Programmatically creating OAuth clients for IAP

This page describes how to programmatically create OAuth clients for use with IAP, enabling you to set up IAP programmatically end-to-end for internal applications.

Known limitations

There are a few limitations for OAuth clients created programmatically using this API:

  • OAuth clients created by the API can only be modified by using the API. You cannot modify an OAuth client via the Google Cloud console if it was created by using the API.
  • The OAuth clients created by the API are locked for IAP usage only, and therefore the API does not allow any updates to the redirect URI or other attributes.
  • The API does not operate on the OAuth clients that were created using the Google Cloud console.
  • Only 500 OAuth clients are allowed per project when using the API.
  • API-created OAuth consent screen brands have specific limitations. See the section below for more information.

Understanding brands and branding state

The OAuth consent screen, which contains branding information for users, is known as a brand. Brands can be limited to internal users or public users. An internal brand makes the OAuth flow accessible to someone who belongs to the same Google Workspace organization as the project. A public brand makes the OAuth flow available to anyone on the internet.

Brands can be created manually or programmatically via an API. API-created brands are automatically configured with different settings:

  • They're set to internal and must be manually set to public if desired
  • They're set to an "unreviewed" state and a brand review must be triggered

To manually set an internal brand to public:

  1. Open the OAuth consent screen.
  2. Select your desired project from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the OAuth consent screen page, note that the User Type is automatically set to Internal. To set it to Public, click Edit App. More configuration options become available.
  4. Under Application type, click Public.

To trigger a brand review for an unreviewed API-created brand:

  1. Open the OAuth consent screen.
  2. Select your desired project from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the OAuth consent screen page, enter any required information, and then click Submit for verification.

The verification process may take up to several weeks, and you will receive email updates as it progresses. Learn more about verification. While the verification process is ongoing, you can still use the application within your Google Workspace organization. Learn more about how your application will behave before it's verified.

Before you begin

Before you can create a client, first ensure that the caller has been granted the following permissions:

  • clientauthconfig.brands.list
  • clientauthconfig.brands.create
  • clientauthconfig.brands.get
  • clientauthconfig.clients.create
  • clientauthconfig.clients.listWithSecrets (Only required for listing OAuth clients with secret.)
  • clientauthconfig.clients.getWithSecret
  • clientauthconfig.clients.delete
  • clientauthconfig.clients.update

These permissions are included in the Editor (roles/editor) and Owner (roles/owner) basic roles, however we recommend that you create a custom role that contains these permissions and grant it to the caller instead.

Set up OAuth for IAP

The following steps describe how to configure the consent screen and create and oauth client for IAP.

  1. Check if you already have an existing brand by using the list command. You may only have one brand per project.

    gcloud iap oauth-brands list

    The following is an example gcloud response, if the brand exists:

    name: projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/brands/[BRAND_ID]
    applicationTitle: [APPLICATION_TITLE]
    supportEmail: [SUPPORT_EMAIL]
    orgInternalOnly: true
  2. If no brand exists, use the create command:

    gcloud iap oauth-brands create --application_title=APPLICATION_TITLE --support_email=SUPPORT_EMAIL

    The above fields are required when calling this API:

    • supportEmail: The support email displayed on the OAuth consent screen. This email address can either be a user's address or a Google Groups alias. While service accounts also have an email address, they are not actual valid email addresses, and cannot be used when creating a brand. However, a service account can be the owner of a Google Group. Either create a new Google Group or configure an existing group and set the desired service account as an owner of the group.

    • applicationTitle: The application name displayed on OAuth consent screen.

    The response contains the following fields:

    name: projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/brands/[BRAND_ID]
    applicationTitle: [APPLICATION_TITLE]
    supportEmail: [SUPPORT_EMAIL]
    orgInternalOnly: true

Creating an IAP OAuth Client

  1. Use the create command to create a client. Use the brand name from previous step.

    gcloud iap oauth-clients create projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/brands/BRAND-ID --display_name=NAME

    The response contains the following fields:

    name: projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/brands/[BRAND_NAME]/identityAwareProxyClients/[CLIENT_ID]
    secret: [CLIENT_SECRET]
    displayName: [NAME]

Use the client ID (client_id in the above example) and secret to enable IAP. See the following topics for more information about enabling IAP using the credentials you've just created: