public abstract class ValueBinder<R>
An interface for binding a Value in some context. Users of the Cloud Spanner client
library never create a ValueBinder
directly; instead this interface is returned from
other parts of the library involved in Value
construction. For example, Mutation.WriteBuilder#set(String) returns a binder to bind a column value, and
returns a binder to bind a parameter to a value.
subclasses typically carry state and are therefore not thread-safe,
although the core implementation itself is thread-safe.
Inherited Members
Type Parameter |
Name | Description |
R | |
to(boolean value)
public R to(boolean value)
Binds to Value.bool(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | boolean
to(ByteArray value)
public R to(ByteArray value)
Binds to Value.bytes(value)
. Use #to(Value) in combination with Value#bytesFromBase64(String) if you already have the value that you want to bind in base64
format. This prevents unnecessary decoding and encoding of base64 strings.
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value |
to(ByteArray v, Descriptors.Descriptor descriptor)
public R to(ByteArray v, Descriptors.Descriptor descriptor)
Binds to Value.protoMessage(value, descriptor)
Parameters |
Name | Description |
v |
descriptor | Descriptor
to(ByteArray v, String protoTypFqn)
public R to(ByteArray v, String protoTypFqn)
Binds to Value.protoMessage(value, protoType)
Parameters |
Name | Description |
v |
protoTypFqn | String
to(Date value)
Binds to
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value |
to(Timestamp value)
public R to(Timestamp value)
Binds to Value.timestamp(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value |
to(Struct value)
public R to(Struct value)
Binds a non-NULL
struct value to Value.struct(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Struct
to(Type type, Struct value)
public R to(Type type, Struct value)
Binds a nullable Struct
reference with given Type
to(Value value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Value
to(AbstractMessage m)
public R to(AbstractMessage m)
Binds to Value.protoMessage(value)
to(ProtocolMessageEnum value)
public R to(ProtocolMessageEnum value)
Binds to Value.protoEnum(value)
to(double value)
public R to(double value)
Binds to Value.float64(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | double
to(float value)
Binds to Value.float32(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | float
to(Boolean value)
public R to(Boolean value)
Binds to Value.bool(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Boolean
to(Double value)
public R to(Double value)
Binds to Value.float64(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Double
to(Float value)
Binds to Value.float32(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Float
to(Long value)
Binds to Value.int64(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | Long
to(Long v, Descriptors.EnumDescriptor enumDescriptor)
public R to(Long v, Descriptors.EnumDescriptor enumDescriptor)
Binds to Value.protoEnum(value, enumDescriptor)
to(Long v, String protoTypFqn)
public R to(Long v, String protoTypFqn)
Binds to Value.protoEnum(value, protoType)
to(String value)
public R to(String value)
Binds to Value.string(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | String
to(BigDecimal value)
public R to(BigDecimal value)
Binds to Value.numeric(value)
to(long value)
Binds to Value.int64(value)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
value | long
to(long v, String protoTypFqn)
public R to(long v, String protoTypFqn)
Binds to Value.protoEnum(value, protoType)
toBoolArray(boolean[] values)
public R toBoolArray(boolean[] values)
Binds to Value.boolArray(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | boolean[]
toBoolArray(boolean[] values, int pos, int length)
public R toBoolArray(boolean[] values, int pos, int length)
Binds to Value.boolArray(values, int, pos)
toBoolArray(Iterable<Boolean> values)
public R toBoolArray(Iterable<Boolean> values)
Binds to Value.boolArray(values)
toBytesArray(Iterable<ByteArray> values)
public R toBytesArray(Iterable<ByteArray> values)
Binds to Value.bytesArray(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | Iterable<>
toBytesArrayFromBase64(Iterable<String> valuesAsBase64Strings)
public R toBytesArrayFromBase64(Iterable<String> valuesAsBase64Strings)
Binds to Value.bytesArray(values)
. The given strings must be valid base64 encoded
strings. Use this method instead of #toBytesArray(Iterable) if you already have the
values in base64 format to prevent unnecessary decoding and encoding to/from base64.
toDateArray(Iterable<Date> values)
public R toDateArray(Iterable<Date> values)
Binds to Value.dateArray(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | Iterable<>
toFloat32Array(float[] values)
public R toFloat32Array(float[] values)
Binds to Value.float32Array(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | float[]
toFloat32Array(float[] values, int pos, int length)
public R toFloat32Array(float[] values, int pos, int length)
Binds to Value.float32Array(values, pos, length)
toFloat32Array(Iterable<Float> values)
public R toFloat32Array(Iterable<Float> values)
Binds to Value.float32Array(values)
toFloat64Array(double[] values)
public R toFloat64Array(double[] values)
Binds to Value.float64Array(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | double[]
toFloat64Array(double[] values, int pos, int length)
public R toFloat64Array(double[] values, int pos, int length)
Binds to Value.float64Array(values, pos, length)
toFloat64Array(Iterable<Double> values)
public R toFloat64Array(Iterable<Double> values)
Binds to Value.float64Array(values)
toInt64Array(Iterable<Long> values)
public R toInt64Array(Iterable<Long> values)
Binds to Value.int64Array(values)
toInt64Array(long[] values)
public R toInt64Array(long[] values)
Binds to Value.int64Array(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | long[]
toInt64Array(long[] values, int pos, int length)
public R toInt64Array(long[] values, int pos, int length)
Binds to Value.int64Array(values, pos, length)
Parameters |
Name | Description |
values | long[]
pos | int
length | int
toJsonArray(Iterable<String> values)
public R toJsonArray(Iterable<String> values)
Binds to Value.jsonArray(values)
toNumericArray(Iterable<BigDecimal> values)
public R toNumericArray(Iterable<BigDecimal> values)
Binds to Value.numericArray(values)
toPgJsonbArray(Iterable<String> values)
public R toPgJsonbArray(Iterable<String> values)
Binds to Value.jsonbArray(values)
toPgNumericArray(Iterable<String> values)
public R toPgNumericArray(Iterable<String> values)
Binds to Value.pgNumericArray(values)
toProtoEnumArray(Iterable<ProtocolMessageEnum> values, Descriptors.EnumDescriptor descriptor)
public R toProtoEnumArray(Iterable<ProtocolMessageEnum> values, Descriptors.EnumDescriptor descriptor)
Binds to Value.protoEnumArray(values, descriptor)
toProtoEnumArray(Iterable<Long> values, String protoTypeFq)
public R toProtoEnumArray(Iterable<Long> values, String protoTypeFq)
Binds to Value.protoEnumArray(values, protoTypeFq)
toProtoMessageArray(Iterable<ByteArray> values, String protoTypeFq)
public R toProtoMessageArray(Iterable<ByteArray> values, String protoTypeFq)
Binds to Value.protoMessageArray(values, protoTypeFq)
Parameters |
Name | Description |
values | Iterable<>
protoTypeFq | String
toProtoMessageArray(Iterable<AbstractMessage> values, Descriptors.Descriptor descriptor)
public R toProtoMessageArray(Iterable<AbstractMessage> values, Descriptors.Descriptor descriptor)
Binds to Value.protoMessageArray(values, descriptor)
toStringArray(Iterable<String> values)
public R toStringArray(Iterable<String> values)
Binds to Value.stringArray(values)
toStructArray(Type elementType, Iterable<Struct> values)
public R toStructArray(Type elementType, Iterable<Struct> values)
Binds to Value.structArray(fieldTypes, values)
toTimestampArray(Iterable<Timestamp> values)
public R toTimestampArray(Iterable<Timestamp> values)
Binds to Value.timestampArray(values)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
values | Iterable<>