Class ShipmentModel.Builder (1.46.0)

public static final class ShipmentModel.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ShipmentModel.Builder> implements ShipmentModelOrBuilder

A shipment model contains a set of shipments which must be performed by a set of vehicles, while minimizing the overall cost, which is the sum of:

  • the cost of routing the vehicles (sum of cost per total time, cost per travel time, and fixed cost over all vehicles).
  • the unperformed shipment penalties.
  • the cost of the global duration of the shipments

Protobuf type

Static Methods


public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
Type Description


addAllBreakRules(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.BreakRule> values) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllBreakRules(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.BreakRule> values)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllDurationDistanceMatrices(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllDurationDistanceMatrices(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix> values)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(Iterable<String> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(Iterable<String> values)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The durationDistanceMatrixDstTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(Iterable<String> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(Iterable<String> values)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllPrecedenceRules(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllPrecedenceRules(Iterable<? extends ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule> values)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(Iterable<? extends ShipmentTypeIncompatibility> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(Iterable<? extends ShipmentTypeIncompatibility> values)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllShipmentTypeRequirements(Iterable<? extends ShipmentTypeRequirement> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllShipmentTypeRequirements(Iterable<? extends ShipmentTypeRequirement> values)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllShipments(Iterable<? extends Shipment> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllShipments(Iterable<? extends Shipment> values)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllTransitionAttributes(Iterable<? extends TransitionAttributes> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllTransitionAttributes(Iterable<? extends TransitionAttributes> values)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllVehicles(Iterable<? extends Vehicle> values)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addAllVehicles(Iterable<? extends Vehicle> values)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addBreakRules(ShipmentModel.BreakRule value) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addBreakRules(ShipmentModel.BreakRule value)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value ShipmentModel.BreakRule
Type Description

addBreakRules(ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addBreakRules(ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
builderForValue ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder
Type Description

addBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule value) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule value)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.BreakRule
Type Description

addBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder
Type Description

addBreakRulesBuilder() (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder addBreakRulesBuilder()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

addBreakRulesBuilder(int index) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder addBreakRulesBuilder(int index)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatrices(ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrices(ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
value ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix
Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatrices(ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrices(ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
builderForValue ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder
Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix
Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder
Type Description


public ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder addDurationDistanceMatricesBuilder()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatricesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder addDurationDistanceMatricesBuilder(int index)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(String value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(String value)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
value String

The durationDistanceMatrixDstTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsBytes(ByteString value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsBytes(ByteString value)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the durationDistanceMatrixDstTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(String value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(String value)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
value String

The durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsBytes(ByteString value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsBytes(ByteString value)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addPrecedenceRules(ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addPrecedenceRules(ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
value ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule
Type Description

addPrecedenceRules(ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addPrecedenceRules(ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
builderForValue ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder
Type Description

addPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule
Type Description

addPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder
Type Description


public ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder addPrecedenceRulesBuilder()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description

addPrecedenceRulesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder addPrecedenceRulesBuilder(int index)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description

addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
value ShipmentTypeIncompatibility
Type Description

addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
builderForValue ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder
Type Description

addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentTypeIncompatibility
Type Description

addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder
Type Description


public ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilder()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description

addShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder addShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilder(int index)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addShipmentTypeRequirements(ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirements(ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
value ShipmentTypeRequirement
Type Description

addShipmentTypeRequirements(ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirements(ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
builderForValue ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder
Type Description

addShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentTypeRequirement
Type Description

addShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder
Type Description


public ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilder()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description

addShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder addShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilder(int index)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addShipments(Shipment value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipments(Shipment value)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
value Shipment
Type Description

addShipments(Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipments(Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
builderForValue Shipment.Builder
Type Description

addShipments(int index, Shipment value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipments(int index, Shipment value)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
value Shipment
Type Description

addShipments(int index, Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addShipments(int index, Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Shipment.Builder
Type Description


public Shipment.Builder addShipmentsBuilder()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description

addShipmentsBuilder(int index)

public Shipment.Builder addShipmentsBuilder(int index)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addTransitionAttributes(TransitionAttributes value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addTransitionAttributes(TransitionAttributes value)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
value TransitionAttributes
Type Description

addTransitionAttributes(TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addTransitionAttributes(TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
builderForValue TransitionAttributes.Builder
Type Description

addTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes value)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
value TransitionAttributes
Type Description

addTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue TransitionAttributes.Builder
Type Description


public TransitionAttributes.Builder addTransitionAttributesBuilder()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description

addTransitionAttributesBuilder(int index)

public TransitionAttributes.Builder addTransitionAttributesBuilder(int index)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addVehicles(Vehicle value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addVehicles(Vehicle value)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
value Vehicle
Type Description

addVehicles(Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addVehicles(Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
builderForValue Vehicle.Builder
Type Description

addVehicles(int index, Vehicle value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addVehicles(int index, Vehicle value)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
value Vehicle
Type Description

addVehicles(int index, Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder addVehicles(int index, Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Vehicle.Builder
Type Description


public Vehicle.Builder addVehiclesBuilder()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description

addVehiclesBuilder(int index)

public Vehicle.Builder addVehiclesBuilder(int index)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public ShipmentModel build()
Type Description


public ShipmentModel buildPartial()
Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clear()
Type Description

clearBreakRules() (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder clearBreakRules()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearDurationDistanceMatrices()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags()

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags()

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)

public ShipmentModel.Builder clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearGlobalDurationCostPerHour()

The "global duration" of the overall plan is the difference between the earliest effective start time and the latest effective end time of all vehicles. Users can assign a cost per hour to that quantity to try and optimize for earliest job completion, for example. This cost must be in the same unit as Shipment.penalty_cost.

double global_duration_cost_per_hour = 7;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearGlobalEndTime()

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearGlobalStartTime()

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearMaxActiveVehicles()

Constrains the maximum number of active vehicles. A vehicle is active if its route performs at least one shipment. This can be used to limit the number of routes in the case where there are fewer drivers than vehicles and that the fleet of vehicles is heterogeneous. The optimization will then select the best subset of vehicles to use. Must be strictly positive.

optional int32 max_active_vehicles = 4;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public ShipmentModel.Builder clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
Name Description
oneof OneofDescriptor
Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearPrecedenceRules()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearShipmentTypeIncompatibilities()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearShipmentTypeRequirements()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearShipments()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearTransitionAttributes()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clearVehicles()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description


public ShipmentModel.Builder clone()
Type Description

getBreakRules(int index) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.BreakRule getBreakRules(int index)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getBreakRulesBuilder(int index) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder getBreakRulesBuilder(int index)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getBreakRulesBuilderList() (deprecated)

public List<ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder> getBreakRulesBuilderList()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

getBreakRulesCount() (deprecated)

public int getBreakRulesCount()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

getBreakRulesList() (deprecated)

public List<ShipmentModel.BreakRule> getBreakRulesList()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

getBreakRulesOrBuilder(int index) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.BreakRuleOrBuilder getBreakRulesOrBuilder(int index)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getBreakRulesOrBuilderList() (deprecated)

public List<? extends ShipmentModel.BreakRuleOrBuilder> getBreakRulesOrBuilderList()

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Type Description
List<? extends>


public ShipmentModel getDefaultInstanceForType()
Type Description


public Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
Type Description

getDurationDistanceMatrices(int index)

public ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix getDurationDistanceMatrices(int index)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getDurationDistanceMatricesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder getDurationDistanceMatricesBuilder(int index)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder> getDurationDistanceMatricesBuilderList()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description


public int getDurationDistanceMatricesCount()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description


public List<ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix> getDurationDistanceMatricesList()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description

getDurationDistanceMatricesOrBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrixOrBuilder getDurationDistanceMatricesOrBuilder(int index)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrixOrBuilder> getDurationDistanceMatricesOrBuilderList()

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(int index)

public String getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(int index)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The durationDistanceMatrixDstTags at the given index.

getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsBytes(int index)

public ByteString getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsBytes(int index)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the durationDistanceMatrixDstTags at the given index.


public int getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsCount()

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Type Description

The count of durationDistanceMatrixDstTags.


public ProtocolStringList getDurationDistanceMatrixDstTagsList()

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Type Description

A list containing the durationDistanceMatrixDstTags.

getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(int index)

public String getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(int index)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags at the given index.

getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsBytes(int index)

public ByteString getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsBytes(int index)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags at the given index.


public int getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsCount()

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Type Description

The count of durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags.


public ProtocolStringList getDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTagsList()

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Type Description

A list containing the durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags.


public double getGlobalDurationCostPerHour()

The "global duration" of the overall plan is the difference between the earliest effective start time and the latest effective end time of all vehicles. Users can assign a cost per hour to that quantity to try and optimize for earliest job completion, for example. This cost must be in the same unit as Shipment.penalty_cost.

double global_duration_cost_per_hour = 7;

Type Description

The globalDurationCostPerHour.


public Timestamp getGlobalEndTime()

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Type Description

The globalEndTime.


public Timestamp.Builder getGlobalEndTimeBuilder()

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Type Description


public TimestampOrBuilder getGlobalEndTimeOrBuilder()

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Type Description


public Timestamp getGlobalStartTime()

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Type Description

The globalStartTime.


public Timestamp.Builder getGlobalStartTimeBuilder()

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Type Description


public TimestampOrBuilder getGlobalStartTimeOrBuilder()

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Type Description


public int getMaxActiveVehicles()

Constrains the maximum number of active vehicles. A vehicle is active if its route performs at least one shipment. This can be used to limit the number of routes in the case where there are fewer drivers than vehicles and that the fleet of vehicles is heterogeneous. The optimization will then select the best subset of vehicles to use. Must be strictly positive.

optional int32 max_active_vehicles = 4;

Type Description

The maxActiveVehicles.

getPrecedenceRules(int index)

public ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule getPrecedenceRules(int index)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getPrecedenceRulesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder getPrecedenceRulesBuilder(int index)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder> getPrecedenceRulesBuilderList()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description


public int getPrecedenceRulesCount()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description


public List<ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule> getPrecedenceRulesList()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description

getPrecedenceRulesOrBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRuleOrBuilder getPrecedenceRulesOrBuilder(int index)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRuleOrBuilder> getPrecedenceRulesOrBuilderList()

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index)

public ShipmentTypeIncompatibility getShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilder(int index)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder> getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesBuilderList()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description


public int getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesCount()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description


public List<ShipmentTypeIncompatibility> getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesList()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description

getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesOrBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeIncompatibilityOrBuilder getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesOrBuilder(int index)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends ShipmentTypeIncompatibilityOrBuilder> getShipmentTypeIncompatibilitiesOrBuilderList()

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getShipmentTypeRequirements(int index)

public ShipmentTypeRequirement getShipmentTypeRequirements(int index)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder getShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilder(int index)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder> getShipmentTypeRequirementsBuilderList()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description


public int getShipmentTypeRequirementsCount()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description


public List<ShipmentTypeRequirement> getShipmentTypeRequirementsList()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description

getShipmentTypeRequirementsOrBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentTypeRequirementOrBuilder getShipmentTypeRequirementsOrBuilder(int index)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends ShipmentTypeRequirementOrBuilder> getShipmentTypeRequirementsOrBuilderList()

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getShipments(int index)

public Shipment getShipments(int index)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getShipmentsBuilder(int index)

public Shipment.Builder getShipmentsBuilder(int index)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<Shipment.Builder> getShipmentsBuilderList()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description


public int getShipmentsCount()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description


public List<Shipment> getShipmentsList()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description

getShipmentsOrBuilder(int index)

public ShipmentOrBuilder getShipmentsOrBuilder(int index)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends ShipmentOrBuilder> getShipmentsOrBuilderList()

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getTransitionAttributes(int index)

public TransitionAttributes getTransitionAttributes(int index)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getTransitionAttributesBuilder(int index)

public TransitionAttributes.Builder getTransitionAttributesBuilder(int index)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<TransitionAttributes.Builder> getTransitionAttributesBuilderList()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description


public int getTransitionAttributesCount()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description


public List<TransitionAttributes> getTransitionAttributesList()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description

getTransitionAttributesOrBuilder(int index)

public TransitionAttributesOrBuilder getTransitionAttributesOrBuilder(int index)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends TransitionAttributesOrBuilder> getTransitionAttributesOrBuilderList()

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getVehicles(int index)

public Vehicle getVehicles(int index)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getVehiclesBuilder(int index)

public Vehicle.Builder getVehiclesBuilder(int index)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<Vehicle.Builder> getVehiclesBuilderList()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description


public int getVehiclesCount()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description


public List<Vehicle> getVehiclesList()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description

getVehiclesOrBuilder(int index)

public VehicleOrBuilder getVehiclesOrBuilder(int index)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends VehicleOrBuilder> getVehiclesOrBuilderList()

