud interprets the rule to mean any source.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-ssh \
        --network=lb-network \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-ssh \

Configure your Cloud Storage buckets

The process for configuring your Cloud Storage buckets is as follows:

  • Create the buckets.
  • Copy content to the buckets.

Create Cloud Storage buckets

In this example, you create two Cloud Storage buckets, one the in the us-east1 region and another in the asia-east1 region. For production deployments, we recommend that you choose a multi-region bucket, which automatically replicates objects across multiple Google Cloud regions. This can improve the availability of your content and improve failure tolerance across your application.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Name your bucket box, enter a globally unique name that follows the naming guidelines.

  4. Click Choose where to store your data.

  5. Set Location type to Region.

  6. From the list of regions, select us-east1.

  7. Click Create.

  8. Click Buckets to return to the Cloud Storage Buckets page. Use these instructions to create a second bucket, but set the Location to asia-east1.


  1. Create the first bucket in the us-east1 region with the gcloud storage buckets create command.

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://BUCKET1_NAME \
        --default-storage-class=standard \
        --location=us-east1 \
  2. Create the second bucket in the asia-east1 region with the gcloud storage buckets create command.

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://BUCKET2_NAME \
        --default-storage-class=standard \
        --location=asia-east1 \

Replace the variables BUCKET1_NAME and BUCKET2_NAME with your Cloud Storage bucket names.

Copy graphic files to your Cloud Storage buckets

To enable you to test the setup, copy a graphic file from a public Cloud Storage bucket to your own Cloud Storage buckets.

Run the following commands in Cloud Shell, replacing the bucket name variables with your unique Cloud Storage bucket names:

gcloud storage cp gs://gcp-external-http-lb-with-bucket/three-cats.jpg gs://BUCKET1_NAME/never-fetch/
gcloud storage cp gs://gcp-external-http-lb-with-bucket/two-dogs.jpg gs://BUCKET2_NAME/love-to-fetch/

Make your Cloud Storage buckets publicly readable

To make all objects in a bucket readable to everyone on the public internet, grant the principal allUsers the Storage Object Viewer role (roles/storage.objectViewer).


To grant all users access to view objects in your buckets, repeat the following procedure for each bucket:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket that you want to make public.

  3. Select the Permissions tab near the top of the page.

  4. In the Permissions section, click the Grant access button. The Grant access dialog appears.

  5. In the New principals field, enter allUsers.

  6. In the Select a role field, enter Storage Object Viewer in the filter box and select the Storage Object Viewer from the filtered results.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Allow public access.


To grant all users access to view objects in your buckets, run the buckets add-iam-policy-binding command.

gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET1_NAME --member=allUsers --role=roles/storage.objectViewer
gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET2_NAME --member=allUsers --role=roles/storage.objectViewer

Replace the bucket name variables with your unique Cloud Storage bucket names.

Configure the load balancer with backend buckets

This section shows you how to create the following resources for a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer:

In this example, you can use HTTP or HTTPS as the request-and-response protocol between the client and the load balancer. To create an HTTPS load balancer, you must add an SSL certificate resource to the load balancer's frontend.

To create the aforementioned load balancing components using the gcloud CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Create two backend buckets, one in the us-east1 region and another in the asia-east1 region with the gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create command. The backend buckets have a load balancing scheme of INTERNAL_MANAGED.

    gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create backend-bucket-cats \
        --gcs-bucket-name=BUCKET1_NAME \
    gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create backend-bucket-dogs \
        --gcs-bucket-name=BUCKET2_NAME \
  2. Create a URL map to route incoming requests to the backend bucket with the gcloud compute url-maps create command.

    gcloud compute url-maps create lb-map \
        --default-backend-bucket=backend-bucket-cats \
  3. Configure the host and path rules of the URL map with the gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher command.

    In this example, the default backend bucket is backend-bucket-cats, which handles all the paths that exist within it. However, any request targeting http://FORWARDING_RULE_IP_ADDRESS/love-to-fetch/two-dogs.jpg uses the backend-bucket-dogs backend. For example, if the /love-to-fetch/ folder also exists within your default backend (backend-bucket-cats), the load balancer prioritizes the backend-bucket-dogs backend because there is a specific path rule for /love-to-fetch/*.

    gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher lb-map \
        --path-matcher-name=path-matcher-pets \
        --new-hosts=* \
        --backend-bucket-path-rules="/love-to-fetch/*=backend-bucket-dogs" \
  4. Create a target proxy with the gcloud compute target-http-proxies create command.

