Interface BulkMuteFindingsRequestOrBuilder (2.52.0)

public interface BulkMuteFindingsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract String getFilter()

Expression that identifies findings that should be updated. The expression is a list of zero or more restrictions combined via logical operators AND and OR. Parentheses are supported, and OR has higher precedence than AND.

Restrictions have the form <field> <operator> <value> and may have a - character in front of them to indicate negation. The fields map to those defined in the corresponding resource.

The supported operators are:

  • = for all value types.
  • >, <, >=, <= for integer values.
  • :, meaning substring matching, for strings.

    The supported value types are:

  • string literals in quotes.

  • integer literals without quotes.
  • boolean literals true and false without quotes.

string filter = 2;

Type Description

The filter.


public abstract ByteString getFilterBytes()

Expression that identifies findings that should be updated. The expression is a list of zero or more restrictions combined via logical operators AND and OR. Parentheses are supported, and OR has higher precedence than AND.

Restrictions have the form <field> <operator> <value> and may have a - character in front of them to indicate negation. The fields map to those defined in the corresponding resource.

The supported operators are:

  • = for all value types.
  • >, <, >=, <= for integer values.
  • :, meaning substring matching, for strings.

    The supported value types are:

  • string literals in quotes.

  • integer literals without quotes.
  • boolean literals true and false without quotes.

string filter = 2;

Type Description

The bytes for filter.


public abstract String getParent()

Required. The parent, at which bulk action needs to be applied. If no location is specified, findings are updated in global. The following list shows some examples:

  • organizations/[organization_id]
  • organizations/[organization_id]/locations/[location_id]
  • folders/[folder_id]
  • folders/[folder_id]/locations/[location_id]
  • projects/[project_id]
  • projects/[project_id]/locations/[location_id]

string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The parent.


public abstract ByteString getParentBytes()

Required. The parent, at which bulk action needs to be applied. If no location is specified, findings are updated in global. The following list shows some examples:

  • organizations/[organization_id]
  • organizations/[organization_id]/locations/[location_id]
  • folders/[folder_id]
  • folders/[folder_id]/locations/[location_id]
  • projects/[project_id]
  • projects/[project_id]/locations/[location_id]

string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The bytes for parent.