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Type Description
List<? extends>


public boolean hasGlobalEndTime()

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Type Description

Whether the globalEndTime field is set.


public boolean hasGlobalStartTime()

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Type Description

Whether the globalStartTime field is set.


public boolean hasMaxActiveVehicles()

Constrains the maximum number of active vehicles. A vehicle is active if its route performs at least one shipment. This can be used to limit the number of routes in the case where there are fewer drivers than vehicles and that the fleet of vehicles is heterogeneous. The optimization will then select the best subset of vehicles to use. Must be strictly positive.

optional int32 max_active_vehicles = 4;

Type Description

Whether the maxActiveVehicles field is set.


protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
Type Description


public final boolean isInitialized()
Type Description

mergeFrom(ShipmentModel other)

public ShipmentModel.Builder mergeFrom(ShipmentModel other)
Name Description
other ShipmentModel
Type Description

mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

public ShipmentModel.Builder mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
Name Description
input CodedInputStream
extensionRegistry ExtensionRegistryLite
Type Description
Type Description

mergeFrom(Message other)

public ShipmentModel.Builder mergeFrom(Message other)
Name Description
other Message
Type Description

mergeGlobalEndTime(Timestamp value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder mergeGlobalEndTime(Timestamp value)

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

mergeGlobalStartTime(Timestamp value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder mergeGlobalStartTime(Timestamp value)

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final ShipmentModel.Builder mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

removeBreakRules(int index) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeBreakRules(int index)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeDurationDistanceMatrices(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeDurationDistanceMatrices(int index)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removePrecedenceRules(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removePrecedenceRules(int index)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeShipmentTypeRequirements(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeShipmentTypeRequirements(int index)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeShipments(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeShipments(int index)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeTransitionAttributes(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeTransitionAttributes(int index)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeVehicles(int index)

public ShipmentModel.Builder removeVehicles(int index)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

setBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule value) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule value)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.BreakRule
Type Description

setBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue) (deprecated)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setBreakRules(int index, ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder builderForValue)

Deprecated: No longer used. Set of break rules used in the model. Each vehicle specifies the BreakRule that applies to it via the Vehicle.break_rule_indices field (which must be a singleton).

repeated break_rules = 15 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.BreakRule.Builder
Type Description

setDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix value)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix
Type Description

setDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setDurationDistanceMatrices(int index, ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder builderForValue)

Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending on the value of the use_geodesic_distances field. If it is not empty, use_geodesic_distances cannot be true and neither duration_distance_matrix_src_tags nor duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags can be empty.

Usage examples:

  • There are two locations: locA and locB.
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locA.
  • 1 pickup visit request at locB.

    ` model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locA" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locB" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrices { rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locA durations { seconds: 100 } meters: 1000 # to: locB } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 102 } meters: 990 # to: locA durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB } } }

  • There are three locations: locA, locB and locC.

  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locA and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "slow".
  • 1 vehicle starting its route at locB and ending it at locB, using matrix "fast".
  • 1 pickup visit request at locC.

    model { vehicles { start_tags: "locA" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "slow" } vehicles { start_tags: "locB" end_tags: "locB" start_tags: "fast" } shipments { pickups { tags: "locC" } } duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locA" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_src_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locB" duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags: "locC" duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "fast" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 2000 # to: locB durations { seconds: 600 } meters: 1000 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 700 } meters: 1200 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 702 } meters: 1190 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } duration_distance_matrices { vehicle_start_tag: "slow" rows { # from: locA durations { seconds: 1800 } meters: 2001 # to: locB durations { seconds: 900 } meters: 1002 # to: locC } rows { # from: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locB durations { seconds: 1000 } meters: 1202 # to: locC } rows { # from: locC durations { seconds: 1001 } meters: 1195 # to: locB durations { seconds: 0 } meters: 0 # to: locC } } } `

repeated duration_distance_matrices = 8;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.DurationDistanceMatrix.Builder
Type Description

setDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(int index, String value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setDurationDistanceMatrixDstTags(int index, String value)

Tags defining the destinations of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).durations(k) (resp. duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j).meters(k)) defines the duration (resp. the distance) of the travel from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags(k) in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_dst_tags = 10;

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The durationDistanceMatrixDstTags to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(int index, String value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setDurationDistanceMatrixSrcTags(int index, String value)

Tags defining the sources of the duration and distance matrices; duration_distance_matrices(i).rows(j) defines durations and distances from visits with tag duration_distance_matrix_src_tags(j) to other visits in matrix i.