    For HTTP traffic, create a target HTTP proxy to route requests to the URL map:

    gcloud compute target-http-proxies create http-proxy \
        --url-map=lb-map \

    For HTTPS traffic, create a target HTTPS proxy to route requests to the URL map. The proxy is the part of the load balancer that holds the SSL certificate for an HTTPS load balancer. After you create the certificate, you can attach the certificate to the HTTPS target proxy.

    gcloud compute target-https-proxies create https-proxy \
        --url-map=lb-map \
        --certificate-manager-certificates=CERTIFICATE_NAME \

    Replace CERTIFICATE_NAME with the name of the SSL certificate you created using Certificate Manager.

  5. Create two global forwarding rules, one with an IP address in the us-east1 region and another with an IP address in the asia-east1 region with the gcloud compute forwarding-rules create command.

    If you want to reserve a static internal IP address for your load balancer's forwarding rule, see Reserve a new static internal IPv4 or IPv6 address. Reserving an IP address is optional for an HTTP forwarding rule; however, you need to reserve an IP address for an HTTPS forwarding rule.

    In this example, an ephemeral IP address is associated with your load balancer's HTTP forwarding rule. An ephemeral IP address remains constant while the forwarding rule exists. If you need to delete the forwarding rule and recreate it, the forwarding rule might receive a new IP address.

    For HTTP traffic, create the global forwarding rules to route incoming requests to the HTTP target proxy:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create http-fw-rule-1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=subnet-us \
        --subnet-region=us-east1 \
        --ports=80 \
        --target-http-proxy=http-proxy \
        --global-target-http-proxy \
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create http-fw-rule-2 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=subnet-asia \
        --subnet-region=asia-east1 \
        --ports=80 \
        --target-http-proxy=http-proxy \
        --global-target-http-proxy \

    For HTTPS traffic, create the global forwarding rules to route incoming requests to the HTTPS target proxy:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create https-fw-rule-1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=subnet-us \
        --subnet-region=us-east1 \
        --address=RESERVED_IP_ADDRESS \
        --ports=443 \
        --target-https-proxy=https-proxy \
        --global-target-https-proxy \
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create https-fw-rule-2 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=subnet-asia \
        --subnet-region=asia-east1 \
        --address=RESERVED_IP_ADDRESS \
        --ports=443 \
        --target-https-proxy=https-proxy \
        --global-target-https-proxy \

Send an HTTP request to the load balancer

Send a request from an internal client VM to the forwarding rule of the load balancer.

Get the IP address of the load balancer's forwarding rule

  1. Get the IP address of the load balancer's forwarding rule (http-fw-rule-1), which is in the us-east1 region.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe http-fw-rule-1 \
  2. Get the IP address of the load balancer's forwarding rule (http-fw-rule-2), which is in the asia-east1 region.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe http-fw-rule-2 \

Create a client VM to test connectivity

  1. Create a client VM in the us-east1 region.

    gcloud compute instances create client-a \
        --image-family=debian-12 \
        --image-project=debian-cloud \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=subnet-us \
        --zone=us-east1-c \
  2. Establish an SSH connection to the client VM.

    gcloud compute ssh client-a --zone=us-east1-c
  3. In this example, the cross-region internal Application Load Balancer has frontend virtual IP addresses (VIP) in both the us-east1 and asia-east1 regions in the VPC network. Make an HTTP request to the VIP in either region by using curl.

    curl http://FORWARDING_RULE_IP_ADDRESS/love-to-fetch/two-dogs.jpg --output two-dogs.jpg
    curl http://FORWARDING_RULE_IP_ADDRESS/never-fetch/three-cats.jpg --output three-cats.jpg

Test high availability

  1. Delete the forwarding rule (http-fw-rule-1) in the us-east1 region to simulate regional outage and check whether the client in the us-east region can still access data from the backend bucket.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete http-fw-rule-1 \
  2. Make an HTTP request to the VIP of the forwarding rule in either region by using curl.

    curl http://FORWARDING_RULE_IP_ADDRESS/love-to-fetch/two-dogs.jpg --output two-dogs.jpg
    curl http://FORWARDING_RULE_IP_ADDRESS/never-fetch/three-cats.jpg --output three-cats.jpg

    If you made an HTTP request to the VIP in the us-east1 region, the DNS routing policies detects that this VIP is not responding, and returns the next most optimal VIP to the client (in this example, asia-east1), ensuring that your application stays up even during regional outages.

What's next