Class Objects (1.46.3)

public final class Objects

Helper functions that can operate on any Object.


Object > Objects

Static Methods

equal(Object a, Object b)

public static boolean equal(Object a, Object b)

Determines whether two possibly-null objects are equal. Returns:

  • true if a and b are both null.
  • true if a and b are both non-null and they are equal according to Object#equals(Object).
  • false in all other situations.

This assumes that any non-null objects passed to this function conform to the equals() contract.

Name Description
a Object
b Object
Type Description

toStringHelper(Object self)

public static Objects.ToStringHelper toStringHelper(Object self)

Creates an instance of ToStringHelper.

This is helpful for implementing Object#toString(). Specification by example:

// Returns "ClassName{}" Objects.toStringHelper(this) .toString();

// Returns "ClassName{x=1}" Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("x", 1) .toString();

// Returns "MyObject{x=1}" Objects.toStringHelper("MyObject") .add("x", 1) .toString();

// Returns "ClassName{x=1, y=foo}" Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("x", 1) .add("y", "foo") .toString();

// Returns "ClassName{x=1}" Objects.toStringHelper(this) .omitNullValues() .add("x", 1) .add("y", null) .toString();

Name Description
self Object

the object to generate the string for (typically this), used only for its class name

Type Description