Interface AttributePropagationSettingsOrBuilder (0.2.0)

public interface AttributePropagationSettingsOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract boolean getEnable()

Whether the provided attribute propagation settings should be evaluated on user requests. If set to true, attributes returned from the expression will be propagated in the set output credentials.

optional bool enable = 3;

Type Description

The enable.


public abstract String getExpression()

Raw string CEL expression. Must return a list of attributes. A maximum of 45 attributes can be selected. Expressions can select different attribute types from attributes: attributes.saml_attributes, attributes.iap_attributes. The following functions are supported:

  • filter <list>.filter(<iter_var>, <predicate>): Returns a subset of <list> where <predicate> is true for every item.

  • in <var> in <list>: Returns true if <list> contains <var>.

  • selectByName <list>.selectByName(<string>): Returns the attribute in <list> with the given <string> name, otherwise returns empty.

  • emitAs <attribute>.emitAs(<string>): Sets the <attribute> name field to the given <string> for propagation in selected output credentials.

  • strict <attribute>.strict(): Ignores the x-goog-iap-attr- prefix for the provided <attribute> when propagating with the HEADER output credential, such as request headers.

  • append <target_list>.append(<attribute>) OR <target_list>.append(<list>): Appends the provided <attribute> or <list> to the end of <target_list>.

    Example expression: attributes.saml_attributes.filter(x, in ['test']).append(attributes.iap_attributes.selectByName('exact').emitAs('custom').strict())

optional string expression = 1;

Type Description

The expression.


public abstract ByteString getExpressionBytes()

Raw string CEL expression. Must return a list of attributes. A maximum of 45 attributes can be selected. Expressions can select different attribute types from attributes: attributes.saml_attributes, attributes.iap_attributes. The following functions are supported:

  • filter <list>.filter(<iter_var>, <predicate>): Returns a subset of <list> where <predicate> is true for every item.

  • in <var> in <list>: Returns true if <list> contains <var>.

  • selectByName <list>.selectByName(<string>): Returns the attribute in <list> with the given <string> name, otherwise returns empty.

  • emitAs <attribute>.emitAs(<string>): Sets the <attribute> name field to the given <string> for propagation in selected output credentials.

  • strict <attribute>.strict(): Ignores the x-goog-iap-attr- prefix for the provided <attribute> when propagating with the HEADER output credential, such as request headers.

  • append <target_list>.append(<attribute>) OR <target_list>.append(<list>): Appends the provided <attribute> or <list> to the end of <target_list>.

    Example expression: attributes.saml_attributes.filter(x, in ['test']).append(attributes.iap_attributes.selectByName('exact').emitAs('custom').strict())

optional string expression = 1;

Type Description

The bytes for expression.

getOutputCredentials(int index)

public abstract AttributePropagationSettings.OutputCredentials getOutputCredentials(int index)

Which output credentials attributes selected by the CEL expression should be propagated in. All attributes will be fully duplicated in each selected output credential.

repeated output_credentials = 2;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The outputCredentials at the given index.


public abstract int getOutputCredentialsCount()

Which output credentials attributes selected by the CEL expression should be propagated in. All attributes will be fully duplicated in each selected output credential.

repeated output_credentials = 2;

Type Description

The count of outputCredentials.


public abstract List<AttributePropagationSettings.OutputCredentials> getOutputCredentialsList()

Which output credentials attributes selected by the CEL expression should be propagated in. All attributes will be fully duplicated in each selected output credential.

repeated output_credentials = 2;

Type Description

A list containing the outputCredentials.

getOutputCredentialsValue(int index)

public abstract int getOutputCredentialsValue(int index)

Which output credentials attributes selected by the CEL expression should be propagated in. All attributes will be fully duplicated in each selected output credential.

repeated output_credentials = 2;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The enum numeric value on the wire of outputCredentials at the given index.


public abstract List<Integer> getOutputCredentialsValueList()

Which output credentials attributes selected by the CEL expression should be propagated in. All attributes will be fully duplicated in each selected output credential.

repeated output_credentials = 2;

Type Description

A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for outputCredentials.


public abstract boolean hasEnable()

Whether the provided attribute propagation settings should be evaluated on user requests. If set to true, attributes returned from the expression will be propagated in the set output credentials.

optional bool enable = 3;

Type Description

Whether the enable field is set.


public abstract boolean hasExpression()

Raw string CEL expression. Must return a list of attributes. A maximum of 45 attributes can be selected. Expressions can select different attribute types from attributes: attributes.saml_attributes, attributes.iap_attributes. The following functions are supported:

  • filter <list>.filter(<iter_var>, <predicate>): Returns a subset of <list> where <predicate> is true for every item.

  • in <var> in <list>: Returns true if <list> contains <var>.

  • selectByName <list>.selectByName(<string>): Returns the attribute in <list> with the given <string> name, otherwise returns empty.

  • emitAs <attribute>.emitAs(<string>): Sets the <attribute> name field to the given <string> for propagation in selected output credentials.

  • strict <attribute>.strict(): Ignores the x-goog-iap-attr- prefix for the provided <attribute> when propagating with the HEADER output credential, such as request headers.

  • append <target_list>.append(<attribute>) OR <target_list>.append(<list>): Appends the provided <attribute> or <list> to the end of <target_list>.

    Example expression: attributes.saml_attributes.filter(x, in ['test']).append(attributes.iap_attributes.selectByName('exact').emitAs('custom').strict())

optional string expression = 1;

Type Description

Whether the expression field is set.