google-cloud-privilegedaccessmanager overview (0.5.0)

Privileged Access Manager API Description: Privileged Access Manager (PAM) helps you on your journey towards least privilege and helps mitigate risks tied to privileged access misuse orabuse. PAM allows you to shift from always-on standing privileges towards on-demand access with just-in-time, time-bound, and approval-based access elevations. PAM allows IAM administrators to create entitlements that can grant just-in-time, temporary access to any resource scope. Requesters can explore eligible entitlements and request the access needed for their task. Approvers are notified when approvals await their decision. Streamlined workflows facilitated by using PAM can support various use cases, including emergency access for incident responders, time-boxed access for developers for critical deployment or maintenance, temporary access for operators for data ingestion and audits, JIT access to service accounts for automated tasks, and more.

Privileged Access Manager API Product Reference GitHub Repository (includes samples) Maven artifact

Getting Started

In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps:

Use the Privileged Access Manager API for Java

To ensure that your project uses compatible versions of the libraries and their component artifacts, import and use the BOM to specify dependency versions. Be sure to remove any versions that you set previously. For more information about BOMs, see Google Cloud Platform Libraries BOM.


Import the BOM in the dependencyManagement section of your pom.xml file. Include specific artifacts you depend on in the dependencies section, but don't specify the artifacts' versions in the dependencies section.

The example below demonstrates how you would import the BOM and include the google-cloud-privilegedaccessmanager artifact.

      <version>  26.48.0</version>



BOMs are supported by default in Gradle 5.x or later. Add a platform dependency on and remove the version from the dependency declarations in the artifact's build.gradle file.

The example below demonstrates how you would import the BOM and include the google-cloud-privilegedaccessmanager artifact.

implementation platform('  26.48.0')
implementation ''

The platform and enforcedPlatform keywords supply dependency versions declared in a BOM. The enforcedPlatform keyword enforces the dependency versions declared in the BOM and thus overrides what you specified.

For more details of the platform and enforcedPlatform keywords Gradle 5.x or higher, see Gradle: Importing Maven BOMs.

If you're using Gradle 4.6 or later, add enableFeaturePreview('IMPROVED_POM_SUPPORT') to your settings.gradle file. For details, see Gradle 4.6 Release Notes: BOM import. Versions of Gradle earlier than 4.6 don't support BOMs.


SBT doesn't support BOMs. You can find recommended versions of libraries from a particular BOM version on the dashboard and set the versions manually. To use the latest version of this library, add this to your dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "" % "google-cloud-privilegedaccessmanager" % "0.5.0"

Which version ID should I get started with?

For this library, we recommend using for new applications.

Understanding Version ID and Library Versions

When using a Cloud client library, it's important to distinguish between two types of versions:

  • Library Version: The version of the software package (the client library) that helps you interact with the Cloud service. These libraries are released and updated frequently with bug fixes, improvements, and support for new service features and versions. The version selector at the top of this page represents the client library version.
  • Version ID: The version of the Cloud service itself (e.g. Privileged Access Manager API). New Version IDs are introduced infrequently, and often involve changes to the core functionality and structure of the Cloud service itself. The packages in the lefthand navigation represent packages tied to a specific Version ID of the Cloud service.

Managing Library Versions

We recommend using the installation method detailed above to streamline dependency management across multiple Cloud Java client libraries. This ensures compatibility and simplifies updates.

Choosing the Right Version ID

Each Cloud Java client library may contain packages tied to specific Version IDs (e.g., v1, v2alpha). For new production applications, use the latest stable Version ID. This is identified by the highest version number without a suffix (like "alpha" or "beta"). You can read more about Cloud API versioning strategy here.

Important: Unstable Version ID releases (those with suffixes) are subject to breaking changes when upgrading. Use them only for testing or if you specifically need their experimental features.