Interface PropertyFilterOrBuilder (0.44.0)

public interface PropertyFilterOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract String getCondition()

The filter condition. The syntax for this expression is a subset of SQL syntax.

Supported operators are: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, and ~~ where the left of the operator is a property name and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. You must escape backslash (\\) and quote (\") characters.

~~ is the LIKE operator. The right of the operator must be a string. The only supported property data type for LIKE is text_values. It provides semantic search functionality by parsing, stemming and doing synonyms expansion against the input query. It matches if the property contains semantic similar content to the query. It is not regex matching or wildcard matching. For example, " ~~ \"google\"" will match records whose property property.compnay have values like "Google Inc.", "Google LLC" or "Google Company".

Supported functions are LOWER([property_name]) to perform a case insensitive match and EMPTY([property_name]) to filter on the existence of a key.

Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), a maximum of 100 comparisons or functions are allowed in the expression. The expression must be < 6000 bytes in length.

Only properties that are marked filterable are allowed (PropertyDefinition.is_filterable). Property names do not need to be prefixed by the document schema id (as is the case with histograms), however property names will need to be prefixed by its parent hierarchy, if any. For example: top_property_name.sub_property_name.

Sample Query: (LOWER(driving_license)="class \"a\"" OR EMPTY(driving_license)) AND driving_years > 10

CMEK compliant deployment only supports:

  • Operators: =, <, <=, >, and >=.
  • Boolean expressions: AND and OR.

string condition = 2;

Type Description

The condition.


public abstract ByteString getConditionBytes()

The filter condition. The syntax for this expression is a subset of SQL syntax.

Supported operators are: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, and ~~ where the left of the operator is a property name and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. You must escape backslash (\\) and quote (\") characters.

~~ is the LIKE operator. The right of the operator must be a string. The only supported property data type for LIKE is text_values. It provides semantic search functionality by parsing, stemming and doing synonyms expansion against the input query. It matches if the property contains semantic similar content to the query. It is not regex matching or wildcard matching. For example, " ~~ \"google\"" will match records whose property property.compnay have values like "Google Inc.", "Google LLC" or "Google Company".

Supported functions are LOWER([property_name]) to perform a case insensitive match and EMPTY([property_name]) to filter on the existence of a key.

Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), a maximum of 100 comparisons or functions are allowed in the expression. The expression must be < 6000 bytes in length.

Only properties that are marked filterable are allowed (PropertyDefinition.is_filterable). Property names do not need to be prefixed by the document schema id (as is the case with histograms), however property names will need to be prefixed by its parent hierarchy, if any. For example: top_property_name.sub_property_name.

Sample Query: (LOWER(driving_license)="class \"a\"" OR EMPTY(driving_license)) AND driving_years > 10

CMEK compliant deployment only supports:

  • Operators: =, <, <=, >, and >=.
  • Boolean expressions: AND and OR.

string condition = 2;

Type Description

The bytes for condition.


public abstract String getDocumentSchemaName()

The Document schema name Document.document_schema_name. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/documentSchemas/{document_schema_id}.

string document_schema_name = 1 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The documentSchemaName.


public abstract ByteString getDocumentSchemaNameBytes()

The Document schema name Document.document_schema_name. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/documentSchemas/{document_schema_id}.

string document_schema_name = 1 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The bytes for documentSchemaName.