Class FleetRoutingGrpc.FleetRoutingStub (1.47.0)

public static final class FleetRoutingGrpc.FleetRoutingStub extends AbstractAsyncStub<FleetRoutingGrpc.FleetRoutingStub>

A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service FleetRouting.

A service for optimizing vehicle tours. Validity of certain types of fields:

  • google.protobuf.Timestamp
    • Times are in Unix time: seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00.
    • seconds must be in [0, 253402300799], i.e. in [1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, 9999-12-31T23:59:59+00:00].
    • nanos must be unset or set to 0.
  • google.protobuf.Duration
    • seconds must be in [0, 253402300799], i.e. in [1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, 9999-12-31T23:59:59+00:00].
    • nanos must be unset or set to 0.
  • google.type.LatLng
    • latitude must be in [-90.0, 90.0].
    • longitude must be in [-180.0, 180.0].
    • at least one of latitude and longitude must be non-zero.


java.lang.Object > io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub > io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub > FleetRoutingGrpc.FleetRoutingStub


batchOptimizeTours(BatchOptimizeToursRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

public void batchOptimizeTours(BatchOptimizeToursRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

Optimizes vehicle tours for one or more OptimizeToursRequest messages as a batch. This method is a Long Running Operation (LRO). The inputs for optimization (OptimizeToursRequest messages) and outputs (OptimizeToursResponse messages) are read/written from/to Cloud Storage in user-specified format. Like the OptimizeTours method, each OptimizeToursRequest contains a ShipmentModel and returns an OptimizeToursResponse containing ShipmentRoutes, which are a set of routes to be performed by vehicles minimizing the overall cost.

Name Description
request BatchOptimizeToursRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Operation>

build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)

protected FleetRoutingGrpc.FleetRoutingStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Name Description
channel io.grpc.Channel
callOptions io.grpc.CallOptions
Type Description

optimizeTours(OptimizeToursRequest request, StreamObserver<OptimizeToursResponse> responseObserver)

public void optimizeTours(OptimizeToursRequest request, StreamObserver<OptimizeToursResponse> responseObserver)

Sends an OptimizeToursRequest containing a ShipmentModel and returns an OptimizeToursResponse containing ShipmentRoutes, which are a set of routes to be performed by vehicles minimizing the overall cost. A ShipmentModel model consists mainly of Shipments that need to be carried out and Vehicles that can be used to transport the Shipments. The ShipmentRoutes assign Shipments to Vehicles. More specifically, they assign a series of Visits to each vehicle, where a Visit corresponds to a VisitRequest, which is a pickup or delivery for a Shipment. The goal is to provide an assignment of ShipmentRoutes to Vehicles that minimizes the total cost where cost has many components defined in the ShipmentModel.

Name Description
request OptimizeToursRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<OptimizeToursResponse>