Tags correspond to VisitRequest.tags or Vehicle.start_tags. A given VisitRequest or Vehicle must match exactly one tag in this field. Note that a Vehicle's source, destination and matrix tags may be the same; similarly a VisitRequest's source and destination tags may be the same. All tags must be different and cannot be empty strings. If this field is not empty, then duration_distance_matrices must not be empty.

repeated string duration_distance_matrix_src_tags = 9;

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The durationDistanceMatrixSrcTags to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description

setGlobalDurationCostPerHour(double value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setGlobalDurationCostPerHour(double value)

The "global duration" of the overall plan is the difference between the earliest effective start time and the latest effective end time of all vehicles. Users can assign a cost per hour to that quantity to try and optimize for earliest job completion, for example. This cost must be in the same unit as Shipment.penalty_cost.

double global_duration_cost_per_hour = 7;

Name Description
value double

The globalDurationCostPerHour to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setGlobalEndTime(Timestamp value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setGlobalEndTime(Timestamp value)

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

setGlobalEndTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setGlobalEndTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1971 (i.e. seconds: 31536000, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_end_time = 6;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setGlobalStartTime(Timestamp value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setGlobalStartTime(Timestamp value)

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

setGlobalStartTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setGlobalStartTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

Global start and end time of the model: no times outside of this range can be considered valid.

The model's time span must be less than a year, i.e. the global_end_time and the global_start_time must be within 31536000 seconds of each other.

When using cost_per_*hour fields, you might want to set this window to a smaller interval to increase performance (eg. if you model a single day, you should set the global time limits to that day). If unset, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (i.e. seconds: 0, nanos: 0) is used as default.

.google.protobuf.Timestamp global_start_time = 5;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setMaxActiveVehicles(int value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setMaxActiveVehicles(int value)

Constrains the maximum number of active vehicles. A vehicle is active if its route performs at least one shipment. This can be used to limit the number of routes in the case where there are fewer drivers than vehicles and that the fleet of vehicles is heterogeneous. The optimization will then select the best subset of vehicles to use. Must be strictly positive.

optional int32 max_active_vehicles = 4;

Name Description
value int

The maxActiveVehicles to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule value)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule
Type Description

setPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setPrecedenceRules(int index, ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder builderForValue)

Set of precedence rules which must be enforced in the model.

repeated precedence_rules = 14;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentModel.PrecedenceRule.Builder
Type Description

setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
index int
value Object
Type Description

setShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility value)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentTypeIncompatibility
Type Description

setShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipmentTypeIncompatibilities(int index, ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of incompatible shipment_types (see ShipmentTypeIncompatibility).

repeated shipment_type_incompatibilities = 12;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentTypeIncompatibility.Builder
Type Description

setShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement value)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
value ShipmentTypeRequirement
Type Description

setShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipmentTypeRequirements(int index, ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder builderForValue)

Sets of shipment_type requirements (see ShipmentTypeRequirement).

repeated shipment_type_requirements = 13;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue ShipmentTypeRequirement.Builder
Type Description

setShipments(int index, Shipment value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipments(int index, Shipment value)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
value Shipment
Type Description

setShipments(int index, Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setShipments(int index, Shipment.Builder builderForValue)

Set of shipments which must be performed in the model.

repeated shipments = 1;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Shipment.Builder
Type Description

setTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes value)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
value TransitionAttributes
Type Description

setTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setTransitionAttributes(int index, TransitionAttributes.Builder builderForValue)

Transition attributes added to the model.

repeated transition_attributes = 11;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue TransitionAttributes.Builder
Type Description

setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final ShipmentModel.Builder setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

setVehicles(int index, Vehicle value)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setVehicles(int index, Vehicle value)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
value Vehicle
Type Description

setVehicles(int index, Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

public ShipmentModel.Builder setVehicles(int index, Vehicle.Builder builderForValue)

Set of vehicles which can be used to perform visits.

repeated vehicles = 2;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Vehicle.Builder
Type Description