Class GuestPolicies.Package.Builder (2.56.0)

public static final class GuestPolicies.Package.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<GuestPolicies.Package.Builder> implements GuestPolicies.PackageOrBuilder

Package is a reference to the software package to be installed or removed. The agent on the VM instance uses the system package manager to apply the config.

These are the commands that the agent uses to install or remove packages.

Apt install: apt-get update && apt-get -y install package1 package2 package3 remove: apt-get -y remove package1 package2 package3

Yum install: yum -y install package1 package2 package3 remove: yum -y remove package1 package2 package3

Zypper install: zypper install package1 package2 package3 remove: zypper rm package1 package2

Googet install: googet -noconfirm install package1 package2 package3 remove: googet -noconfirm remove package1 package2 package3

Protobuf type