Google APIs.
Utility class for the Google API Client Library.
Thread-safe HTTP request execute interceptor for Google API's that wraps HTTP requests inside of a POST request and uses #HEADER header to specify the actual HTTP method.
Use this for example for an HTTP transport that doesn't support PATCH like
or UrlFetchTransport
. By default, only the methods not supported by the
transport will be overridden. When running behind a firewall that does not support certain verbs
like PATCH, use the MethodOverride.Builder#setOverrideAllMethods(boolean) constructor
instead to specify to override all methods. POST is never overridden.
This class also allows GET requests with a long URL (> 2048 chars) to be instead sent using method override as a POST request.
Sample usage, taking advantage that this class implements HttpRequestInitializer:
public static HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory(HttpTransport transport) {
return transport.createRequestFactory(new MethodOverride());
If you have a custom request initializer, take a look at the sample usage for HttpExecuteInterceptor, which this class also implements.
Builder for MethodOverride.