Interface GcipSettingsOrBuilder (0.4.0)

public interface GcipSettingsOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract StringValue getLoginPageUri()

Login page URI associated with the GCIP tenants. Typically, all resources within the same project share the same login page, though it could be overridden at the sub resource level.

.google.protobuf.StringValue login_page_uri = 2;

Type Description

The loginPageUri.


public abstract StringValueOrBuilder getLoginPageUriOrBuilder()

Login page URI associated with the GCIP tenants. Typically, all resources within the same project share the same login page, though it could be overridden at the sub resource level.

.google.protobuf.StringValue login_page_uri = 2;

Type Description

getTenantIds(int index)

public abstract String getTenantIds(int index)

GCIP tenant ids that are linked to the IAP resource. tenant_ids could be a string beginning with a number character to indicate authenticating with GCIP tenant flow, or in the format of _<ProjectNumber> to indicate authenticating with GCIP agent flow. If agent flow is used, tenant_ids should only contain one single element, while for tenant flow, tenant_ids can contain multiple elements.

repeated string tenant_ids = 1;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The tenantIds at the given index.

getTenantIdsBytes(int index)

public abstract ByteString getTenantIdsBytes(int index)

GCIP tenant ids that are linked to the IAP resource. tenant_ids could be a string beginning with a number character to indicate authenticating with GCIP tenant flow, or in the format of _<ProjectNumber> to indicate authenticating with GCIP agent flow. If agent flow is used, tenant_ids should only contain one single element, while for tenant flow, tenant_ids can contain multiple elements.

repeated string tenant_ids = 1;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the tenantIds at the given index.


public abstract int getTenantIdsCount()

GCIP tenant ids that are linked to the IAP resource. tenant_ids could be a string beginning with a number character to indicate authenticating with GCIP tenant flow, or in the format of _<ProjectNumber> to indicate authenticating with GCIP agent flow. If agent flow is used, tenant_ids should only contain one single element, while for tenant flow, tenant_ids can contain multiple elements.

repeated string tenant_ids = 1;

Type Description

The count of tenantIds.


public abstract List<String> getTenantIdsList()

GCIP tenant ids that are linked to the IAP resource. tenant_ids could be a string beginning with a number character to indicate authenticating with GCIP tenant flow, or in the format of _<ProjectNumber> to indicate authenticating with GCIP agent flow. If agent flow is used, tenant_ids should only contain one single element, while for tenant flow, tenant_ids can contain multiple elements.

repeated string tenant_ids = 1;

Type Description

A list containing the tenantIds.


public abstract boolean hasLoginPageUri()

Login page URI associated with the GCIP tenants. Typically, all resources within the same project share the same login page, though it could be overridden at the sub resource level.

.google.protobuf.StringValue login_page_uri = 2;

Type Description

Whether the loginPageUri field is set.